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Question for the 'Educated' guys & girls.
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Thread: Question for the 'Educated' guys & girls.

  1. #1
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    Default Question for the 'Educated' guys & girls.

    I'm not trying to make it sound as though all those with degrees/diplomas have their head stuck up their a$$ lol. But I've come across a few who've had some conditions (or preference, you may call it) to settling down with someone who's on the 'same level' as them education-wise. Someone of their own 'standard'.

    I don't see it that way though although I could partly understand people thinking that way. You wouldn't want to go and marry off some pendu lol. Let's not go that far.. But let's say, if he/she was just average at education? Average grammar.. etc etc.

    The way I see it, education isn't going to help your marriage life. It's not gonna help you be caring, help you be a good father, a good husband or even wife. I've heard of/seen my Pakistani 'uncles' coming abroad back in the days, with no whatsoever degrees and giving their wives a wonderful life.. (by wonderful, I don't just mean materialistic things.. Although they now own over 5 houses.. but I also mean being caring/loving)

    So yeah, my question is.. When it comes to settling down with someone, would you care how 'educated' he/she is? The fact that the person is caring, wouldn't be enough for ya?

  2. #2
    Respected Member Iroquois Pliskin's Avatar
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    You seem to imply that those that don't hold a degree won't be able to answer this or Im getting it the wrong way. Besides, almost everyone here are not married but Im going to give my 2 rupees as Im fairly educated say and.... Im married. I don't hold a degree but I do what I can to keep my family fed, safe and looked after.

    The mrs has had a good education back home but the fact is, none of her efforts worth shit when she moved to UK. I feel what she has learned could have been of good use but its just not enough. In the end she settled to care for our 3 and a half year old as there is nobody else. There used to be my mother in the picture, but not anymore.

    Its what you call a risk we're taking. I bring home the bacon, shit happens to me, no money. She is taking care of my child, anything happens to her. I can't work. Top it all off, my son is showing signs of autism. Things cannot get any better.

  3. #3
    Respected Member DJ B4VVY's Avatar
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    Awww Plissy have you had your son checked out?

    In answer to Hiroshi's question, I am not educated well let's say average. I've got my GCSE's and that's all I need. I am married to someone who has a degree and he doesn't mind because it's not the education that counts. It's about you as a person and how you handle being in a relationship/looking after your family. No degree will ever teach you that.

  4. #4
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    Pliskin: I'm sorry to hear man, hope your son gets better and I wish him a great health. Had him checked out by a doc yet?

    Bav: Glad to hear your husband's so down to earth =) And yeah I agree. I'm just thinking 'cause.. See, I understand why people wouldn't want to marry off someone back home (whether it's Pakistan, India or wherever)..

    Personally I wouldn't want to marry a girl over there (in the future) either because of the 'differences', but then I end up thinking.. What differences? It's all about the person's character right? There's always gonna be differences between people, and being a family is all about adjusting to them.. But then there's people like.. say, living in the UK - who would feel embarrassed to introduce them to their friends because their grammar is 'crap'.

    Or even if it's just someone living in the same country as you but wasn't as serious about their education..

    Idk, just a random thought lol.

    Had another random question but ended up not making a thread since people are hardly active on here =S

  5. #5
    Respected Member Iroquois Pliskin's Avatar
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    Post that question in a new thread anyway! Get this place rolling like it used to be.

    I got married and my wife is from Pakistan, it was arranged. Was I happy at the time? No. Am I happy after 7 years married? From a scale of 1 being No and 10 being Yes, I'd say 5. No one is truly happy when they're married even if it was arranged or love. If they say we are happy they're in denial.

    There are differences which one shouldn't go through, like in taste of music, movies and food. All these minor things don't mean much but trust me, it makes a huge difference. Take me, I love movies and music, but in english, mrs loves the same thing, but bollywood and indian music. Which I don't. Food, I don't eat rice, at all. Mrs does. Etc.

    Someone already from UK. Well who wants to volunteer being my 2nd wife? Im kidding, my wife wouldn't allow it. Ha. No seriously, I can just manage with one at the moment. LOL.

    My kid, well doctor doesn't know anything, she just passed on what I was concerned about to some 'specialists'.

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