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* *Be aware of The Muslim Brotherhood - Page 4
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Thread: * *Be aware of The Muslim Brotherhood

  1. #46
    Loyal Member Scrooge's Avatar
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    again your coming out with points which u can not back up, prove to me that HT is being funded by the british government? the same governement that is trying to ban them?

    in this country, they hold events up and down the country, rallies, demos, raising awareness of the atrocities committed in muslim lands. in my area, they have ridden the area of drugs nd alhamduillah alot of the youth have got back into the mosque nd back on to the deen. theyv held projects on how to help the muslim student progress in education. in my area alone i have seen a massive change amongst the community.

    been to diffrent areas nd iv seen HT active, ilford, walthamstow, aston, stoke to name a few.

    in the muslim world, they are banned in some countries, but are still active. places such as indonesia, recently saw 100000 muslims pack out a football stadium in jakarta to listen to hizb leaders, as was in palestine, ramallah, where ten thousand took to the streets. yemen, morrocco, iraq, lebanon just a few countries to name.

    besides the political, in my area, they hold quran classes, held nasheed events, community event nd most recently had radio ramadhan, which was a big success, they have won over alot of people, even distributed food to non muslims duing ramadhan. Hizb is quite active nd is building bridges with the community.

    as far i am aware HT says its sunnah to keep a beard.

    so would u like to give a solution on how things can be solved in muslim lands?
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  2. #47
    Loyal Member Scrooge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M4RN1 View Post
    HT always whining about how fair and the injustices' from the british govermnet and want to change the system. If they dont like it, they more than welcome to leave.

    UK is multifaith country and allows muslims to perform their prayers. What more can you want?
    ha, change the system? HT is not planning on changing the british system nor does it want a state in britain, more it wants a state in muslim lands.

    so the illegal war in iraq is not an injustice? afghanistan? where was the british when the lebanese wanted them to intervene from the bombings israel was giving them? is that not injustice?

    just perform prayers? islam has more aspects to it than just praying.
    u sound very secularist in your last comment, so would u think islam is compatible with the british way of life?
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  3. #48
    Respected Member M4RN1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrooge View Post
    again your coming out with points which u can not back up, prove to me that HT is being funded by the british government? the same governement that is trying to ban them?

    in this country, they hold events up and down the country, rallies, demos, raising awareness of the atrocities committed in muslim lands. in my area, they have ridden the area of drugs nd alhamduillah alot of the youth have got back into the mosque nd back on to the deen. theyv held projects on how to help the muslim student progress in education. in my area alone i have seen a massive change amongst the community.

    been to diffrent areas nd iv seen HT active, ilford, walthamstow, aston, stoke to name a few.

    in the muslim world, they are banned in some countries, but are still active. places such as indonesia, recently saw 100000 muslims pack out a football stadium in jakarta to listen to hizb leaders, as was in palestine, ramallah, where ten thousand took to the streets. yemen, morrocco, iraq, lebanon just a few countries to name.

    besides the political, in my area, they hold quran classes, held nasheed events, community event nd most recently had radio ramadhan, which was a big success, they have won over alot of people, even distributed food to non muslims duing ramadhan. Hizb is quite active nd is building bridges with the community.

    as far i am aware HT says its sunnah to keep a beard.

    so would u like to give a solution on how things can be solved in muslim lands?

    im not stating im asking hence the '?' after my sentences.

    Yes because the HT became bit radical, it became a threat thats why they want to ban it. Last year they were HT members contributing so much on TV shows and news, and now they dissolving. Their rallies give muslims overall bad name.

  4. #49
    Respected Member M4RN1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrooge View Post
    ha, change the system? HT is not planning on changing the british system nor does it want a state in britain, more it wants a state in muslim lands.

    so the illegal war in iraq is not an injustice? afghanistan? where was the british when the lebanese wanted them to intervene from the bombings israel was giving them? is that not injustice?

    just perform prayers? islam has more aspects to it than just praying.
    u sound very secularist in your last comment, so would u think islam is compatible with the british way of life?
    Change the system in UK in itself.

