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  1. Tonight!

    OK so before every big night i think of what could happen , what id like to happen...its just something i do! i want to read this back tomorrow morning and be like yup that happened!

    OK so i wanna make sure i look super hot! if i look hot , ill feel hot!
    I'm thinking of wearing my stripey black and grey long top with leggings , hoping its long enough! with my skull pirate earrings with my chunky trash belt as i have the scarf and big earrings - less ...
  2. GOOD TIMES!!!

    Just heard a song on TV thats reminded me of my sister and all the fun times we've had together!

    its such a fucking tune and just brings back all the memories makes me kind of sad that i dont See her as much lives far and were both so busy

    but anyway the songs

    Mr Brightside by The Killers
    [ame=""]YouTube - The Killers - Mr. Brightside[/ame]

    That song is mine and Lenara's!
  3. Thats all it takes

    One of my best friend just sent me a text that has really made me feel so appreciated and just lucky to have such amazing friends!

    its one those texts that you can look at when you feel sooo shit but just reading that would make you feel so loved!!

    just a message like that can really turn your mood around . love it.
  4. Dont you just hate it...

    when you have somewhere to be your running late and you need to shower but one of your family member has beaten you to it??? arghhhhhh
    and there having a bath aswell!! FF'S!!!!!!

    I'm meant to be meeting my friends at one for lunch , and bros gonna have a bath taps are running making me sooooo madddddddddd!!! arghhhhhh i think im going to have one of my madam fits!!!!!!
  5. heartless jerk!

    i was meant to post this lastnight but my Internet connection went!

    So one of my best friend just broke up with her bf tonight , hes such a jerk last few days he has been acting sooo shady like not taking her out or just spending time together....he was making lame excuses for his lack of effort we all knew something was up
    today i saw him with some strange Blondie....i thought meh...just a uni mate...but they wer rather touchy feely so i stopped and watched the got ...
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