View Full Version : Your Life and Love

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  1. Ap Date
  2. Opinions.
  3. A2Z of Friendship
  4. Im Goin To Get Married!
  5. An interesting dream with a twist!
  6. 7/7
  7. half black and chinese people
  8. DreamJob
  9. Self Study
  10. :: WaSheD UP :O ::
  11. D.O.D
  12. WoOp!
  13. Why are most Asians age-ist?
  15. Divorce
  16. A few things I have...
  17. Wealth + Vulgarity
  18. Immortality
  19. One time in history
  20. One time in history
  21. Monagamy A Myth?
  22. Homosexual Adoption
  23. Private Education
  24. Goodbyes
  25. >>Paying 4 Meals<<
  26. Clones
  27. The wrong crowd..
  28. is it too late....
  29. Advertisement
  30. I dont understand ...
  31. Rishta for me?
  32. Freaky shit...Help if u can...
  33. When will it rain?!
  34. Disabled people in nightclubs
  35. Cannibalism
  36. Boob Job
  37. Do you get compared...
  38. Blackpool Pleasure Beach
  39. Late Nights
  40. Monarchy
  41. Phra Kruh Bah
  42. Bad habits@Driving
  43. Ditzy...
  44. My Rant.
  45. talking sh*t
  46. Leaving Home....
  47. Unrealistic movies - Consequences?
  48. marriage after partners death?
  49. Greatest Influence
  50. Time to go.
  51. SO...
  52. Minorities Working
  53. bedroom activity (islamic rulings)
  54. >Realistic Objectives<
  55. charity?
  56. parents in old age
  57. How long after....
  58. Performing for the Family
  59. Khatam for my house.
  60. During Ramadhan...
  61. Girls tell me...
  62. Skived?
  63. A Question
  64. Some random gal
  65. When water gets deadly
  66. All flipin night!!
  67. Work - Because you want/have to?
  68. Disposable diaper breaks fall, saves child's life
  69. Just Stay....
  70. Rowdiness gets you NOWHERE!
  71. Whats Your views On This.....?
  72. Strange...but true
  73. CERN Blackhole experiment
  74. Being in Contact With Ex Teachers
  75. Ever look back...
  76. Groupies????
  77. help?
  78. The supernatural
  79. The ability to kill
  80. After opening your fast..
  81. :: Visa :: Help :: Jelly Babies
  82. +Falling asleep in Public+
  83. anyone stay awake till sehri?
  84. >>Sitting Down<<
  85. >>Inter Racial<<
  86. ALWAYS Be thankful to Allah
  87. Superglue
  88. My nephew
  89. Homelessness - Who's to blame?
  90. funeral and payment
  91. What will your kids be proud of?
  92. I have a question......
  93. Breast feeding - in public?
  94. Change
  95. >>Demanding<<
  96. Hate or Date
  97. >>Dangerous Single Women<<
  98. Age on Parenthood
  99. Sensitive TV content - Is it appropriate?
  100. Manipulation
  101. Famous partner
  102. I'm such a B*tch
  103. Regret / Remorse...etc
  104. Preparing children for the worst
  105. iDream of button
  106. Girls Wanna Be Woman
  107. Male Teachers
  108. Spelling
  109. Borrowed but not given back
  110. So people.....
  111. Crunch N Burn
  112. What do you do to overcome an addiction?
  113. How do u like your man/ woman?
  114. Which Position?
  115. Could you...
  116. Sexy thread
  117. Who can't you live without?
  118. Can You Change........
  119. Are you an Organised Person?
  120. i need some prayers
  121. Looking For Love....16/M/Birmingham...
  122. Hand Me Downs
  123. Doing your own thing
  124. Teaching YOU a lesson.
  125. Wife from Middle East
  126. I want to cry
  127. flirting vs true attraction
  128. Annoying relatives...
  129. Sweet Text Messages You've Recieved?
  130. Question for The Ladies.
  131. Hacking
  132. Who do you think you are?
  133. feelin lonely
  134. Stop loving someone?
  135. Writing a LIFE Book
  136. strapped for cash
  137. How often do u...
  138. Would it bother you.....
  139. Running Away.
  140. Have you ever fallen in love with a Whore?
  141. Congratulations Guj!! WooWoo
  142. Fat Attacks
  143. Dating: Partner from a different Origin
  144. Behaviour comparisons
  145. Extreme Close Knit Groups
  146. She just death stared me
  147. What have you learned recently?
  148. Valuable lessons in life
  149. Im Pregnant
  150. Hello again everyone
  151. being judged wrongly
  152. Would jellytots..or anyone for that matter..become a lesbian?
  153. Giving things up for your spouse
  154. Eye Catching Partners
  155. confused about my Bf/Ex
  156. how many times can u fall in love?
  157. Catch-22
  158. Feeling Really Down - Exams Ahead
  159. Things going missing - Weird
  160. My house just got broken into
  161. is it love?
  162. if you love something..let it go..
  163. Deaths On Forums
  164. Euthansia being shown on tele
  165. Everything falling into place
  167. Mission VDK
  168. todays thoughts
  169. not sure how he feels.
  170. Marriage Names
  171. AP member passed away
  172. Your kids future
  173. calling someone "bro"
  174. Opportunity
  175. Advice:Pessimist OR Optimist
  176. The impending doom of a new 'theoretical' clean slate
  177. Can you Pull?
  178. Do you attract what you are?
  179. Things you found out the hard way!!!
  180. Annoying things people do
  181. Ever had an operation?
  182. Dislike any of your friends other half??
  183. I wanna Buy This For My Wife
  184. Robbing
  185. Fictional Nuptials
  186. Are You..?
  187. My Update..
  188. Talkin bullshit!
  189. Pleasing your partner
  190. How true ...
  191. Men and women's role in society
  192. Xmas Celebrations
  193. What if??
  194. Wii
  195. 4 + 4 - 4 = Perfect Partner!
  196. Romantic Things Ya Do 4 Someone u Care
  197. Out of the ordinary
  198. What do you consider to be your purpose in life?
  199. Are you afraid of death?
  200. introducing partner to parents