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Personal Statement - Page 3
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Thread: Personal Statement

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    You starting your placement next year? My bro in Law did his at Charing Cross Hospital...he said it was one of the worst places he'd ever seen lol. Guys hospital is very good I hear though! Where you looking/hoping to go?
    Yeah Guy's hospital is the best kos its my uni's hospital and is jus behind it ... but am afraid in year 3 u dnt get to choose wer u wanna go they jus allocate u to a hospital and have to go there unless u cant go there due to travelling distances then u dnt really get to choose.. so they mite assign u to sumwer as far a southend or maybe further..
    Last edited by DJ Popz; 22-06-2007 at 16:29.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaKi PwInCeSs
    Yeh thats why I dont want 2 go.. If I aint gona put the effort in..
    OoOo good luck with the placement..x
    What are you studying?
    Studying Medicine... and nooo that doesnt mean making medicines - you'll be surprised as to how many ppl think that when you tell em u studying medicine and they think its making medicines and drugs LOL, studying to be a doctor inshAllah

  3. #33
    Respected Member Guji-Ji's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazYt™
    Studying Medicine... and nooo that doesnt mean making medicines - you'll be surprised as to how many ppl think that when you tell em u studying medicine and they think its making medicines and drugs LOL, studying to be a doctor inshAllah
    lmao at making medicine!

    ^^Thanks to the Evil_G^^

  4. #34
    Banned Rizolicious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel
    this is soo stupid man this is how far ive got

    My love of science and aspiration for a medical career is reflected in my A-Level choices where good time management, self motivated study skills and ability to cope with stress and pressure are essential. Biology ,Physics and Chemistry have helped me further my interest and develop my analytical skills. I believe all the qualities I have developed through my courses are essential for any good doctor.
    I will participated in the award scheme which enabled me to achieve a first aid certificate including cardiopulmonary resuscitation training.

    I also enhanced my inter-personal, communication and team building abilities, valuable skills for any medical occupation, I witnessed during my experience.I have volunteered at a local surgery this can help with the public in a different environment. I enjoy reading, mainly factual books to expand my general knowledge. To relax, I enjoy sports including basketball and football

    is it ok?
    your spelling and grammer is very poor.
    use spell check, its simple.
    dont forget paragraphs and correct punctuation.

    highlighted an example.

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  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazYt™
    Yeah Guy's hospital is the best kos its my uni's hospital and is jus behind it ... but am afraid in year 3 u dnt get to choose wer u wanna go they jus allocate u to a hospital and have to go there unless u cant go there due to travelling distances then u dnt really get to choose.. so they mite assign u to sumwer as far a southend or maybe further..
    Lol I know...do they assign you closest places in london depending on your unit results or not?

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazYt™
    Studying Medicine... and nooo that doesnt mean making medicines - you'll be surprised as to how many ppl think that when you tell em u studying medicine and they think its making medicines and drugs LOL, studying to be a doctor inshAllah
    I know it doesnt mean makin medicine..Lolz

    OoOh.. We have a Doc 2 be on here hey.. Inshallah May all go well for you... Goood Luck Wiv it Dr T...
    'A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left.'
    - Marilyn Monroe

  7. #37
    Loyal Member incredible's Avatar
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    I have friend who is also applying for Medicince. He has got a few medicine PS examples, thought it may help you:

