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  1. Boredom


    It is Monday morning and i am sooo bored don't know what to do. I want to go shopping but I have only gone and left my debit card at home and have got £1.65 in my purse which will hardly to much.

    I've been on my sponsorship form and haven't got any sponsors as yet but i am sure i will over the time. weekend was alright was meant to meet a friend but never because his car was still with the mechanics so me and my daughter went to the park and sunday went to Tesco ...
  2. Race for Life - 2008 (Cancer Research)

    Hey Everybody,

    I am planning on doing the Race for Life 2008 5km walk on Saturday 12 July 2008 - Birmingham East in aid of Cancer Research UK and was hoping if you are free and have some spare time to come and visit my online sponsorship form page link found as below:

    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me on my email address

    love ...
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