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The Asian Place - Desi Forum - Asian Forum - Cheeky Princess's Palace .... - Blogs
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Cheeky Princess's Palace ....

Welcome to my Palace... ( i wish)
Read the Life of Me... Cheeky Princess!...
its not interesting....
but maybe cuz of the way i convey my blogs...
you'll soon get hooked

  1. It's not over....

    Kabul hai?

    and you'd think the drama would be over...

    but no theres more fighting downstairs... why is he giving her that right? why so much money? his under her thumb blah blah blah..

    at a time of happiness everyone is finding an excuses to fight its not fair... we should be singing and dancing but where all in the corner crying.. she's going to live with them for life... and it scares me.. he's fine.. but the family is not..

    and being stuck
  2. Graveyards.....

    So i think after a good year or so i went to the graveyard after college it's been 6 years since my grandparents passed away and 2day was well the anniversary of my grandads death...

    Anyways i bought flowers etc... but as soon as i got of the bus my heart felt a bit weak it wasnt about being scared of the graveyard it self or the fact i was going to it alone it was just... i knew they'd be more graves since the last time i came...

    So well i walked down and stuff got to
  3. ....

    So i said something out of anger...

    but that only came out after a year of digs... fine i said it on msn as thats where the convo was taking place.... but now I'm a so called "pussy" as i didn't say it to your face.. but you want me to.. so you can beat the shit out of me?

    I'm confident but its people like you that make me question it...

    so i said you'd need a "miracle" thats how you made me feel for the pass year with this countless diggs ...

    Updated 20-07-2008 at 04:06 by Cheeky_Princess

  4. First Job...

    ( note: i wrote this on sunday night just didnt post it as i was lazy to upload pics)

    So i have a very different first job compared to most people..

    its not really a stable one..

    like i did student ambassador stuff for college thru the year which i got payed for ..

    and now in the summer i'm part of the legacy now http://www.legacy-now.co.uk/

    all about after the olympics and what should be left.. so basically we go out on event and
  5. Exams-College-Random Stuff

    Since i hardly write blogs when i do there like MASSIVE BLOGS! (Pictures for the ones that aint gnna read it ) (seriously just copied it to word its like 3 A4 pages am i really that bored? )

    time really does fly!

    So yeh been busy with exams and stuff...

    how did they go

    well lets see...


    3D design exam.. went good apart from on the 2nd day i was in panik mode.. ad my leg structure for my chair model wasnt working ...
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