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..Prizzle's Place..

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  1. 18.10.07


    Dear Diary
  2. 16.10.07


    so this morning, woke up to my alarm ringing in my ear....scared the shit out of me lol but it sure damn did wake me.but as usual i sleep for 10 extra mins, cos my bed is oh so warm and comfy lol.....
    mum was rafing around up starts so i had to wke up and jump in the shower, got readyyyy and was abt to leave for uni when i saw a banana on the table...oh it was so yellow lol it looked yummy, and my bro bought it back rom the mandhir yday so its kinda blessed so i ...
    Dear Diary
  3. 14.10.07 was jus a normal sunday....chilled out...but had a banging headache most of the day..took 4 painkillers in the space of 3 god....
    everyone was at my usual duties...clean and cook....done them even though i was ill but got shown no appreciation..ah well... i actually god moaned at cos i didnt make the rice my bad...i could jus about stand..!

    Dear Diary
  4. woohoo

    blog time

    Updated 30-01-2008 at 16:28 by .Prizzle.

    Dear Diary
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