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Valentines Gift ideas? - Page 6
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Thread: Valentines Gift ideas?

  1. #76
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    yeh BMI isn't meant to take body muscle into account, it's just a general guideline to look at your weight health wise for overly skinny people or morbidly obese people, rather then how much muscle percentage you have.

    20-25 is what you should be (If you don't take muscle factors into account), most people are in UK are 25-30. At nearly 20 and my height being above average it makes me look skinnier and more gangly then I actually am. Also remember 20-25 is a very wide margin. A BMI of 25 is about 2 and a quarter stone more then a BMI of 20, which would show a big visible difference in a person.

  2. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tariq2009 View Post
    yeh BMI isn't meant to take body muscle into account, it's just a general guideline to look at your weight health wise for overly skinny people or morbidly obese people, rather then how much muscle percentage you have.

    20-25 is what you should be (If you don't take muscle factors into account), most people are in UK are 25-30. At nearly 20 and my height being above average it makes me look skinnier and more gangly then I actually am. Also remember 20-25 is a very wide margin. A BMI of 25 is about 2 and a quarter stone more then a BMI of 20, which would show a big visible difference in a person.
    listen brother just forget the BMI it's a simple indication to shit! don't read too much into it lol.

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  3. #78
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    Lovely gift! Lovely Valentine! Lovely Stories!

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