View Full Version : Do u have any piercing’s apart from the obvious?

24-06-2007, 23:10
Do u have any piercing’s apart from the obvious?

Brown Sugar Baby
24-06-2007, 23:14
my mate has her niplle done!....

sheff gal
24-06-2007, 23:43
Ouch bet tht killed¬!!!!

Brown Sugar Baby
24-06-2007, 23:43
i went with her wen she got it done....
was bareeee funy he had to errect her niple b4 he cud do it!
i was luahgin my hed of!

sheff gal
24-06-2007, 23:44
Lol..iwould he bn aswel..

24-06-2007, 23:48
nope but i have friends who have their nipples and clit pierced....clit :oh OUCH!!

25-06-2007, 00:29
i have 11 in total

25-06-2007, 01:31
nope dnt have none wouldnt like any mind u

25-06-2007, 01:33
I have my dildo pierced

25-06-2007, 01:38
intresting...................... :p

25-06-2007, 01:44
the only reason you didnt pierce your dick was it was too small!

25-06-2007, 01:48
the only reason you didnt pierce your dick was it was too small!

lolz u muppet was still TOOO big for u

25-06-2007, 02:10
lolz u muppet was still TOOO big for u

Thats cos my pussi is tight and proud to be so!

25-06-2007, 02:17
Thats cos my pussi is tight and proud to be so!

u keep thinking that if it increases ur self esteem

25-06-2007, 02:18
u keep thinking that if it increases ur self esteem

And u keep add weights to the end of your nob if it increases the lenght :D

25-06-2007, 02:25
And u keep add weights to the end of your nob if it increases the lenght :D

why wasnt it enough when it came out ur mouth u wana wrap it round ur neck nxt time :D

25-06-2007, 02:26
why wasnt it enough when it came out ur mouth u wana wrap it round ur neck nxt time :D

DELUSSIONAL - Awwwwww Bechari, aja kisshug

Theres nothing wrong with having a tiny dunda..... ur only 4ft2 so its proportionate!

25-06-2007, 02:30
DELUSSIONAL - Awwwwww Bechari, aja kisshug

Theres nothing wrong with having a tiny dunda..... ur only 4ft2 so its proportionate!

lol 4'2?? thats ur height with 10" heels isnt it kisshug

25-06-2007, 02:32
listen stop tryin it with ur lame comebacks i OWNED u AGAIN!

25-06-2007, 02:35
listen stop tryin it with ur lame comebacks i OWNED u AGAIN!

look whos talking :p

25-06-2007, 02:37
look whos talking :p

I am talking? huh? wats ur point pendu?

25-06-2007, 09:31
well i duno if dis counts but, i ave both my ears periced ?>

25-06-2007, 09:57
npe jus ma earz 1st n 2nd

25-06-2007, 11:09
yeah i'm borin, have 5 but theyre all 'obvious' ones :(

25-06-2007, 14:37
i have 11 in total

11 :o where u got em done like??

a only got me ears pierced. a did have me nose done but the holes closed up now

i wnaa get me eyebrow done but ma rents wnt let me :sad:

25-06-2007, 14:39
Dunno if this counts either, but I did have both my ears pierced once upon a time, but then I saw the light and veered away from the bad things like piercings.