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Am I right to be MAD?
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Thread: Am I right to be MAD?

  1. #1
    Advanced Member Sunshine's Avatar
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    Default Am I right to be MAD?

    I'm in need of a major rant today...

    So I had a car accident last October, wrote my car off. Wasn't my fault and got witness statements etc. But the other guy drove off and no one got his registration so I lucked out. Only had third party insurance so didn't get a penny for the car.

    One of my closest friends was my passenger. She didn't have any major injuries, and we were both very lucky to walk away with nothing serious. She then decided to make a claim from me. I asked her a week or so after the accident not to claim but she brushed me off. A month or so later, I got some solicitor letters about her claim. At first she denied it, then started making excuses that nothing had gone through. I asked her again not to go ahead with it... if she wanted money, then I'd give her some. She said it wasn't about the money, yet she was still going to go ahead with it. I was quite rude to her, she then said she couldn't believe I was behaving like this as we had been friends for so long and she thought we were more than this. lol... I haven't spoken to her since that day.

    Got some papers in the post the other day, a claim form from the court. Apparently, my insurance company made an offer of £1700 but she's turned it down and wants MORE! There's a few blatant lies in there like damage to her clothing and jewellery which isn't true. It's really made me angry... and she's telling our mutual friends that she doesn't get why I'm like this... at least she was always upfront about making a claim. I think I'm even more vexed 'coz my insurance is up for renewal end of this month and my premiums are SKY high thanks to her. And what makes me more angry is that she went for her medical... in the report it says stuff like she still needs physio and injuries will still take a few months to heal, yet the following week she was out pissed off her face for her birthday and was climbing over fences drunk.

    I really need to learn to choose my friends more carefully... and feel better for having ranted.
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  2. #2
    Respected Member M4RN1's Avatar
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    Break her legs.

  3. #3
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    I'm sorry, but what a dog.
    Elbow smash her in the nose.

  4. #4
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    Only asians know how to extort the insurance claim payouts.

    Apparently, whiplash injury is the most easiest to fake, and theres no way to prove it.

    Humma, she was in it for the money then it seems.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Voodookid's Avatar
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    You must have photos of her on her birthday right? well if so, they can be used as evidence in court. Get witness statements from your friends who have seen her out and about.

    Basically, something like this happened to me last year. I was a passenger in a car and my mate who was driving bumped into another car, this car pulled out in front and pushed on the breaks and my mate went into the back of them. we got out of the car, there was no damage to either cars, everyone was fine, we agreed not to get the police involved. 3 years later, my mate got a letter asking all the passengers including him to court for a hearing about an accident claim.

    To cut a long story short, they put in false claims and got bummed for it. Its injury claims, if its an honest injury then go for it, if its not then that money she gets will slip through her hands like water. Fuck her, take it to court if it has to. She's lying and if she gets caught out then she'll have to pay all the court costs. And because she's lying there will be flaws in her stories and the judge will pick up on them and so will your barrister.
    e: vdk[at]theasianplace[dot]net

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  6. #6
    Respected Member Voodookid's Avatar
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    You must have photos of her on her birthday right? well if so, they can be used as evidence in court. Get witness statements from your friends who have seen her out and about.

    Basically, something like this happened to me last year. I was a passenger in a car and my mate who was driving bumped into another car, this car pulled out in front and pushed on the breaks and my mate went into the back of them. we got out of the car, there was no damage to either cars, everyone was fine, we agreed not to get the police involved. 3 years later, my mate got a letter asking all the passengers including him to court for a hearing about an accident claim.

    To cut a long story short, they put in false claims and got bummed for it. Its injury claims, if its an honest injury then go for it, if its not then that money she gets will slip through her hands like water. Fuck her, take it to court if it has to. She's lying and if she gets caught out then she'll have to pay all the court costs. And because she's lying there will be flaws in her stories and the judge will pick up on them and so will your barrister.
    e: vdk[at]theasianplace[dot]net

    "I'm not heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. I'm just sexual. NO. MOTHERF*CKING. PREFIX.\"

  7. #7
    Member SweetSuga's Avatar
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    That is awful! Friends pssht, hardly live up to their name. That is so greedy it's unreal.

    I would advise you to get in touch with a shrewd lawyer who will easily catch her out, but it would cost you even more than you're already having to fork out.

    Be rest assured, she's getting money that she will eventually spend but has lost out on much more - you as a friend! So just keep your head up, completely ignore her for now, she'll eventually feel rotten. As for mutual friends, they should be kept out of it.

    Sorry about your car!

    And to answer your question, yeah you do have a right to be mad, I'd be too.
    OooOo. What does this button do?

    class SweetSuga {

    double theFun;
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    char sweet;

  8. #8
    Respected Member Spider Pig's Avatar
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    punch her in the fanny

    I remember when I crashed once with a few of my mates in the car, ghoray too and I reversed into a car. a few days later these ppl approached them in town saying have u had an accident in the past three yrs and they just told them about it and the salesman were proper tryna persuade them into claiming and telling them it wouldn't affect me at all etc. but they didn't go thru with it, even tho they joked it was tempting lol.

    anyway these dodgy ones go on all the time but they've started to clamp on it a bit more. what u need to do is put out a statement that she was fine and you were fine and talk to a solicitor about it and also tell ur insurance company that she is lying etc. because if they find out then they won't give her shit.

    what a tatti face, especially when she knows it will affect u I would've knobbed her in the mouth and told her to shut the fuk up (u might need to buy a dildo for that).
    Last edited by Spider Pig; 17-05-2010 at 17:34.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spider Line
    where there's a pill there's a way


  9. #9
    Advanced Member BlackmaideN's Avatar
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    take her to court with as much evidence as you have.

  10. #10
    Respected Member Guji-Ji's Avatar
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    Let's rush her.

    ^^Thanks to the Evil_G^^

  11. #11
    Advanced Member BlackmaideN's Avatar
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    2B, 3 down mid with AWps smoke mid make sure you see how many cross. Flash before rushing B watch out for the wanker hiding on site behind box GO GO GO

  12. #12
    Respected Member Spider Pig's Avatar
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    my awp down her mid A

    Quote Originally Posted by Spider Line
    where there's a pill there's a way


  13. #13
    Just Landed!
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    Thats horrible, was this person like a reaaallly good freind cos they sound awful.

    I hear that whiplash claims are increasing dramatically bcoz they are so easy to make, however, insurance companies are as a result invetigating all such claims more thoroughly then they used to in order to distinguish between real ones and fraudulent ones. Nevertheless, they are really hard to disprove.

    its a shame that you didn't get the other persons details bcoz then even if it is a no fault accident, i think it still gets held against you. Its bcoz of this that your insurance then goes higher. i remember when i had my first accident i was only insured third party, it was such a headache and i lost 2 years no claims bonus !!

  14. #14
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    Oh Sunshine, I'm really sorry to hear that. Some people are unbelievable and when it comes to money, you know who your real friends are. She will get caught out, because liars always do so don't let her get away with this, make sure you counter her claim! If I were in your position, my friendship with her would seriously be in question and I would probably distance myself - so be cautious of her now moving forward.

    The fact that she can't work out why you are upset - and have every right to be, is because she is a prat with zero self awareness!
    There's no jealousy in the grave...

  15. #15
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    Jump the bitch.
    And break her nose!
    Or put on black clothes and a balaklava and attack her with a water pistol full of tangerine fake tan.


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