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Dear me

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Man I'm getting so old now. I actually feel old now as well after hitting 25

Me thinks its high time for me to find a wife

I don't wanna be balled and chained, will have no freedom, no strip club trips anymore with the lads , hell not even any lads holidays


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  1. .Prizzle.'s Avatar
    not all wives would deprive you of ur freedom,

    i for one wont deprive my husband of his freedom!

    you'll be alrite!

  2. Cheeky_Princess's Avatar
    yeh i agree with prizzly u just need to find a wife... that lets you have your freedom aslong as you give her freedom she'll give you yours lol

    Good Luck in finding a Mrs Ritz

    a bahbi for all of us
  3. Spider Pig's Avatar
    I feel the same way man, need to get settled down, getting old but its a big step, and I dont think im quite ready but not too far off and yeh you wont be chained down lol
  4. Ranj's Avatar
    Solution: Don't get married then?!
  5. Ritz_Crackers's Avatar
    Lol, I know I won't be balled and chained guys, am just being melo dramatic

    Nah I feel like you Baz, I'm not ready either. I know why I ain't ready, and I don't think I will be for at least a few more years.

    But I don't want to put it off any more longer because my parents are ill, and god forbid if anything was to happen to them before I got married then I would hate myself so much. All they want is to see me get married. It would be their last job, as my older siblings are all married. My little bro's marriage would fall on me.

    Plus I would find a wife that would be understanding and all that. I mean for her to respect me I need to do the same or her, so I have no issues with her, I'll give her all the freedom she wants, as long as she don't do anything wrong.
  6. xxMINAxx's Avatar
    I'm sure u and Bazzerina will find urselves good wifeys when ur well and ready...

    Not sumat to rush, but aslong as ur clear from the start what will be expected from her and what is acceptable...things should b cool...

    Till very recently i've thort i was ready 4 marriage but not the thort of leaving home, & my family moving on without me and being away from my mum... scares the living daylights outta me...

    I'm happy to stay at home being a mummy & daddys' girl for a while longer..
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