View Full Version : Hatton vs Mayweather

17-09-2007, 00:38
call it !
who do you think is going to win?
i am so excited !!!

17-09-2007, 00:49
Hatton looks awesome of late but Mayweather is an intelligent and skillful boxer.

Hatton's gotta come out the blocks hard and try and put Mayweather down in the first 5 rounds. But still imma say Mayweather wins on a decision after 12.

17-09-2007, 00:51
Yea', i say Mayweather by decision too.
He simply wont let Hatton catch him, he is too good for that.
He will jab Hatton's head back alllllll night long.

Spider Pig
17-09-2007, 00:59
man I cant believe this is happenin!!!!!! Im a huge boxing fan, I always doubted this fight would ever happen!

did you know mayweathers also training for that dancing with the stars or something (american version) while he's training for the fight with hatton lol

I really hope ricky does it! I think he might sneak a points win you know! or a suprise ko!! but mayweather won't be running at welterweight, thats his natural weight now and hatton might struggle so its mostly likely going to be a points win for mayweather but Im not doubting ricky.

17-09-2007, 01:01
did you know mayweathers also training for that dancing with the stars or something (american version) while he's training for the fight with hatton lol

yea, lol Evander Holyfield did it, and he recommended he didnt, as its quite strenuous on the body and legs etc, and its only a few weeks before the fight.

talking about Evander (my fav boxer) hes got his title fight soon ! COME ON !

Spider Pig
17-09-2007, 01:38
man evander needs to call it a day, altho there is no good heavy's out there so he will prob win the title (well 1 of the 4!) again. He's been pants for yrs but he's still better than the crap out there

21-09-2007, 10:40
Man they need to send Mayweather to the UFC and put him up against Wanderlei Silva, I'd love to see him get his ass kicked and there ain't anybody to definitively do it in boxing at the moment.

21-09-2007, 12:14
man i hate this shitty argument,
ufc v boxing, boxing v ufc.

it just won't cant happen. stop it.
p.s. mayweather would dominate. lol

Spider Pig
21-09-2007, 12:18
lol I see desimack has a wandy silva fascination lolz

see the press conference today?

it was on around 11am and hatton got a bit pissed off and started swearing, it was live too so they had to cut it off lolz.

21-09-2007, 12:20
LOL man I hate that prick Mayweather he's a proper dick, he's good but he's still an asshole.

I seen what Silva can do to his opponents, damn check out what he did to Rampage!

And they fought twice he ripped him apart twice!

I don't like a lot of fighters in the industry I'm eager to see them get fucked up now that the big bois are arriving.

21-09-2007, 12:51
mayweather is a machine bruv, no doubt about it,
and he can talk too ... nothing wrong with that. lol

yes but also, you have seen silva get ktfo.

Spider Pig
21-09-2007, 12:52
I reckon desimack is silva just promoting himself :|

21-09-2007, 12:55
i never seen anybody kiss silva's ass so much,
but there again, i aint seen silva get his ass kicked like i did ... i can't remember who it was against there. big kick to the head and KABLAAAAM !

21-09-2007, 12:55
LOL man wait till December.

I watched guys like Shogun, Silva and Crocop since their careers started man you guys are UFC fans so you just don't know but you will soon.

You won't believe your eyes when you do.

Shogun fights tomorrow...

21-09-2007, 12:57
i never seen anybody kiss silva's ass so much,
but there again, i aint seen silva get his ass kicked like i did ... i can't remember who it was against there. big kick to the head and KABLAAAAM !

It was crocop

Their first fight was a draw second fight boom to the head Silva is out.

Man it fucked him up bad too I swear it was like watching a different fighter after that he got twice as shit!

Spider Pig
21-09-2007, 13:02
how do you know were UFC fans? lol

I've caught up with all the pride fighting, thats how I know about these fighters.

yup crop cops kick damaged silva bad lol, crop cop should go lhw too, might be better for him, he's made the weight before in pride.

anderson silva wasn't as big a success in pride as he is in the ufc but he's improved a lot since then, fighters move on......... they need hendo to go the mw division and whoop some ass, I can't see him doing much in the lhw division, he will be overpowered. He's still got the pride belt so I think dana will do another unification for the mw division, hendo vs the winner of silva/franklin.

21-09-2007, 13:03
man don't act as though we don't know who were talking about,
we know the MMA game ... just you lick ass with your boyfriend :P lol

we all know the big boys from Pride will take charge,
minus Cro Cop. lol

it's when they fight each other, that is the big show down,
the UFC boys can't handle.

