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Cheeky Princess's Palace ....

It's not over....

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Kabul hai?

and you'd think the drama would be over...

but no theres more fighting downstairs... why is he giving her that right? why so much money? his under her thumb blah blah blah..

at a time of happiness everyone is finding an excuses to fight its not fair... we should be singing and dancing but where all in the corner crying.. she's going to live with them for life... and it scares me.. he's fine.. but the family is not..

and being stuck in the middle is a whole load of issue.. my loyalty are with her... but ive been told not to mention the argument downstairs.... which i suppose is right.. but seriously its over? stop picking at it now...

Everyone was so fake at the mosque... i was relived so was he and she.. when we fort it was over.. there married now.. nobody can say anything but nope.. as soon as we got home... a whole load of bullshit came out.. another fight kicked up...

Tomorrows the reception she had to uninvite her own friends to fit in her in laws guests... its her wedding and its being controlled like that.... they just want to control her life.. I'm scared for her... i really am... like i said his not the problem but the family is.. why can't nobody be happy? we should all be playing the dohlki downstairs.. smiling etc not acting fake and civil with each other...

I really can't do this anymore.. i want to tell her and her sisters whats just happen but no i'm not allowed to so here i am letting the world know as i just had to get it out....

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  1. Guji-Ji's Avatar
    Sigh... wish I could help...

    Like I said 'Go with the flow'.
  2. Bliss*'s Avatar

  3. Cheeky_Princess's Avatar
    Thanks guys.... it went kinda good in the end still some bickring... i know there is going to be more im just waiting for it...
  4. LuBz's Avatar
    Aww Tinks.. There's always drama everywhere ya go Quite a scary thought for gurls especially.. Hope it works out tho x
  5. Prophet_K-C's Avatar
    Damn shes gonna spend her whole life with these people and this is just the tip of the iceberg...
  6. xxMINAxx's Avatar
    Hope alls well..x
  7. Cheeky_Princess's Avatar
    Lubz.. its asians i tell you.. i honestly wish i was white sumtimes.... its okish now.. there of to scotland but the parents are still bickering from both sides..

    Yeap KC shes moving to canada..away from all of us.. but i've heard there considering not living with the parents which would be the best that way atleast she can stay cival with his parents...

    mina thanks
  8. Prophet_K-C's Avatar
    but cant her husband do anything to stop the abuse?
  9. Cheeky_Princess's Avatar
    thou your banned i shall reply for the sake of it..

    meh i really don't no i think it'll get better with time i guess we'll see
  10. Rab C Nesbit's Avatar
    Arfy... *kisses*

    It's an Asian Wedding.

    From the outside it looks like a big production full of so many colours, sounds and tastes... but as you get closer to the couple to be wed, you know exactly what kind of bullshit goes down.

    Last year my niece fainted on her wedding day.
    Her sister had the scariest panic attack I've ever seen.
    Doors were slammed, voices were raised, glasses were shattered.
    But I was used to it.

    Every wedding that I've been to (of immediate family) have been full of drama.

    It's just how it is.
  11. Cheeky_Princess's Avatar
    Awww thank you

    Yeah your right it is what we should expect but this was just too much when i see you in the new year whenever that is.. i'll tell you about this one right from the start its a pretty complex situation... hence why theres just so much more drama....

    awww damn im sorry to hear that.... but yeah we should be used to it by now.. its asians..
    i dunno it just scares me from the whole concept..
    nobody should marry into my family were all pysco and the last 2 weeks showed it...
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