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  1. new year....

    ah new years eve....well 2007 has had fantstic bits and very very bad bits.... my bestest is watching Farhaan grow, loving every second of his stages, turning, crawling,walking,talking....

    so much happens in a babys 1st year its so years been hectic as ever jam packed with emotions and arguments and opinions as i ike to call them not that others sometime think so...

    whats coming for 2008....

    wanna see ma daddy more he the bestest ever....not ...
  2. Invisible

    I have endured much to reach this place in time
    Yet I have not been sick, nor mad,
    Nor ruined in a wreck.
    And yet I feel I have.
    There is a thing in me, the walls of cells are thin,
    My veins are glass, my heart the merest whim
    Of beat and pause and beat...

    Ray Bradbury

    I have so much to say, but really, there's no point. I'm invisible...till required.

    Updated 31-12-2007 at 04:38 by Enchantress

    Enchy's Pensieve
  3. ...RIP...

    R.I.P so happy i came to see you whislt i was in happy we all came to see've been so strong all these years and you've suffered so much...for s long as i can must be about 10 - 15 years that you've been suffering...and im so happy you are suffereing no more.

    dad thought the world of you and so do were an amazing man, and when you were just gettin through everthing it hit you again....

    u were heartbroken when Foi ...

    Updated 29-12-2007 at 22:25 by .Prizzle.

    Dear Diary
  4. ..happy..

    oh how u make me happy......with ur soft texture...u melt in my hands and all i wana do is lick u.....u taste so good......

    yummy chocolate biscuits...

    "Chocolate contains a chemical called seratonin which stimulates the brain and makes it happy, its also in bananas so try a banana dipped in melted choc"

    how very interesting

    Updated 28-12-2007 at 16:27 by .Prizzle.

    Dear Diary
  5. ..idiot..

    idiot idiot idiot...
    im such an idiot...
    Dear Diary
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