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sheff gal

  1. life i hate u

    I need to learn to deal with things &&& appreciate life. instead of being selfish..

    Thanks 4 Th Replies***...x

    Updated 21-09-2008 at 23:52 by sheff gal

  2. -No Title Needed-

    I need to take a biggg long think about LIFE.

    1st day og summer hols.. ive been at home. had a good day tbh...
    Butt got sooo much s**t on my mind.

    butt recently ive been thinking about the futuree.

    I feel soo shitt. soo much on my mind. cba 2 type it.. whats the point. im being stupid...

    why isit you want something... you cant have itt..
    im soo weakkkk!
    i need 2 b more confident..

  3. 17 YEARSSS.

    Trusт No Maп;
           Fэar No Gчal

    Veryy Trueee. .... xxxx
  4. End of the year

    Whoaa It ahs gone quick hasnt it, this time last year i would have left school a year has gone so quick, as you all know it is comign towards my final year ov my 2 year course @ college, i ahve enjoyed it, but i have made some changes for my second year, && would like to share them, keep a diary to organise all your stuff i.e. assignments dates an stuff, coz boii ive got liek 15 assignments to hand in. an i cant be arsed to do them!
  5. lalal

    So my best mate got 50/50 on her theory was well pleased. shes the one that has motivatd me to REVISE! .. so ive re-buked it. an hopefully inshallah going to pass.
    have been revisin so i shud ryt?
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