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Yay, my first blog! I'm so happy

Anyways, erm, dunno what to say now 8)

Oh well shit happens

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  1. LuBz's Avatar
    Well done.. I'm happy for you =)
    Updated 29-10-2007 at 23:28 by LuBz
  2. Icey's Avatar
    best blog ever...dunno what these people are on with their 5,000 word essays. Excellent read!
  3. Cheeky_Princess's Avatar
    ahhh its a very good read
    but im more intrested in ur profile pic
    the burger and the chips
  4. Rizolicious's Avatar
    ur gay ...
  5. Ritz_Crackers's Avatar
    Riz man how many times I gotta tell you, I AIN'T INTERESTED IN YOU THAT WAY MAN!
  6. Ritz_Crackers's Avatar
    I know Cheeky, the burger looks tasty don't it
  7. Spider Pig's Avatar
    only thing good about this is the avy riz left behind (no pun intended) lol
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