View Full Version : Plagarism

19-06-2007, 13:54
has any1 ever done this and been caught before?
and what were the actions taken against you ...

19-06-2007, 13:56
i think u get kicked out and it goes on ur record!!!

19-06-2007, 13:59
sum girl n my class did n she did get caught..... but like my english teacher is the year head so she just tpld her parents told her off... and got her 2 do the whole thing again but in front of her

19-06-2007, 14:28
i think u get kicked out and it goes on ur record!!!

hmmm ... i hope not :s lol

19-06-2007, 14:46
is this at uni? they have some system that picks up anythin thas been copied.. and i think mad's right, they do do somethin crazy like that

PaKi PwInCeSs
19-06-2007, 14:47
Some guy in my sixthform got caught.. He was in first year so they didnt let him come back for second year and all his exams from that board got cancelled..

19-06-2007, 14:49
as hard it is for me to admit it but i was caught at uni for plagarism. well it was my stupdity for not printing out a works cited page when i thght i did i had stuff off the internet with no citations page and the prof. thght i copied it, but wen i showed him the essay and the date it was modified it had a works cited page so all he did was give me a 0 in tht particular assignment no action taken.

19-06-2007, 14:58
Nothing will happen to you mate i got caught a few times myself!

19-06-2007, 15:00
Na it doesn't work like that anymore they have rules about plagiarism now.

If you get caught plagiarising not only do you get fucked for doing it they put it down on your record too

I'll try and find it online but it's not worth it.

Iroquois Pliskin
19-06-2007, 16:23
has any1 ever done this and been caught before?
and what were the actions taken against you ...

Just a warning..

19-06-2007, 16:32
r u asking if i stole n kidnap from someone?

ive stolen stuff, but dat was years ago....n no i aint kidnapped anyone

19-06-2007, 17:21
You'd proberly get a warning at first then if you was to carry on they would inform the exam board and then they can take you off the course

Brown Sugar Baby
19-06-2007, 17:39
whts plagarsim ?

19-06-2007, 21:55
I got done for Plaigiarism... They made me repeat the module and it took me the whole year.... I learnt my lesson and from then on did my own work....

And graduated with a First Class... LOLZ.....

20-06-2007, 00:31
well, my lecturer sent me the derby uni 'Academic Offenses' sheet thing, and says, either get expelled or get a low grade. i just hope its the second.

20-06-2007, 00:37
BSB & KalpX: Plagerism is when you copy someone's work

I heard you can also get done for using your own work twice :S

20-06-2007, 00:43
i took a guy to court for using my designs for commercial profit, he got fined and was ordered to pay all court fees and pay me £4000 plus the company he did work for had to remove all of my designs, (which they paid over £5k for).

20-06-2007, 01:10
dyaaaumn man good topic! when i was at college... sort of hated this guy.. he was my english teacher.. and guess what i copied some extracts from the net.. and that ********************** of a thing took my cwk away and googled some words and bits and i got caught... :( he asked me what some of the words meant.. and i didnt know... so he game me like an E for it.. i think or a U.. and i still got an overall D for Alevel English! lol i was showacked... as thats what i was after.. a D or atleast a C.

20-06-2007, 01:11
i took a guy to court for using my designs for commercial profit, he got fined and was ordered to pay all court fees and pay me £4000 plus the company he did work for had to remove all of my designs, (which they paid over £5k for).

I told you I was borrowing the designs!

21-06-2007, 00:34
hmm yeh u can get done for it...dpnds how harsh the college/uni is
my mate got done for plagarism at college...he had to re-do the assignment and thats about it rely and got a warning i tink