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  1. Dear me

    Man I'm getting so old now. I actually feel old now as well after hitting 25

    Me thinks its high time for me to find a wife

    I don't wanna be balled and chained, will have no freedom, no strip club trips anymore with the lads , hell not even any lads holidays

  2. Hmmmmmmmmm

    What should I write today?


    Lubz is a faggot
  3. I'm so fucking bored.

    Someone fucking entertain me! Bloody bored shitless at work with abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do!

    Oh well guess I got xmas hols to look forward to
  4. Yay!!!!!!!

    Yay, my first blog! I'm so happy

    Anyways, erm, dunno what to say now 8)

    Oh well shit happens
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