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23-07-2007, 02:41
today i was coughin up blood loads ov it shud i b worried i not been 2 see da docs or gon hospital yet n my throat kills

23-07-2007, 02:44
err yea u shud go!!! dont sound right

25-07-2007, 20:34
I know afew people who have coughed up blood.. Its nastyyy.. They all smokers, I dunno if that got anythin to do wit it :oh

25-07-2007, 20:57

If the colour of the blood is very fresh i.e really bright red it's usually nothing sinister..... If you cough hard enough you can actually rupture a blood vessel in your throat... Causing fresh light coloured blood to bleed out of it.....

It will heal.....

On the other hand, God forbid I wish this on no one it's very dark and perhaps thick or dark and mixed with phlem then it's more worrying. And perhaps due to some underlying problem that needs investigation....

In any case, see your doctor... If you go to the hospital they'll probably make you wait for a long time in A+E....... But it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to these things.........

25-07-2007, 21:02
cud b an ulcer
go 2 the Drs

suck an ice cube

26-07-2007, 03:37
i used to be a smoker but been 3 months or longer since i quit. i stopped coughin up blood after 15 mins and it was mixed with phlem n was dark coloured but iv not gon to doctors yet cant be arsed now iv got the flu boo hoo

26-07-2007, 12:34
Ewww that don't sound good at all.. Get yaself checked out :oh

Brown Sugar Baby
26-07-2007, 12:36
oh shiizum... hope ur ok.....
get ur self chekd out defo even if its something not that major...

26-07-2007, 14:56
wen u say phlegm... phlegm with traces of blood???
or loads of blood blood?

26-07-2007, 15:54
i used to be a smoker but been 3 months or longer since i quit. i stopped coughin up blood after 15 mins and it was mixed with phlem n was dark coloured but iv not gon to doctors yet cant be arsed now iv got the flu boo hoo

You do know that when you cough up blood with phlegm it's and early sign of lung cancer, and no I'm not joking.

26-07-2007, 15:58
But it can also be a sign of an ulcer as Navi said.

Have you been on any pain killers recently? Cos I was on some strong painkillers a few weeks back, and strong painkillers have a nasty side effect. They tend to break down the inner linen of your stomach walls and also your throat and you cough up blood.

26-07-2007, 19:00
hope ur ok now did u get it checked

27-07-2007, 04:05
You do know that when you cough up blood with phlegm it's and early sign of lung cancer, and no I'm not joking.
oh fuuuuuuuuuuuck i always thought id die ov it aswell . i bet i do i knew id die young

27-07-2007, 16:47
get it checked out.....wen u go sleep, u mite end up floodin ur lungs wid blood.....

freeky stuff man

22-08-2007, 11:30
omg!! :| .. go to the damn doctor asap mister!!!

22-08-2007, 14:05
Thats like saying, I need a shit but do I go to the toilet? :)

PaKi PwInCeSs
22-08-2007, 14:06
^ Hahahahahaha