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little help #2
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Thread: little help #2

  1. #1
    Respected Member Iroquois Pliskin's Avatar
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    Question little help #2

    just like before, let your imagination run wild. come up with bs like gender conversion!? lmao

    you have received an email from your friend oscar who lives near you

    some of his family members are coming to visit him soon and he wants to take them out for a meal. recommend a restaurant you've been to to oscar.

    send an email about the local restaurant u been to.
    describe your last visit
    say what u particularly like abt the restaurant

    80 words

    those of you that are bored, give a go.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Enchantress's Avatar
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    Pshh my gender conversion thing is copyrighted

    Earth will deliver what Heaven desires.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Enchantress's Avatar
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    Hey Oscar, went to this fab place to eat with the missus the other week, thought I'd recommend it to you for the big family meal you're having soon.

    The place is called The Dog's Dinner and it's on Lime road, you know the one, just off the High street...

    Anyway, the food is pretty decent, nice secluded booths if you like privacy, nice bigger tables if you've got a lot of company... The missus enjoyed it anyway when we went, so much so that I couldn't bring myself to tell her I'm leaving her for someone else...

    I figured you could try your luck there, tis a great place to relax. The family meet-up is a great idea, I'm glad you're finally coming out, and I recommend this place to do it in...

    Not long to go, once I've told Janice things aren't working out, we can finally be together.

    I love you Oscar.

    See you soon. Collin.

    Last edited by Enchantress; 14-01-2009 at 21:18.

    Earth will deliver what Heaven desires.

  4. #4
    Respected Member mindstate's Avatar
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    send an email about the local restaurant u been to.
    describe your last visit
    say what u particularly like abt the restaurant

    1. Sam's Chicken is open...u wanna go have brunch?
    2. they know me...ima regular customer..last time i went they gave me free chilli sauce cuz..
    3. there's a massif mirror in the shop...while u waiting for ur food to be cooked u can check ur hair,,, make sure its spiked up.....make sure u aint got burger sauce on ur lip as well...cant be chirpsin gal dem with white sauce on ur lip..that's not wag1

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