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The Page

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Hello Mr page, we meet again after many lightyears. I click and I see you staring white in my face. You have this tendancy to hypnotise people, draw attention to you and write our floating thoughts all over you. Why?

Mr page When I was a munchkin I was really excited about life and couldnt wait to grow and do things.

I use to put all the volume to zero and put subtitles on to those little naughty movies on Ch5 and use to think. I need to become a man asap.

Use to be mesmerised where people could go and I couldnt. clubs and pubs oh and funfair. I could never get on to rollercoaster due to height restrictions.Kameene.

I am now here in a blink of an eye I could do all things all sorts. Going to get married etc have little marni's ruling the future nuserys and schools.

I realised life is boring and tis like a one way street. Wake up work just to pay the bills and mortgages.More money you have more worry you have. Bills, expenses, and needless things because of the way society works without realising.

Where is the good old days where you could run on the street with ya coat hanging off ya, hoodie on and flying like superman.

put a empty can on backwheel of your raliegh or bmx bike and hear it roar like a motorbike.

Mr page you a funny thing, you seduce people to write daft things. people rely and trust you than other people. Why? you a ladies man/hunk for men?

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  1. Cheeky_Princess's Avatar
    LMAO @ mr page

    yes marni your growing up even where scared about it
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