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View Full Version : The Power of The Harmageddon!

Iroquois Pliskin
06-09-2007, 16:20
Well not to take the piss coz rizzo was just too afraid to attack as he had the thought im the better player lol.. i had no army.. just a few outposts..nuke cannons.. and solid defence.. oh.. the harmageddon.. <)

Just a normal day at rizzo's base.. @)


The sound of doom, millions watched the nuke about to strike the command centre.. last moments of their lives.. ;(


Everyone and everything obliterated.. :oh


Lots of pink dots on the radar.. 38 units lost.. :) ..not bad..


174 units lost.. :oh 2 buildings standing.. perhaps it wasn't their time to die.. ?:

after the explosion.. birds-eye view shows no base.. ~)



06-09-2007, 23:46
thanks for that plis. realllllllllllllllll confidence booster ey. lol

06-09-2007, 23:47
all you got to do is look at the map (bottom left hand corner) in the first picture, and then in the second picture. that tells the story.