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18 Statements of Wisdom of Umar Al Khatab
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Thread: 18 Statements of Wisdom of Umar Al Khatab

  1. #1
    Advanced Member Aaryana Afghan's Avatar
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    Default 18 Statements of Wisdom of Umar Al Khatab

    Assalam O Alaikum

    ** Umar bin Khattab (ra) left to people 18 statements of wisdom:

    The following are notes from a class on hikmah, may Allah (SWT) reward the student (who wishes to be anonymous) for providing us with these notes. Ameen!

    When someone transgresses upon your rights (and in doing so disobeys Allah) the way to 'revenge' is to obey Allah in dealing with him. (use reason/rules instead of anger)

    When something comes to you from your brother, accept it as something good, unless you have overwhelming evidence against it. (hush dhann- thinking good of people)

    Don't take the word of a Muslim as ill. When there is a way of seeing it positively, take it that way. Find one good interpretation out of 10.

    Avoid positions that will make others doubt you. (ie disobey Allah publicly, hang out with ppl who don't care, at all time and places)

    Do not blame others. When you have a secret, its under your control, but when you tell someone else, that control is not yours anymore. People fall under different factors and pressures, so do not blame others.

    Always take care of the brothers and sisters of truth. Be with them always. They will protect you. They are always a beautiful ornament. In good times you will have ease, and in time of difficulty, you will have protection and support.

    Be strict and careful in choosing your friends.

    Always be with the truth even against your own life.

    Don't indulge in that which is meaningless. Every moment of our life is meaningful- use it to worship Allah subhanawat'ala

    Don't ask about that which didn't happen. You already have enough to deal with, be practical, deal with immediate problems not the future of ghayb.

    Don't ask for your need to be fulfilled from someone who wouldn't like your need to be fulfilled. Try to be self-sufficient as individuals and as an ummah, muslims of early generation were poor but didn't lower themselves. Always be with dignity.

    Don't be neglectful or careless in swearing by the name of Allah. Otherwise, Allah will bring punishment for you.

    Don't be in the company of fajaar (those who commit major sins openly and don't care) You WILL be affected. Your own behavior changes little by little. Be in the company of people who remind you of Allah.

    Be aware of your enemy. Be careful, alert, and prepared.

    Remember death. Visit the graveyards, try to be in kushuu'. If you can't cry, force yourself to. Try to be humble in front of the Creator, the One who gives life and takes it away.

    Be HUMBLE in acts of obedience to Allah. No one will protect us but Allah. Seek protection from Allah in Allah.

    Seek tawbaah. Immediately, be determined, have resolve.

    Consult in your matters those who have kashiyaah (fear of Allah and always conscious of Him), because those who have kashiyaah are the ones that truly have ilm.

    Let's not ask Barbara Walters,Let's not ask CNN,ABC,FOX
    Let's Not ask Non Muslims about how Muslim women feel.How they Live,what R their Principles,what R their challenges.
    If U wanna B fair
    ask a Muslim Woman....Ask Me

  2. #2
    Loyal Member Scrooge's Avatar
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    umar ibn khattab what a great man and a great leader.

    jazakallah for this
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  3. #3
    Advanced Member Aaryana Afghan's Avatar
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    Jazak Allah khair to You too

    yaa A great leader and an example for us...!
    Let's not ask Barbara Walters,Let's not ask CNN,ABC,FOX
    Let's Not ask Non Muslims about how Muslim women feel.How they Live,what R their Principles,what R their challenges.
    If U wanna B fair
    ask a Muslim Woman....Ask Me

  4. #4
    Respected Member Guji-Ji's Avatar
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    Wonderful advice. Jzk!

    ^^Thanks to the Evil_G^^

  5. #5
    Member RockStarr's Avatar
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    Jzk for that sis. Very wise indeed.

  6. #6
    Loyal Member Scrooge's Avatar
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    im currently reading a book on umar's life, he is awesome, someone to look up to, from being the most ignorant and jahil person, to becoming the best in islam. it was said, that if there was to be another prophet after the prophet pbuh, it would have been umar (ra).

    truly great charachter and role model.
    www.tubbyz.wordpress.com Subscribe today.
    Making the Muslim Youth Think! 'Generation Jihad?' New Article Up!

  7. #7
    Advanced Member Aaryana Afghan's Avatar
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    Salam O alaikum wr wb
    yess Alhamdulilah...!
    Let's not ask Barbara Walters,Let's not ask CNN,ABC,FOX
    Let's Not ask Non Muslims about how Muslim women feel.How they Live,what R their Principles,what R their challenges.
    If U wanna B fair
    ask a Muslim Woman....Ask Me

  8. #8
    Loyal Member Scrooge's Avatar
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    Its absolutley astonishing that, Umar Ibn Khattab (ra), one of the 10 who are promised Jannah, the ashrat ul mubashira, even though they were granted Jannah they still strived to make Islam prominent through out the world. Looking at Umar (ra), era as Caliph, expanding the Khilafah to Egypt, Baghdad, Basra etc, is truly remarkable. They didnt have to do that, coz they were granted Jannah. Just goes to show, regardless of position, Islam ALWAYS came first.

    We need more great men like Umar (ra) for this Ummah.
    www.tubbyz.wordpress.com Subscribe today.
    Making the Muslim Youth Think! 'Generation Jihad?' New Article Up!

  9. #9
    Advanced Member Aaryana Afghan's Avatar
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    Ma sha Allah yess for sure
    jazakAllah Khair
    we Muslims have became v mean
    if something is happening to a muslim or Anyone
    just chill it happens we are safe
    this is our attitude now SubhanAllah
    we need good leaders and good people and for that we have to Improove ourself first.
    Let's not ask Barbara Walters,Let's not ask CNN,ABC,FOX
    Let's Not ask Non Muslims about how Muslim women feel.How they Live,what R their Principles,what R their challenges.
    If U wanna B fair
    ask a Muslim Woman....Ask Me

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