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Muslim Author Claims Imam Mahdi will Emerge in 2015
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Thread: Muslim Author Claims Imam Mahdi will Emerge in 2015

  1. #1
    Loyal Member fezzy's Avatar
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    Default Muslim Author Claims Imam Mahdi will Emerge in 2015

    Muslim Author Jabir Al Beloushi has written a book in Arabic titled "The Emergence of Imam Mahdi in 2015". Al Beloushi claims to have found codes in the Qur'an which show the exact dates for the emergence of the Mahdi, the Antichrist Dajjal, Jesus, Sufyani, Khurasani, and more. Unfortunately the book is only in Arabic at the moment but if you do speak Arabic you can read it at the following link for free:

    كتاب ظهور الأمام المهدي عليه السلام عام 2015 ميلادية نبوءة قرآنية - فهرس الكتاب

    Either way this calculation confirms the calculation presented in the Antichrist Dajjal Series where we said Dajjal rules the Earth for Forty days as the Prophet said,

    1 Day like a year
    1 Day like a month
    1 Day like a week
    and the rest of the days like your days or Earthly days...

    If a year with God is like one thousand years then a day like a year = 1000 years, this is the one thousand years that the British Monarchy came into existence and ruled the world, a day like a month is 1000 divided by 12 = 83 years approx. This is the 83 years between 1917's German Terrorist Attack in the U.S. which led the United States into being the Super World Power after WWI and Sept. 11th 2001's terrorist attacks, and this is the day in which Dajjal according to author Sheikh Imran Hosein moved his headquarters from the Britain to the U.S. Thus the Dajjal rules from the U.S. for a day like a month or 83 years, now it is the period of a day like a week which is 83 divided by 4 is approx. 21 years. 21 Years or the day like a week is the period dajjal rules from the holy land or from Jerusalem before emerging for 37 normal days to rule in person. 2001 + 21 = 2022. Assuming this is correct, then Dajjal will emerge in 2022 to rule from Jerusalem and the Mahdi appears in some traditions as coming before the Mahdi by 7 years. 2022-7 = 2015. This is another amazing sync. This book is a must read for all........ Whether you agree or not it is a definite recommendation.

    Love You SweetSoul!

  2. #2
    Newbie Y H8's Avatar
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    Erm.... The coming of Imam Mahdi is from the Unseen. Also, the time that Ad - Dajjal comes down is part of the unseen.

    The prophet SAW said: “If he emerges whilst I am still among you, then I will suffice you against him, otherwise each man should take care of himself, Allah will take care of every Muslim on my behalf (and safeguard him against his evil).” Muslim, 5228. How can someone claim that they now matters of the unseen when the prophet SAW did not know?

    If this person used calculations by discovering "codes" from the Qur'an to see when Imam Mahdi, Dajjal or Jesus would emerge, than is this man trying to imply that the Prophet (pbuh) and his companions had missed something from the Quran as vital as these signs of the day of judgement? Surely, if the Dajjal's emergence was hidden in codes than the Sahaabah who had studied the quran and compiled it into one book, such as the cheif memorizer of the quran Zayd ibn Thaabit (may Allaah be pleased with him, who Abu Bakr entrusted with the mission of, compiling the Qur'an into one book after many of the sahaabah who had memorized the Qur'an had been killed) would have picked up on this, the biggest Fit'nah that will fall upon the muslim Ummah?

    And Allah knows best.
    Last edited by Y H8; 13-02-2009 at 19:29.
    This is 10% Luck, 20% Skill
    15% Concentrated Power of Will
    5% Pleasure
    50% Pain
    And 100% reason to Remember The Name
    ~Fort Minor~

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