Spider Pig
21-09-2007, 13:08
also the cage will affect a lot of pride fighers first, noguiera doesn't look the same in a cage, neither does cro cop, a few of them will be suprised until they get used to it. wandy silva has fought in the octagon before so it won't be a complete suprise for him. the likes of fedor and co. won't be able to use ropes to their advantage, they can't bounce of them etc. so its going to be interesting times.

21-09-2007, 13:16
LOL man you sound like UFC fans.

When the Pride vs UFC thing was happening I used to tell UFC fans if Pride went over there they'd murder UFC.

Now Rampage KO'ed Lidell, Lidell is the top cat in UFC, in PrideFC Rampage wasn't close to top dog.

I know he's a much better fighter than he was but he still isn't of that caliber.

PrideFC has a lot of great fighters to offer man the guys out there fought all over the world before coming to PrideFC

21-09-2007, 13:20
pride would UFC in the heavier divisions ...
welterweight etc ... not too sure.
the welter division is immense.

Spider Pig
21-09-2007, 13:23
lol yeh I know of all the top dogs in pride, I've watched a lot of pride on youtube and read about it too, im not a mainstream fan lol. Chuck wasn't the best in the UFC, he was just the most well known. p4p its probably anderson silva or bj penn at their natural weights. altho randy's comebacks are great lol. Im sure eventually the ufc will bring over the likes of gomi and co. altho they've lost sokky to another organisation, he looks a beast too.

Spider Pig
21-09-2007, 13:24
anyway this discussion should be in the ufc thread lol (mods can you move the last few posts to the ufc thread??????!!)

same here, I was telling my mates in the crop fights that he's one of the best around, lethal striker, and he didn't impress in any of them lol, so the ufc fans don't listen.

21-09-2007, 13:25
Yeah man welterweight would be interesting I think thats a good match up.

Heavyweight.. well with Crocop out of the picture you still got Fedor and Nog as the really elitist fighters out there.

The big boys in LHW would be Hendo, Shogun and Silva.

In the past year a lot of weird things have happened man.

Hendo beating Silva, Hendo getting KO'ed by Rampage, Crocop getting beaten twice in a row.

All these upsets are really screwing things up it doesn't even make sense

Spider Pig
21-09-2007, 13:30
when did hendo ko rampage, he won on points :|

yeh a lot of upsets this year

I consider hendo being a bigger thread in the mw division in the ufc

anyway back onto boxing lol!

I hope hatton can whoop mayweather but I see him struggling after round 8 if he doesn't hurt mayweather or ko him

21-09-2007, 13:53
Damn if Mayweather wins one more fight he's going to talk us all to death telling us how he's so great and nobody in the world can match him blah blah.

He pissesme off because he tries to steal some of Ali's limelight with his attitude but Ali was the man and there will only ever be one Ali, Mayweather needs to STFU.

Hatton needs to keep cool and not lose his temper, damn thats exactly what Mayweather wants.

Spider Pig
21-09-2007, 14:10
I know yeh, hatton needs to keep cool, during the fight also.

mayweather is class, especially at the lower weights but he talks too much mess when he says he's in the class of ali and SRR, ability wise sure he's one of the best but take everything into account he's nowhere near.

21-09-2007, 14:21
I'm no Ali nuthugger man but very few people are close to that class especially personality wise.

21-09-2007, 14:57
im a ali nuthugger and proud of it,
that guy is everything you could want in a professional athlete.

p.s. mayweather for the win.

Spider Pig
21-09-2007, 14:59
do you guys know the true story about ali though, how he wasn't a fully converted muslim till he had retired (not that it affects me but you know some people don't know that) and how he use to cheat on his gf/wife's?

he wasn't all great as a person, but anyway I'm an ali nuthugger too in terms of his ring presence and charisma, the man was top class!!

21-09-2007, 15:31
LOL man Ali loved the ladies I know he wasn't faithful

21-09-2007, 15:37
everyone knows that,lol
but to be honest, when your a part of the nation of islam, a good 70% of them were not in there for the right reasons.

the Nation Of Islam is basically a black pride club, not an islamic congregation.

21-09-2007, 16:29
Yeah man NOI believed Elijah Muhammad was the prophet reincarnated.

After NOI killed Malcolm-X though it opened Muhammad Ali's eyes to NOI and he left them.

Spider Pig
21-09-2007, 17:04
the only reason I said it because often when Ali conversations are happenin, people be saying "yeh, plus he was muslim" etc.