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Working Sats

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Man 2nd time in my whole life I worked on a saturday

Went work, signed in got my locker keys to put my shit in, Chilled in canteen and done some maneagerial training, there loads to take on board but reallly intresting and flipping companys have weird jargons.

Me and my trainer walking round the store doing some practical training then linked up with my mate who is becoming team leader in another section.

The manger not mines my mate asked my manager whats the code for some stock control procedure on the System..I blurted it out and he was like you learning quick, your manager might have an early retirment.

Was walking out the store for my break and alarms went off, loud ass shit, security came running, im like shit what have I done, put my hands in my pocket and found Im carrying my locker key which has a security

Yesterday I got advised not to come casual, so I came in formal trousers n shirt. Still got advised I have to wear a tie..damn

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  1. Cheeky_Princess's Avatar
    lol aww marni in a shirt n tie... me got 2 see!
  2. Memphis's Avatar
    I miss my weekends...
  3. Iroquois Pliskin's Avatar
    I gotta work weekends man.

    Allow shirt and tie lol. We used to have some weird blue fleece with combat trousers.. looked well fucked. But we got new uniform, black trousers; feels so good you don't understand, red t-shirt which has a mesh effect; sick, and black fleece. Hot uniform man. Need to take a pic someday.
  4. sheff gal's Avatar
    were do u work :S
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