View Full Version : Your Life and Love

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  1. Dear Son/Daughter
  2. ex's!!! :mad:
  3. Has anyone ever put you in a situation...
  4. MOFO's
  5. There goes my summer..
  6. Pregnancy question..
  7. WTF
  8. Girls are a headache
  9. Hayfever victims..
  10. Ever found sumthin...
  11. ever got into a full on fight on a night out?
  12. Am I bein racist?
  13. whats the problem?
  14. Touch Me
  15. sex change
  17. bad bad day
  18. Whats your summer 2007 look..
  19. Ever been to a gay bar?
  20. I'm getting married..
  21. Adoption
  22. Discovering Masturbating
  23. Guests
  24. It's sad when people use age...
  25. I think god is mad at me!!
  28. Asianplace Dictionary
  29. Laser Eye Surgery
  30. Blind Rage
  31. Bad news
  32. huggies 4 rents
  33. women in uniform
  34. Where Would You Like To Go?!
  35. broken thingy
  36. Freshy Protection Advice..
  37. Get out of my country!!!!
  38. ok people ....... y are guys such cocks??
  39. Time of the month
  40. Why are desi's haters..
  41. After happiness soon comes sadness...
  42. Plastic Blood Could Save Lives in Disaster and War Zones
  43. Kids grow up too fast
  44. Virgin Mary wannabe's..
  45. Shaadi!
  46. Fat Workers Get Office Treadmill
  47. My head is hurting bad...
  48. The Gasmask Showerhead: Just Plain Creepy
  49. Fake pregnancies!
  50. HIV test!
  51. Well Bored
  52. Is It Me Or...
  53. A friend Indeed
  54. A pussys Respect
  55. Why we hate em?
  56. Locked out
  57. Push My Buttons
  58. Inconsiderate!!
  59. Dad's taking the piss!!
  60. How to catch a cheatin wife
  61. Weed addiction...
  62. Direction in life..
  63. Corner shops
  64. Back in da days man
  65. To do list:
  66. Spending time with parents..
  67. Kids...
  68. Asian peeps are shy...
  69. Deep Thinking
  70. Old Flame
  71. Sleeping medication...
  72. FAO: Kash
  73. What are you thankful for..
  74. What would you do?
  75. Amazing Brain Facts!!
  76. Inzimam comedy....a must watch!!!!!
  77. Why does colour Matter?
  78. 500mle?
  79. Marriage Interview
  80. Shadows
  81. I have a problem...
  82. Bonding
  83. Love!!
  84. Dumb Idiot!
  85. So.. Whats on ur mind?
  86. FAO: Axii
  87. Unrequited love.. Had one?How did you get over it?
  89. Japanese Robot Baby: Big And Scary
  90. im scared
  91. Baby-O'es
  92. 2 funerals...
  93. -- Visa Marriages --
  94. It cant be
  95. Stay with the story ppl...it has a moral!!!‎
  96. Todays Gossips
  97. Lonely/Unhappy
  98. Change!
  99. Targets In Life
  100. Did That Just Happen?
  101. It Makes me cry...........
  102. Sleep
  103. Alone?
  104. Had Nuff Of Dis Life
  105. That's Love
  106. Why is it...
  107. Tryin Out New Name
  108. Future Kidz
  109. Flipping headaches
  110. Cousin
  111. Snore Pillow Shakes You To Shutup
  112. FAO: People who know something about PC mic/headphones.
  113. Death!!!
  114. Dodgy Uncles...
  115. what makes ur blood boil?
  116. The 3-Second Cuppa Tea
  117. right/wrong?
  118. REGRET
  119. Inheritence
  120. -- Keeping the fire...
  121. The First iPhone Fanatic Starts
  122. Whos Voice...
  123. Is it possible to die and come back to life?
  124. Been Robbed?
  125. Real life Look Alikes
  126. Looking Up
  127. The Coffee Table Aquarium
  128. Ever Swallowed...
  129. Dangerous Driving
  130. Anyone on here use Nytol
  131. My De Ja Vu Life
  132. Do you help your mum carry the shopping?
  133. Settling down
  134. -- Point to Marriage? --
  135. Family...
  136. Life After Marriage!
  137. Stability
  138. Domesticated
  139. Responsibilities
  140. -- Men and Periods --
  141. Freaky Moments / Sick Moments
  142. Nail in the fence...
  143. Shaadi!
  144. Good Bye
  145. Hmm!
  146. Do Prayers Work?
  147. Freeky Astrology!
  148. Just a fought!
  149. Live Earth
  150. Do you depend on ur family?
  151. are you.....
  152. dont you just hate it...
  153. :(
  154. - The wedding night -
  155. mates wedding
  156. What would you do if your fiancee told you.........?
  157. Will It Blend
  158. Have u neglected your friends for your friends
  159. do you think
  160. Naive
  161. Would You Wait?
  162. Bruvva/sista
  163. Is there such a thing as a decent girl in the UK?
  164. The Scarface Misconception
  165. Ahhh British Weather
  166. How Do You Know?
  167. two MOONS !!!! 27th august 2007
  168. The Wifeys Dignity
  169. do u look like ur siblings??
  170. Who Is The Boss?
  171. The Wedding Season
  172. So Which Tattoo Is Nex?
  173. Marital Rape..
  174. Somethin you know but can't get your head round it?
  175. Forum numbers
  176. Deport your husband
  177. Advice!!
  178. who here..
  179. Parents..
  180. AP Cam
  181. how easily
  182. What to do..
  183. Change
  184. waves upon waves
  185. Addicted Chatters
  186. Being good to the bad?
  187. Rejection
  188. Your Family Members..
  189. Kiddies..
  190. Happy Bunny
  191. Where R We Going?
  192. A friend passes away...
  193. -- Experiences/Mistakes --
  194. Props
  195. I Follow - You Lead
  196. Your ending
  197. ...Fame...
  198. What would you think
  199. FAO doodh wala...milk-eh bwoiiii
  200. marriage proposal dilemma