    Never said anything about internationl justice system.

    If HT so concerned about having a state in another land, arnt they suppose to go there and take over, reform the place?

    I myslef want a Islamic state but it's never going to happen now because it's part of the prophecy (corruption/no unity/bloodshed etc). It will when the Mahdi comes. That will be the leader for all the muslim world.

    What changes have HT made so far regarding war torn lands?
    Oh and also in UK itself. Something 'everyone' has benifited from?

    When i say prayers thats all comprehensive covering from masjids/madressas/funerals/prayer rooms at work places etc.
    Yeh i know that there is more than praying but thing is hardly anyone is praying but going in to other issues. Praying is No1. Priority!
    Last edited by M4RN1; 17-10-2007 at 18:56.

  5. #50
    Loyal Member Scrooge's Avatar
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    speaking about islam makes u radical? apparently according to jack straw wearing the niqab is extreme? so shoudl the muslim sister not wear the niqab now? because it extreme?
    radical, extreme, islamists, moderates are all terms brought out by the UK government funny how muslims have started to call it each other, when we should be one ummah.

    no it is banned in them countries because it challenges them puppet governments, have u not noticed all the governments in muslim lands are either military dictators put in by the west or on the pay roll from the west? name a few for you, karzai - put in by america, maliki - put in by america, musharraf - dictator, mubarak - dictator, gaddaffi - dictator, anyone aho speaks out against them is banned or thrown in prisons. gd example would be that of the muslim brotherhood who were banned by mubarak.

    give a bad name? why coz the media says so? coz the government says so? they speak out against the foreign policy nd have challenged anyone to have an intellectual discussion on islam nd world affairs. in a sense it is the government turning muslims against muslims, they love it while we fight between ourselves here they can carry on raping muslim lands of its wealth.

    iv been goin to HT rallies for 5 years nd iv noticed they been getting bigger nd bigger, considering there are 250 core members in the UK nd they get 3-4 thousand people turning out to there events is pretty impressive.

    HT are working in other countries to reform, but nothing happens overnight nd the victory is giiven from allah, so one has to be patient nd continue until the victory comes.

    no unity u say, so why aint we workin together for summit to happen instead of trying to put another groups efforts down?

    can u name any group in britain that has done anything for the ummah? MCB? there leader who accepted a knighthood from a queen haha.

    theres a war goin on, a war on islam nd a war of ideas, u must be pretty blind to think that nothing is happening to muslims, from this country we can see what is happening. the cartoon issue, the hijab issue, university spying issue, terrorism laws, morning raids etc? all effect muslims, so instead of us bickering between ourselves over diffrent issues, which we'l never get an answer from coz there'l be continuous loopholes, we should work together in helping takin our community further nd building our imaan, dont u think?
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  6. #51
    Respected Member M4RN1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrooge View Post
    speaking about islam makes u radical? No it isnt but the way they do it with their hate speeches is. Theres more wise ways of doing it. apparently according to jack straw wearing the niqab is extreme? so shoudl the muslim sister not wear the niqab now? because it extreme? It's not extreme and just because HT condem that doesnt justify their main cause and beliefs, Every party condems it, not just HT.
    radical, extreme, islamists, moderates are all terms brought out by the UK government funny how muslims have started to call it each other, when we should be one ummah.

    no it is banned in them countries because it challenges them puppet governments, have u not noticed all the governments in muslim lands are either military dictators put in by the west or on the pay roll from the west? name a few for you, karzai - put in by america, maliki - put in by america, musharraf - dictator, mubarak - dictator, gaddaffi - dictator, anyone aho speaks out against them is banned or thrown in prisons. gd example would be that of the muslim brotherhood who were banned by mubarak. Ive been to egypt for few months, believe me they still up and running, they are called 'al ikhwan'

    give a bad name? why coz the media says so? coz the government says so? they speak out against the foreign policy nd have challenged anyone to have an intellectual discussion on islam nd world affairs. in a sense it is the government turning muslims against muslims, they love it while we fight between ourselves here they can carry on raping muslim lands of its wealth. Like I said im not intresed in their political movement but more in to their beliefs in the islamic side.

    iv been goin to HT rallies for 5 years nd iv noticed they been getting bigger nd bigger, considering there are 250 core members in the UK nd they get 3-4 thousand people turning out to there events is pretty impressive. Most of them youngsters? from them how much do they know what they in to.All they think is that they just joined a group who speak out. I myself been to them rallies but not count myself as a HT or sympathyser.

