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Incredibles Weight Routine.
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Thread: Incredibles Weight Routine.

  1. #1
    Loyal Member incredible's Avatar
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    Default Incredibles Weight Routine.

    I would like to think a split, "Routine", doesn't necessarily have to fit in a 7 day week. It can span any amount of days to some degree and keep changing.

    This is something along the lines of what I'm doing now with 20 min cardio. I do the cardio when I don't feel completely drained but I train more on how my body feels anyways so my splits could be 1 to 2 days on with one day off with 5 days of exercise. Hope that makes sense.

    Remember you have 45 minutes max to do each day's routine with cardio. For example: 20 min cardio, 25 min to lift - 30min cardio 15 minutes to lift. I usually stop if I don't make it. If you want 2 gym visits a day separating cardio and lifting then you open up a new ball game.

    You can choose where you want to put your cardio in this. I prefer my cardio before lifting. I believe the body keeps itself in an anti catabolic state, kind of like a warm up, before heavy lifting. I feel much more drained doing cardio after lifting. Some will argue and you can do what you think is best for you. Some/ most of the exercises are in order of Mike Mentzer's pre-fatigue I'm enjoying for now.

    pushups 3 sets - 15-20 reps
    flies 3 sets
    incline press 4 sets
    Skull crushers or dips 2 - 3 sets
    Front Delts:
    Plate or dumbell front raises - 3 sets

    Pullups 4 sets (assisted if needed to hit reps)
    Bent over bar rows 4 sets
    bi's - inner head:
    (palm up) bar curls x 3 sets
    (palm up) seated dumbbell curls x 2 - 3 sets

    1. quad extensions 2 - 3 sets (not too heavy - don't completely fatigue quads)
    2. Squats 4 sets (take some weight off)
    3. Lunges 3 sets (I like ham curls too. I feel a different stimulation from them. I do them before dead lifts some days.)
    4. calves
    ?. *Optional - Outer Bi's: Reverse grip bar curls - 3 sets

    *. deads or shrugs (deads can be every wk or every other week)
    1. Pushups 3 sets 15 reps
    2. rear delt raise 3 sets (i think weight should take second priority on shoulder raises. instead focus weight on shoulder pushing exercises)
    3. side laterals 3 sets
    4. dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 sets

    How many exercises really depends on the body part. In short, 2 compound exercises per major group I think is sufficient. I might only use one compound for legs and shoulders and the rest will be iso.

    For example for back there is only so much you can really do. Wide grip pull ups or cable lat pull downs stimulate the lats best. Its hard to beat back rows for a complete upper back workout. So I think always have at least 2 major back exercises, targeting Lat pulls/And simply upper back. Your basically changing the angle on different back exercises with different grip widths. At the end of the day most are the same back exercise. You can switch them around on different back days. Instead of adding a 3rd back exercise, you can increase your sets on your 2 Lats/Upper back exercise. For Example: 5 x Pull Ups, 4 - 5 x Back Bar Rows. <- Notice the angles. One pull high and one pull low. If you did seated cable rows the final range of motion on the pull is more direct in line. I believe some back exercises are better for the lower portion of the lats - like variations of bent over rows.

    For legs I think one compound is good like squats. I like to change out leg presses for high reps, like 12 - 15 with weight slightly more than I squat. For the majority of groups I think 2 compound exercises in some degree is sufficient. After the compounds you can target the secondary muscles with 1 to 2 exercises and before you know it, you had a good workout. You can always change your split to dedicate a day to muscles that are lagging. Then you can consider your "course" for your training frequency as well. Keep an open mind and be creative with your routine.

    I really don't think a routine is wrong unless you know over training is involved. Some groups can be trained more than others. Tri's/Bi's can be used frequently because of the anatomy of the muscles themselves. We use them every time throughout the day when we move our arms. Feeding our face, lifting an object and putting it back down.

    Major groups like upper back and legs I believe can be trained heavy twice a week in a organized split to allow for proper recovery. Would you do it year round? No, but you can divide them out in a 3 to 6 month stint.

    For pushing exercises the shoulder group is the weak link. You are actually training some parts of the shoulder with any major upper body exercise. You can emphasize these groups twice a week with careful planning...plyometrics aside and depending on goals etc

    EDIT: I have 20-30 secs rest.
    Last edited by incredible; 12-06-2011 at 03:20.

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  2. #2
    Member navee's Avatar
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    good stuff, would be cool to see your diet

  3. #3
    Advanced Member BlackmaideN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by navee View Post
    good stuff, would be cool to see your diet
    anabolic steroids

  4. #4
    Loyal Member incredible's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by navee View Post
    good stuff, would be cool to see your diet

    Baked, boiled, or pan seared fish, chicken and non bloating veggies (i.e. asparagus), black rice and sweet potatoes for carbs. I think fish is key.

    I think red meat is king if not trying to lose weight. Fish is a great protein overall as far as lean protein and heart health, omega 3 fats. But, lacks in the BCAA dept compared to steak.
    I was describing a plan for getting ripped quick like a pre contest scenario
    I can't stress enough that it is more important to understand principles and best practices than to have a temporary diet "schedule" that might only be valid for a month.

    Begin with understand the right foods to eat, at the right times, and in the right combinations. This can vary a lot depending on your goals. Once you get the general idea, work backwards from your calorie requirements to calculate the amount of protein, fats, and carbs (in grams). Then you can calculate how many ounces of meat/fish/poultry/protein you need for each meal to meet your protein needs, and fill in the carbs and fats around that depending on your goals.

    TRY: 6 meals a day...

    each meal to have 30-60 grams of protein 35 grams of complex carbs

    Like previousily stated find the source from the following foods:

    Fish/ chicken and steak for your proteins

    Brown rice, oats, sweet potatoes for your complex carbs

    1 salad meal
    2 bananas per day 1/2 cup strawberries 2x per day 1/2 cup almonds 3x per day...brocolli z 4 times per day
    no sugar...crystal light or water 2 gallons per day spread meals out 2.5 hours.

    1 cheat meal per week of required.

    4000 mgs fish oils with each meal (seven seas)

    2-3 protien drinks each day with flaxseed oil

    This is something alot of the people I know are doing, with very good results and especially if you want to get ripped quick and for getting lean.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackmaideN View Post
    anabolic steroids

    That is the reason you will never look good.
    Last edited by incredible; 23-06-2011 at 21:51.

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  5. #5
    Just Landed!
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    junk food. LOL.

  6. #6
    Loyal Member incredible's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMZ001 View Post
    junk food. LOL.
    time to time

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    Mohammed Ali rocks.

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