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  1. Weird Disturbing Dream
  2. When trust is broken...
  3. Settling for second best...
  4. So-called 'friends'
  5. I'm such an idiot
  6. Asians+Doctors (for their daughters)
  7. What makes you a good catch?
  8. left on the shelf...
  9. Caste System
  10. Why?
  11. Who's gonna miss me?
  12. Longest Relationship
  13. Commitment
  14. Flirting and being in a relationship
  15. I Love Sleep
  16. Trust
  17. I am Lillian and need a good life partner
  18. Pros And Cons Of A Partner
  19. A Love Song
  20. Does you have any 'what ifs'?
  21. dont keep secrets,they always come out.
  22. Question
  23. A Reaction to being liked in THAT way.... ?
  24. Is the really better?
  25. 3 Things You Haven't Done
  26. Lost and Found
  27. Fading Love
  28. Living By Example
  29. Dealing with angry customers..
  30. Are you afraid of the dark??
  31. Can you train the brain to rid the pain?
  32. This really bothers me..
  33. Love potions... Would you?
  34. Teeth Operation
  36. gf pressures bf for sex
  37. Valentines
  38. Partners And Their Moneh
  39. More checks on foster parents?
  40. First dates
  41. Fantasies!!!
  42. Greetings!!
  43. Ghostly Findings..
  44. social circles/friends
  45. My 16yr old little sister...
  46. My Usual
  47. Blast from the past
  48. Greetings :)
  49. Questions to ask at interviews
  50. I'm back!!!
  51. Platform 2
  52. Jealousy Issues
  53. gettin compared to a total douchebag...
  54. Personal rules you live by
  55. Curry & Rice and Everything Nice!
  56. Losing Trust
  57. Am I normal?
  58. Am I being dramatic?
  59. Are bad memories good for you?
  60. Credit
  61. The Early Bird
  62. a Helping Hand
  63. Post ur dreams and interpretations.
  64. Wagging school?
  65. Are you a Snuggler or a Huggler?
  66. how many jatt sikhs out there?
  67. newbie here..some relationship advice please?
  68. Your Dream Girl / Guy
  69. opposite attraction
  70. Friendship code.
  71. A Strange Comment
  72. Questions for the Guys
  73. Respect in a relationship.
  74. Where Is My Desi Soulmate?
  75. Activities/Suggestions for Harmony
  76. forgetting someone
  77. Your life on TV?
  78. Have you ever talked down your abilities, only to be inspired by a lovely comment?
  79. 1st year of Uni comes to an end
  80. First Rishta Meetings.
  81. Loud Music
  82. Do you ever worry your not making the right choices in life?
  83. What makes you feel 'complete' as an individual?
  84. What do you want to achieve in life?
  85. What makes you realise just how precious life is?
  86. Craziest thing youve ever done?
  87. Checking someone's background
  88. You Fool!
  89. Friends, and their other halves.
  90. Most Memorable Experiences
  91. Keeping Options Open
  92. Giving Money 2 Make a House
  93. Bad credit.
  94. Turn-Ons
  95. A Good Job to get If You Have the Qualifications
  96. Legal Action Against A Fitness Club?
  97. De Ja Vu
  98. girls, would you go down on your man if...
  99. Cute little things.
  100. Hold up...!!
  101. Question for the boys
  102. Car Buy
  103. Full House!
  104. Question for Everyone
  105. High maintenance or emotional baggage
  106. Would you work for a mate??
  107. School vs Uni
  108. FML - f*ck my life
  109. Silly Bitch!
  110. Birthday Theme
  111. Typical desi life.
  112. home sick
  113. To Do Lists..
  114. The worst lie you told the opposite sex?
  115. Your time Usage!
  116. Your time Usage!
  117. Worst sin commited?
  118. Friends Betrayal
  119. unpleasantries of your job
  120. Hand on heart...
  121. Brothers and Sisters!
  122. next door people
  123. Trust.
  124. best mates ex
  125. Walking..
  126. Protected?
  127. Harsh?
  128. Rishta Interview Questions
  129. I lost a girl to a Mangy :(
  130. Who would you...
  131. Guys and Girls - who's really fit?
  132. Holiday!
  133. Hayfever strikes back
  134. Parents
  135. Recommeding for marriage
  136. Addictions....
  137. Surprise! Here's your Rishta Man!
  138. Who are you
  139. asians girls
  140. Whats the furthest you would go?
  141. Chicks over Dicks.
  142. g/f's love talk...
  143. Why are you on this forum?
  144. Joke of the Day! Must Read!!!
  145. Me:)
  146. Moi Marni
  147. Experiencing Death...
  148. meeting someone thru family
  149. Difficult Situation
  150. confused about where to take this.
  151. Paying for Another's Faults...
  152. RaWr.
  153. I Got It, I Got It, I Got It!!!
  154. What do yoooouuu look for...
  155. Lately..
  156. What are the people of AP really like?
  157. meeting off the net
  158. The question 99% of women lie about.. (Tell the truth & win a cookie)
  159. Lost.
  160. Caring for Retired Parents
  161. Questioning one's sanity.
  162. Compromising with Parents...
  163. Getting called Boring
  164. my best friend... :(
  165. How often do you look for a girl/guy?
  166. Sangria Help
  167. Two awesome weddings in two days...
  168. Would you let distance be an issue?
  169. men and women = different
  170. Hijab for marriage
  171. FAO Girls xD
  172. Im really ..
  173. Salty Coffee (A love Story) ...***
  174. Birthday Present Help.
  175. When you've met someone...
  176. FAO: Girlies. - re: FAO Girls xD thread...
  177. Arranged Marriages
  178. Love
  179. Reserved.
  180. Bully at work.
  181. so.
  182. unexplained nights
  183. Love life....
  184. so...um yeh,it's me again.
  185. Going:Growing OLD
  186. Sexy Mood Tunes
  187. Friends with Benefits
  188. Have you ever dated a friends ex?
  189. How to tell is a guy is interested in you?
  190. Should I ?
  191. i'm gna tell her!
  192. WEIRD GUY!
  193. Young Love = Marriage?
  194. OMG FINALLY!!
  195. Stages in Life?
  196. this rishta flex.
  197. Hmmm, not sure!
  198. apartment colour scheme
  199. 4 those who r depressed.......
  200. What do you scream?