    HT are working in other countries to reform, but nothing happens overnight nd the victory is giiven from allah, so one has to be patient nd continue until the victory comes. Inshalah!

    no unity u say, so why aint we workin together for summit to happen instead of trying to put another groups efforts down? because each group want to implement their own ways and methods

    can u name any group in britain that has done anything for the ummah? MCB? there leader who accepted a knighthood from a queen haha.
    Sometimes the royal family do things to get a goodname like accepting a faith in their country through media. MCB is working hard to make life easy for muslims. You have two evils and they try to achieve the lesser evil. They methods might not be understandable but they purpose is to make life easy for muslims to live in this country.

    theres a war goin on, a war on islam nd a war of ideas, u must be pretty blind to think that nothing is happening to muslims, from this country we can see what is happening. the cartoon issue, the hijab issue, university spying issue, terrorism laws, morning raids etc? all effect muslims, so instead of us bickering between ourselves over diffrent issues, which we'l never get an answer from coz there'l be continuous loopholes, we should work together in helping takin our community further nd building our imaan, dont u think?

    I never asked you about for the political issues which is happening, all i ask was the views of HT's aqeedah. I hear things once, then you hear and read things again about HT's aqeedah now thats more than a coincidence.

    Why are people against HT and not anyother movement like the respect party?

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrooge View Post
    again, bring forward the literature nd we can scrutinise it, u have a point but not a valid point until u show evidence.

    you are making strong accusations, bring forward the evidences, saying that they do not belive in dajjal is laughable, but i shall not discuss further on this point until u provide evidence of your points.

    politics has no place in islam? you will find that islam since the days of the prophet pbuh all the way to 1924 was run under a political format.
    how was it possibble for the handful of muslims in the prophet pbuh day to spread islam from mecca? it wasnt done by goin to individuals nd trying to change them, it was done by goin to tribes nd the tribes giving the leadership to the prophet pbuh.
    ht movement is based on the method of the prophet pbuh, how he went about to create the state.

    khilafah is needed nd the call is getting bigger for it, its only a matter of time before it is back
    Dude, if you really think like that, then get your OWN people back home to sort themselfs out. Without solid FOUNDATIONS then your jumping the gun. And after my pointless debate with sum people on the topic of celebrtaing milad un nabi, Im not really bothered anymore. Ive said my point, youve said yours and its up to the majority wether they WANT to follow HT or not. In which most DONT.

  8. #53
    Respected Member HussainU's Avatar
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    can i ask you all " DO YOU BELIVE ON JUDGMENT DAY OUR PROPHET MUHAMMED SALLAHU ALIYHI WASLAM WILL INTERCEDE FOR HIS UMMAH?" and he will not stop until all his ummah is in jannat?

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by HussainU View Post
    can i ask you all " DO YOU BELIVE ON JUDGMENT DAY OUR PROPHET MUHAMMED SALLAHU ALIYHI WASLAM WILL INTERCEDE FOR HIS UMMAH?" and he will not stop until all his ummah is in jannat?
    Yes! why?..

  10. #55
    Respected Member HussainU's Avatar
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    so do u belive he can intercede for us now?

  11. #56
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    I never said that he couldnt.

  12. #57
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    i never said u ddid
    am asking if u think he can?
    e.g so i make dua and ask him to intercede

  13. #58
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    Oh yeh I know he will intercede-jazakallah

  14. #59
    Respected Member HussainU's Avatar
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    thank you for your time marni

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