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The Asian Place - Desi Forum - Asian Forum - Blogs - Rizolicious https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/blog.php?1407-Rizolicious en Tue, 04 Jun 2024 07:46:56 GMT vBulletin 60 https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/images/metro/orange/misc/rss.jpg The Asian Place - Desi Forum - Asian Forum - Blogs - Rizolicious https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/blog.php?1407-Rizolicious Well... https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?400-Well Thu, 28 Feb 2008 10:22:26 GMT i came to uni for half 9. little did i know, i didn't start till 11. not gonna go to that lesson though, so technically i start at 12.

i'm bored, as i always am in uni ... nothing much to do. i spend way too much time on a computer but, its cool, i like it. :)

football tornument this weekend if i am not wrong? Baz, i hope i play your team, YOUR GOIN DOWN ! YOU CLOWN ! YOU'LL HAVE A FROWN ! DON'T DROWN ! ... yea, bad lyrics. brap. lyrical flow 'n' ting.

started gym agen. going well. shoulders and arms yday. wearing quite a tight tshirt around the chest, arms and shoulders. you know, i may aswell flex it for a bit. bit chilly though.

yea' so im bored, thought i may aswell post ... cool mate. peace x ]]>
Rizolicious https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?400-Well
All Is Good ... https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?222-All-Is-Good Sun, 16 Dec 2007 02:17:01 GMT in the hood !

been a good day :)

woke up at 1pm, after me n Halle Berry has a wild night ...

chilled, baz came over, anihalated him at fight night (uh oh, somebody has learnt how to do haymakers !)

went to the gym, great session on the biceps. lookin' tonk.

bought a xbox for a great price with pro evo,

what more can i ask? :) ]]>
Rizolicious https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?222-All-Is-Good
<![CDATA[It's My Turn]]> https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?47-It-s-My-Turn Sun, 21 Oct 2007 12:15:31 GMT I keep comin' on ever, every day ... and i see these blogs, long long blogs, and i think to myself 'i want to write one of these long blogs one time', but i have nothing to write about.

the above still hasn't changed, i have a non interesting life, but ... i am determined to write a blog. i don't even care if nobody reads it, its for my own personal comfort. so i'm just going to talk about rubbish.

so hi, my name is Riz =)

it's sunday now. i was meant to start sunday league football today, but it got called off which is good and bad at the same time, as it's bloody freezing ! but i miss sunday league football, there is only so much getting slammed on the sideboards, tracking up and down, being absolutely knackered 5-a-side or 7-a-side football i can take? ... maybe next week :(

so today, i was on AP chat till like half 6 in the morning. half fuckin' 6. i mean thats a joke. and i get woken up at 12, from my brother saying 'oh i'm at the volleyball tornument, i forgot the camera at mine, go get it and bring it to me please'. i then went on to say i was sleeping etc etc, but when he wants something, i either do it as a favour, or i do as i am told or i get a clip around the ear. i decided for the first one. my brother is a bit of a hard bastard, i dont mess. although he is still unaware of what i am capable off :)

UFC is on tonight. wow, rich franklin is gonna get murdered ! anderson silva ... wow, that guy is unreal. rich is gonna have knees in his face alllll night long once again from the thai clinch. is it weird that the thought of a guy getting battered excites me? ... just for the record, tim sylvia is gonna get raped by brandon vera (has the best, best celebration in the world, i love it, so cool).

work was poo, boring, nothing happening, people need to stop getting into debt, and then complaining about it. i learnt how to officially commit fraud also the other day at work, in training. lol - and you know what, as bad as it is, it has me thinking so damn much. its so easy, i could make shit loads of money from not actually doing anything, just sitting at home with the internet and a phone. and considering i work for barclaycard, the thing that i need, its a cheaper monthly paymeny for me too !

alrite, i have nothing more to say. to be honest, this was just a boredom thing. i hate indie/emo music. and im watching this shitty thing on t4 about unsigned bands. where are the days of 4 guys comin' on the stage to singing a sweet sweet harmony, a sexy love song, or even a jazzed up beat. this whole, arctic monkey and what not business annoys me. i cant stand up.

ok thats enough, i got what i wanted :) i came, i saw, i conquered.

peace, love and tranquility x ]]>
Rizolicious https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?47-It-s-My-Turn
man ... https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?22-man Mon, 15 Oct 2007 11:59:10 GMT uni is pretty boring - i miss derby big time. there aint the same crack. no sense of humour, no good times ... may be because its early days but ... the early signs are not all that. went to derby yesterday to see some friends, great time, and i was there for 15 mins ! hopefully they gonna... uni is pretty boring - i miss derby big time.
there aint the same crack. no sense of humour, no good times ... may be because its early days but ... the early signs are not all that.

went to derby yesterday to see some friends, great time, and i was there for 15 mins ! hopefully they gonna come for my birthday (october 18th) ... free house 'n' all :) ]]>
Rizolicious https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?22-man
hmmm https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?16-hmmm Sun, 14 Oct 2007 20:15:11 GMT back from birmingham ... wow, it was boring. back from birmingham ... wow, it was boring. ]]> Rizolicious https://www.theasianplace.net/forum/entry.php?16-hmmm