View Full Version : Women's World Cup

13-09-2007, 00:22
anybody been watching it?
the defending is shocking,
but MY GOODNESS, the goals are fantastic.
constant 20yard free kicks into the top corner
and 30+ yrd strikes nestling into the net ...
man ... i didnt know chicks could play football. lol

13-09-2007, 00:31
i havnt actually got round 2 watching it....... will do soon
but yeh chicks can play

i wish ENGLAND win the world cup....

cuz then womens football will finally be put on the same level as mens

Spider Pig
13-09-2007, 00:35
nah not watchin it but yeh seem some sick goals by the women before! like 35 yard shots in top corners n stuff lol

Spider Pig
13-09-2007, 00:36
altho it could be due to the fact that the keepers are like 5ft

14-09-2007, 15:12
england drew 0-0 with germany today.
great ... defensive display

14-09-2007, 15:14
i havnt actually got round 2 watching it....... will do soon
but yeh chicks can play

i wish ENGLAND win the world cup....

cuz then womens football will finally be put on the same level as mens

even if england did win, it won't happen
there will be the lil' hype for 2 months or so, but that will be it,
women's football is developing qutie a bit, but that is mainly in USA.
look at what happened to rugby when england won the world cup,
2 months of joy ... the rest ... rugby?? whats rugby?

14-09-2007, 16:31
not been watchin it but i will do wen i get the chance

17-09-2007, 14:34
that kelly smith for england,
4 goals in 3 games,
exceptional finisher.

17-09-2007, 14:35
I watched the England V Argie game today..the first half...England 2 Argies 0

if the score difference stays the same...England go to the quarter-finals


17-09-2007, 14:37
Are the girls buff and t'ing?

17-09-2007, 14:40
Are the girls buff and t'ing?

some of them are yes, not bad at all.

17-09-2007, 14:40
I watched the England V Argie game today..the first half...England 2 Argies 0

if the score difference stays the same...England go to the quarter-finals


its now 5-1 to england.

17-09-2007, 14:43
its now 5-1 to england.

thankz bruv...lemme see if i can skive off work for a few more mins to see the end of the game in the rest and tv room


17-09-2007, 14:48
its 6-1 penalty,
injury time.

21-09-2007, 10:17
Womans football would have a lot more appeal if the women weren't wearing clothes but those bastards at the Women's Football League have avoided all my emails.

30-09-2007, 14:48
World Cup Final

Brazil 0-2 Germany

Germany didn't concede a goal all tornument

N a в ι н a
30-09-2007, 16:13
Ahh that second goal was just painfull..
was like oh shit, there screwed now.

Even tho Marta was just annoying me..! Good player, tried too hard today.

30-09-2007, 17:11
she best player in the world

N a в ι н a
30-09-2007, 17:22
still missed the penatly.. It jus seemed like she tried to do it all on her own, doing all these skils, which in the end just gave the defenders a chance to get the ball.. and whilst the other attackers are just standing there.
that goal keeper was sickk..!

01-10-2007, 22:22
she was a BEAST ! lol

N a в ι н a
01-10-2007, 22:23
I kno..!
Like WOAH..
not one goal in all world cup?
They deserved to win.