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Thread: Lately

  1. #1
    Loyal Member Evil_Genious's Avatar
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    Default Lately

    Hmm, I dunno.......

    Write something emotional and deep about 'Lately', I mean what's been happening lately in your life, in love, in loneliness, in happiness, in sadness whatever...

    It just has to be something that you've noticed has changed in the recent past....

    Inspired by:
    Stevie Wonder - Lately

    "Lately, I've had the the strangest feeling,
    with no vivid reason here to find
    but the thought of losing you's been hanging
    around my mind

    Far more frequently you're wearing perfume
    with you say no special place to go
    but when I ask, 'will you be coming back soon?'
    you don't know. You never know

    I'm a man of many wishes
    and I hope my premonition misses
    but what I really feel, my eyes won't let me hide
    coz they always start to cry
    coz this time could mean goodbye

    Lately I've been staring in the mirror
    very slowly picking me apart
    trying to tell myself I have no reason
    with your heart

    Just the other night while you were sleeping
    I vaguely heard you whisper someones name
    but when I ask you of the thoughts your keeping
    you just say 'nothings changed'

    I'm a man of many wishes
    and I hope my premonition misses
    but what I really feel, my eyes won't let me hide
    coz they always start to cry
    coz this time could mean goodbye....."

    *Please dont spam. This is more for personal enjoyment than anything....
    Last edited by Evil_Genious; 27-10-2009 at 23:19.

    "I'll let you break me off, but I won't let you break my heart"

  2. #2
    Newbie chumpy_lafanga's Avatar
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    i made some mistakes
    when i knew my heart n soul could be at steak
    i never forgot that date
    happiest man in the world was my state

    and even though i am still happy
    i do regret that i let you down
    you were so right with what you said
    i just acted like a silly clown

    turning back time is impossible
    i have faith i wont give up
    in this world anything is possible
    with you by my side darling
    i can make our dream possible

    without you my soul is restless
    even the food feels so tasteless
    there is no beat in my heart
    i feel so damn breathless

    maybe love is a disease
    if that is true then you are my cure
    true love is like a war with no peace
    its the only thing that is true and pure

  3. #3
    Loyal Member
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    Have I told you I love you, Lately....
    Have I told you you still mean the world to me, Latelyyy

    Naw, Lately I been feelin kinda bloo. Procrastinating, waiting. Bleugh.

  4. #4
    Loyal Member Evil_Genious's Avatar
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    Like I said. This thread is personal to me so I don't care if anyone takes partin it....

    I wrote something..... Inspired by the afforementioned:


    Lately in situations alien to me
    Lately seems my conversations failing me
    Lately I see visions of you tellin me
    that lately -
    Lately you just ain't been feelin me

    Lately my concience been detaining me
    Lately my best friend been detailing me
    Lately why you commin home delayed on me
    said lately -
    Lately you been out there betrayin me

    Lately I been losing my integrity
    Lately feels somebody else in bed with me
    Lately I hear whispers in my head you see
    coz lately -
    Lately feels like love in you's gone dead for me

    Lately I been living in falsity
    Lately I pretend nothings wrong with me
    Lately I been spending time alone you see
    because lately -
    Lately our house ain't been a home to me

    Lately you say 'you not the same to me'
    Lately you say 'your to blame, not me'
    Lately you say 'who's been framing me'
    I dunno but -
    Lately I been in situations alien to me


    Last edited by Evil_Genious; 05-11-2009 at 00:03.

    "I'll let you break me off, but I won't let you break my heart"

  5. #5
    Respected Member Guji-Ji's Avatar
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    ^Sick... so deep.

    I'm gonna pen down something when I get time.

    ^^Thanks to the Evil_G^^

  6. #6
    Loyal Member Rab C Nesbit's Avatar
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    Lately, I've had no time.
    No time to build up the walls.
    No time to forget about her.
    No time to reapply the wool over my eyes.
    No time, and I'm late.

    'cause lately, Time had gone on long before he could wait.
    So, he left me with this.
    With the bitter sweet bitch that I love to hate.
    ...I have been entertaining her, of late.
    When she came back, I know not the date, nor the place...
    Just, the way she infuriated me... and keeps on keeping on.
    She knows of my fury, and tests it.
    When she crosses, it'll be too late.


    I've realised too late.
    Her bags are unpacked and my wardrobes are filled.
    He BitterSweet babble surrounds me, of late.
    Lately, I've had no time.
    No time, I cry, no time.
    Lately, I've had no time, to evict Feelings from my abode.
    I am Confidence and Insecurity.

    Evil Genious is My Budden Man.

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