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Thread: iPhone or Blackberry

  1. #16
    Respected Member shelim's Avatar
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    Apart from calls, what are your main uses... will you be using the internet browser
    And will you be emailing alot?

    Working in the industry i've played with both handsets it all depends really, if your not going to use all the nultimedia that the iphone has on it then personally your wasting money as im guessing they may have a price you may have to pay for the handsets.

    If its mainly emails your looking for then the blackberry will do you more than justice... as no phone does push email like a blackberry.

    If you do decide to go for an iphone then YES GET A WHITE ONE IT LOOKS SO MUCH NICER AND NEATER


    If you go for a blackberry then get the 8900 CURVE or the BOLD 9000...

    If you need help gimme a shout i'll do what i can to help ya...
    Last edited by Kayz; 17-10-2009 at 14:25. Reason: mergered

    OMG De Ja Vu, No! it's INCEPTION!!!

    Simple rule.. TS asks you.. You don't ask TS..

  2. #17
    Loyal Member MiSs's Avatar
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    Dont like niether. Got Blackberry at the moment and I never even use the internet on it. Prefer phones with buttons then touch phones (they get boring after a while)
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  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rab C Nesbit View Post
    I dislike this BB or iPhone culture we have.
    Especially with Asians.
    If you don't have one or the other, and you haven't expressed your desire to buy either, or, you're just not seen as Human anymore.

    I'm desperate to buy a new phone, as my phone is dying on me, and I can't take any new texts.
    ...but all the good deals offered to me are touch-sensitive whatsits, I feel like giving up.

    I think I may end up with the iPhone, but I'm trying ever so hard to stay away from both.
    See, this is why I'm not keen on getting an iPhone. Everyones bumming one.
    Point is, I need a phone that allows me access to my emails since Freelancing = sitting on emails all the fucking time. Blah. Same with me. My phone's actually fucked but I don't think I'm ready to let go. It's a case of 'needing' a new one, though

    Quote Originally Posted by Guji-Ji View Post
    Don't diss the 6300... I love my phone...
    I love her, I do. But she now takes 20mins turning on, crashes AND her message memory is fudged. Calls sound all muffly, too. Maybe I just know how to mess phones up really well, because none of mine last.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kayz View Post
    The iPhone is for all your fancy stuff.. tbh i like to keep spending my fancy time with my PC and not phone.. so aslong it rings, can take pics and vids and i can send and receive text messages etc thats it.

    However i too have been contemplating on investing in a Blackberry primarily for emails and also use it as a diary.
    True, there's actually no need if you have a decent PC/Laptop/digital camera. I don't keep anything major on my phone. Just texts, the rest gets transfered to Laptop straight away.

    Quote Originally Posted by shelim View Post
    Apart from calls, what are your main uses... will you be using the internet browser
    And will you be emailing alot?

    Working in the industry i've played with both handsets it all depends really, if your not going to use all the nultimedia that the iphone has on it then personally your wasting money as im guessing they may have a price you may have to pay for the handsets.

    If its mainly emails your looking for then the blackberry will do you more than justice... as no phone does push email like a blackberry.

    If you do decide to go for an iphone then YES GET A WHITE ONE IT LOOKS SO MUCH NICER AND NEATER


    If you go for a blackberry then get the 8900 CURVE or the BOLD 9000...

    If you need help gimme a shout i'll do what i can to help ya...
    Emails. I fucked up my last brief because our client went from saying we had all the time in the world and that 'communication' wasn't necessary until the end of the week to... 'I'm leaving for China tomorrow morning, sit on your emails' and lets be fair, it's pretty sucky to stay in just because you need to wait for emails every hour. Major FML moment. The only thing that swayed me to the iPhone was the Sujood Salah times app

    Quote Originally Posted by MiSs View Post
    Dont like niether. Got Blackberry at the moment and I never even use the internet on it. Prefer phones with buttons then touch phones (they get boring after a while)
    It's not for entertainment factor, doll. I guess I'll have to get used to the keypad thingy, I don't like touch phones either. I'm pretty old school. Come on, I have a Samsung D600 that won't let me take calls and a Nokia 6300 that's dying, too.

  4. #19
    Respected Member shelim's Avatar
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    looks like you've made up mind mind already...


    Whether you wana get an 8900 Curve or the 9000 Bold is totally up to you

    I'm getting my Blackberry 8900 Curve next week for my upgrade oh and the qwerty keypad will probably take you 2 days tops to get used to...

    hopefully its the one for you and hope the information helped you out
    Last edited by shelim; 18-10-2009 at 03:33.

    OMG De Ja Vu, No! it's INCEPTION!!!

    Simple rule.. TS asks you.. You don't ask TS..

  5. #20
    Freshy ecko's Avatar
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    I find blackberrys annoying to use, iPhone all the way.
    Can I buy a sig?

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