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Bangali Fuain/Fuurin (NOSTOR) - Page 2
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Thread: Bangali Fuain/Fuurin (NOSTOR)

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enchantress View Post
    Tis not just a thing with bengalis... a lot of teens are like that these days, no motivation to actually become something... and they always talk big, n plan on making a lotta money really fast....

    The mission to become a millionaire isn't exactly going to bear fruit if all you want to do is hire cars n go out pulling girls in random clubs (a few of my cousins in their teens/early 20's are like that)... tis a shame, cos everyone has the potential to make something of themselves, some folk just don't want to try...

    *insert Pursuit of Happyness here*
    u hit the nail there.....

    exactlyy..man thats what im talking about...all they think is yeh hire a nice car for eid..an go pull some girls...an then trick her thinking im a rich boy...tut tut
    or even worse....hiring a car but borrowing other ppls money
    what duufus....if u wanna be enjoyin ya time..then earn ya own shit...but still its a dumbness..of them to be spendin on petit usless shit...

    thats the problem man, they spend spend spend....an not bother to...realise..what will happen later on....
    clothes/cars come and go anytime...but future just...flys out the window everyday...

    yeh today i was talkin about how i dont like seeing youthfuls....wasting away...someone suggested that i should accully try an get into helping them...
    i accully felt like you know what maybe ill give it a try..let them realise it...
    all they need is a roll model..

    i rember i used to get ppl saying 'oh but u used to drink or smoke an pull girls'
    me: sorry mate not me never did never will this heart of mine is too darn strong, i dont give into weakness...

    thye dont realise its all in there head...all ya do is use that brain for the right reason an not for the wrong...

    they should realise..how hard it must been for there family to come to UK for a better future for there kids...
    some perents are really layed back an give up...on tellin there kids to do well...

    my mum is strickt....she tells me never do this or dat... but i always told her (im not like that i dont follow into petit usless shit)

    dad is ok....since he trusts me...an thats a good reason..why if they have trust in me then..its ok i wont go mess it up an think what a much of fools...

    but those who abuse it..sure need a smack in the head...

    so those who are readon this make a difference...if wanna get out..then do it NOW!!!
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  2. #17
    Respected Member Enchantress's Avatar
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    Fix up look sharrrrrrrrrp

    Erm, I blame parents too kinda, when it comes to a lot of asian people I know, they let their sons get away with bloody murder.... they don't give a damn, they're allowed to do whatever cos they're male, apparently it's less shameful for them to sleep around/drink/party than if a girl was to go out n do the same things....

    But I've seen girls who are out there copying guys behaviour, a lot just have to do it more slyly so their parents don't find out...

    But yeah, not everyone is like that I guess, but I know most of my cousins who live in East London are... they do the whole hiring of limos on Eid n pulling girls n going clubbing... fark's sake, it's Eid 0_o What's wrong with you...

    They do take it easy, depend on mommy & daddy for the spending monies, maybe even get a part time job... I've got quite a few cousins/second cousins, who don't think about the future or what they want to become, or about any security for their family money-wise... it's all about the here and now... "hormones raging so let's party" attitude...

    Hmm, tbh, in comparison, I've led a very sheltered life, heh

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  3. #18
    Respected Member Guji-Ji's Avatar
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    It's to do with upbringing and education. Most parents of these kids don't really give 2 f*cks what there kid is doing or if they do they are on a different level to them. Kids need to have good role models yes but the best of role models at home can only be your parents and if you parents are going to let you get away with murder then you'll learn how to manipulate them to let you do anything.

    When a kid is small they should be treated strictly but also with love so they feel they are trusted. Most Asian dads do the strictly bit but can't seem to do the loving. That makes the kids want to turn away even more. That means lack of communication which equals lack of trust which will equal bad things.

    Parents also need to keep an active interest in the kids life. Know what friends they have, what grades they are getting and if things are slipping find the root to why. Don't be passive and give the kid a grilling and expect them to change, It ain't gonna happen.

    Lastly though they may be youngsters the blame is on THEM too! When I was a youngster and which I still am I guess I knew and Know what is right and what is wrong. There is no guessing that drinking is wrong, no guessing that sleeping around is wrong, no guessing that going after any female that breathes is wrong. Sometimes I feel we are just too soft on kids. I'm not saying beat them for every mistake they do(which is a good idea sometimes) but one must understand they are 15, not 5.

    ^^Thanks to the Evil_G^^

  4. #19
    Respected Member Enchantress's Avatar
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    Yep yep, instill firmly what is right and wrong, and there you have the foundation for a child with a strong head on his/her shoulders...

    There is definitely more to bringing up a child than washing/feeding/changing it... if you don't act as a guide, someone else will... and they won't necessarily be a good one.

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  5. #20
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    exactly what u all said...
    i agree with that...

    thats why i wanna make sure..i am a good roll model to my kids..so that way...they know its not so hard...to grow up..in life...
    sure its a scary feeling..but still....its a way to show..theres always a way...out of weakness...

    a much better individuality......then just a copy...
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  6. #21
    Member LILMISSY's Avatar
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    we shud just send them to bangladesh prison teach em a lesson
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