    Example 1

    Life as an A-level student has brought challenges and rewards that I feel have enhanced and added volumes of positive input to my character. I am a cheerful, enthusiastic and caring member of Ponteland Sixth Form College, with a burning drive to strive forward on a continuous journey of self-improvement. Every time I reach a new peak, I see another and want to climb it. I have an unstoppable momentum and I dont think Ill ever stop.
    My passion for science led me to take Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics to A-level, all of which I find very demanding. Basic queries I had about how my body works and how it relates to the world around us are answered in Biology and Chemistry. I find that quite often it is the most mundane action of our bodies, such as the heartbeat, that turns out to be the most profound and complicated. He certainty and logic attached to Mathematics complement these subjects by providing models by which to explain scientific situations. Persistence and a strong work ethic have enabled me to achieve top grades in Mathematics which is certainly my most challenging subject.
    Amongst the pressures from these intense science-orientated A-levels, I made sure that I indulged in an art that I thoroughly enjoyed - English Literature. Alongside the prescribed texts, I enjoy reading books suited to y own taste, from the beautiful and profound “The Man That Fell In Love With The Moon," to delightfully frivolous celebrity autobiographies. I find these entirely different genres of text quench my thirst for a broad spectrum of literature.
    Being a keen member of my sixth form charity committee has allowed me to give something back to the community through fund raising events for charities such as the NSPCC and Children in Need. I worked as a ward assistant at Saint Oswalds Hospice caring for terminally ill patients and helped out at my local community first school teaching basic IT skills to Year One students. These voluntary jobs encouraged me to develop a stronger sense of my responsibility for other people. Further to enhance my ability to reach out and help others, I attended a first aid course last autumn in which I achieved a Young Lifesavers Plus award.
    Outside of college, I enjoy keeping healthy and active through a daily exercise routine combined with periodic runs with my two dogs, gym visits and tae kwon-do classes. At times of great stress, I find that exercise can be remarkably therapeutic physically, emotionally and mentally. I enjoy travel immensely and last year trekked across East America, staying with friends and family along the way. To further my appreciation of different languages, I took up Spanish and Italian lessons last year and achieved two post-16 awards. I have also began to learn Mandarin once a week.
    My work experience was at the Institute of Human Genetics in Newcastle where I helped with the CAPP studies. I learned about the way in which gene technology is helping treat people with serious illnesses. I was fascinated by the trials and it was at this moment that the elusive "Eureka Moment" struck me and I began to see medicine as a serious career choice for myself. I see it as a great challenge, another great peak to climb, and I look forward to a positive enjoyable and prosperous university life.

    Example 2:

    Having always been fascinated by science, I chose to pursue this interest by studying biology at university. Before starting my degree, I took a gap year travelling through central and southern Africa. There I realised the scale and horror of the AIDS pandemic, became interested in healthcare, and considered more carefully how I might become involved. I have since returned to Malawi with sponsorship to examine attitudes towards sexual health. Here I inevitably became involved with individuals suffering from HIV/AIDS - the youngest just months old. Experiencing the personal consequences of disease in this way confirmed my resolve to study medicine.
    Once at university, I sought to gain experience in a more orthodox healthcare setting by spending time with my GP and in a hospital oncology department. In the latter I worked with porters, administrators, nurses and radiographers as well as observing some consultations. Watching these people work together taught me that good patient care is driven by empathy, hard work and, above all, a sense of humour. Impressed by the hospital atmosphere I returned as a volunteer in orthopaedics and later as a surgical orderly in gynaecology. My duties included cleaning up after operations, moving patients and taking them to and from theatre. While in this job, some of the surgeons were kind enough to let me join them in theatre, in clinic and on ward rounds. This helped me appreciate just how hard doctors actually work and some of the extraordinary pressures to which they are exposed.
    On a more practical level my work as a firstaider with St John Ambulance has increased my confidence in taking responsibility for casualties - typically those suffering minor lacerations, fainting and falls. I have also worked at a disabled riding school and at a school for disabled children. These roles opened my mind to disability and inspired me to begin evening classes in sign language. My appetite for learning also accommodates extracurricular classes in German and Spanish which I enjoy in addition to working towards an A-level in Chemistry. These interests demand self discipline and have greatly improved my ability to manage time effectively.
    Away from the books my weekends are spent with the Territorial Army. As an Officer Cadet, the TA has vastly improved my confidence and ability to work as part of a team under pressure. Although challenging, army weekends are extremely rewarding and provide many opportunities to relax and socialise. To meet the demands of the TA I keep fit by lifting weights, swimming and fencing.
    As a keen traveller I have visited twenty six countries since leaving school. To fund these trips I have worked as a door-to-door salesman in America and have hitchhiked across Europe to reach northern Africa. In testing my communication skills, these experiences have taught me much about establishing rapport with strangers in challenging situations.
    These travels have taken me to some extreme and potentially dangerous destinations. More than once I have been rescued from disaster by complete strangers who stood to gain nothing from helping me. This has taught me that the common language of people everywhere is essentially kindness and compassion. These values are intrinsic in the role of the physician and are the reason I cannot imagine committing to any other profession.

    Good Luck!

  8. #38
    Respected Member Guji-Ji's Avatar
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    ^^Dude.. the thread's over a year old lol.

    ^^Thanks to the Evil_G^^

  9. #39
    Loyal Member incredible's Avatar
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    Is it? LMAO ...guess it wont help now then! LOL

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