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Madly Blooming

very homely song

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makes me feel good =] Exitlude - The Killers
"Aggressively we all defend the role we play
Regrettably time’s come to send you on your way
We’ve seen it all bonfires of trust flash floods of pain
It doesn’t really matter don’t you worry it’ll all work out
No it doesn’t even matter don’t you worry what it’s all about.

We hope you enjoyed your stay
It’s good to have you with us, even if it’s just for the day."

i wish i could say that to someone without them bein weirded out! whats wrong with simple appreciation of good company eh?

ive been havin some troubles n i think its best to just not worry. EASIER SAID THAN DONE! to really let go n say, 'You know what, itll get better.'

its been a long time havin a best friend to talk to, all this moving around has its tolls. hopefully ill be able to make new friends again. maybe they dont understand my situation, maybe they never really clicked with me, but i think ..or at least i hope, that things will turn out in my favor. i used to think im the weirdo, but i thinkthats def not the case, bcuz all i want is a good love, a few good laughs a day with a bunch of good people that shine from the inside out. i miss it.

woe to the nomad desi ! haha

[ame=]YouTube - The killers - Exitlude[/ame]

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