View Full Version : Beijing Olympics 2008:

21-09-2007, 22:19
Hopefully i'm headed to the Beijing Olympics for 18 nights in August of 2008 to see the Olympic and the beauty of China, and of course the magical stadium:


China is the one country I'm absolutely aching to visit man I can't wait.

Package probably gonna cost a bomb but you don't often get to go to Olympics in such a beautiful country so I've marked this off as a once or twice in lifetime opportunity.

N a в ι н a
21-09-2007, 22:24
Your going?! :eek:

I wanna goo :sad:

But i've got to start saving.. World cup 2012.. O Yehh :D

21-09-2007, 22:26
World Cup is in 2010 and it's in South Africa.

Not really too keen on South Africa so I doubt I'll go but since it's set in a country full of black people a paki should fit in nicely considering if a paki sat in a croud of Europeans he'd be dead before the first touch on the ball.

N a в ι н a
21-09-2007, 22:31
My bad meant 2011..
I mean cricket world cup :D

21-09-2007, 22:32
Actually I might check that out isn't that goin to a few countries in Asia?

I've always wanted to go India

21-09-2007, 22:35
the next cricket world cup... is gnna be in pakistan, india and bangladesh.... in 2011

as for the bejing olympics... i hope my project thing goes thru... so den maybe we shall go with the project!

21-09-2007, 22:37
What project are you talking about?

Personally I really can't wait to go man I've been looking forward to this for such a long time.

N a в ι н a
21-09-2007, 22:39
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka..
Opening Cermony, And Opening Match In Bangladesh..
Semiz In Pakistan And Sri Lanka..
Final In India

Soo Want To Go..
India's Alright Youu Know.. Went Time Back..

21-09-2007, 22:40
sum project fing u do wiv my community...... ?>

21-09-2007, 22:43
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka..
Opening Cermony, And Opening Match In Bangladesh..
Semiz In Pakistan And Sri Lanka..
Final In India

Soo Want To Go..
India's Alright Youu Know.. Went Time Back..

Sounds good, how long is the tournament?

Also do you know what cities it's in?

sum project fing u do wiv my community...... ?>

If you win they gonna let you go to the summer olympics?

21-09-2007, 22:48
mack its not abt winning... its dis longterm project for 2012... they follow 12 peoples goals till 2012.. see if they achieve it.... started whn the olympics were givin 2 newham.... they wanna make the project big... so if we get funding yeh....

N a в ι н a
21-09-2007, 22:50

21-09-2007, 22:53
Cool CP, thanks for the link nabiha.

Looks like they don't have everything set yet.

N a в ι н a
21-09-2007, 22:54
Not yet.. early days.