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..Prizzle's Place..

...Welcome to Prizzle's Place...
Take a seat, pour yourself a drink and enjoy...

  1. ..Can't Wait..

    ..For the day you are back in my arms..

    ..I Love You..

    Updated 13-03-2009 at 17:12 by .Prizzle.

    Dear Diary
  2. ..x..

    [ame=]YouTube - Flipsyde - Happy Birthday[/ame]
  3. ..1 year gone by..

    *So, its already been a year and it feels just like yday that you were taken away from us, i still remember when i found sad,

    but i know that you are better where you are now...

    my princess joined you onthe 7th April, look after her please, tell her everyday that i love her, and i will meet her again soon...

    i will also meet you again one day bapa...

    what i'd give to speak to you, you would be able to help me through the rough times that

    Updated 25-10-2008 at 23:13 by .Prizzle.

    Dear Diary
  4. ..Whats the point..

    ... in getting to close to anyone...or trusting anyone... they're only gona end up fucking you up!
    Dear Diary
  5. ..Changes..

    big big changes, its not nice nd i dont likeit...

    but i guess its at this age that you start to change, become more mature and think about other things in your life,

    where some people thinking forward, others think about being a kid again!

    man its real confusing and i dont understand why shes being like this, but wot can i do....
    she thinks that having "friends" who are between the ages of 15-19 is a good thing, but thing is, when she really ...
    Dear Diary
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