View Full Version : Skinny-Jeans

N a в ι н a
29-09-2007, 13:45
What do you guys think of them? Anyone got a pair?

& Muslim girls, do you wear them? Or do you think their not Islamically appropriate.


29-09-2007, 13:49
there ok...
i kno a few muslim girls who wear them...

29-09-2007, 13:50
Yes i have a pain... black skinnys....
I don really wear them.. cuz ill have to wear shoes if i do... and i love my trainers to much....
I do wear them from time to time.. but mostly with dresses or long tops....

N a в ι н a
29-09-2007, 13:53
You see, I wanted a pair, and my sister was like.. Mum's gonna kill you.. N im like why? =S. N the point she did give is kinda true.. Your wearing fitting jeans basically.. & Islamically your not meant to wear anything that show's your figure.

But then again, people don't mind people wearing Churi-Darrs.. Which is practically the same thing.

29-09-2007, 13:58
I like my skinny's...:)
I wear em with long-ish tops n dresses...
In regards with it bein too fitting erm, i wear Churi-Darrs occasionally...& my parents r fairly relaxed regarding what i wear...i knw when my limits..

29-09-2007, 13:59
ive seen alot of girls wearing skinny jeans and even tighter tops, and also wearing the headscarf...

N a в ι н a
29-09-2007, 14:02
^ Ahh for real? Girls like that piss me off. Hypocrites!
Mina luckyy sod!.. Mama Rasul's always shouting at me for what I wear, because she knows Papa Rasul shouts.. *sighs*

29-09-2007, 14:05
yes for real, i see them on the bus every morning !!!

29-09-2007, 14:16
^ Ahh for real? Girls like that piss me off. Hypocrites!
Mina luckyy sod!.. Mama Rasul's always shouting at me for what I wear, because she knows Papa Rasul shouts.. *sighs*

My Daddy dont say anythin, im never nekked! lol
i know how long my necks can b, how short my tops..rather liberal actually compared2most.

but on holiday even the lil rules flew outta window...haii holiday was gooooood!

29-09-2007, 14:30
You see, I wanted a pair, and my sister was like.. Mum's gonna kill you.. N im like why? =S. N the point she did give is kinda true.. Your wearing fitting jeans basically.. & Islamically your not meant to wear anything that show's your figure.

But then again, people don't mind people wearing Churi-Darrs.. Which is practically the same thing.

i see where your coming from
man u no wht i hate!
the fact asian clothes are sumtyms worser then western clothes...
but the girl wearin a no sleeve, short kemez wiv churider n dupatta is always the most modest one compared to a girl in a t-shirt n skinny jeans...
der practicully the same fing!

29-09-2007, 15:03
ive seen alot of girls wearing skinny jeans and even tighter tops, and also wearing the headscarf...
Yea thats annoying. You wear the headscarf to not attract guys and then these girls are wearing inches of make up and tight clothes where you can practically see the outline of there ass.....

29-09-2007, 15:35
I wouldnt wear them...lol

29-09-2007, 15:39
^^^ they'll look good on u :p
Russel Brand style..... :p

29-09-2007, 15:41
^ Lol no my butt would probly stick out too much. I aint got a flat bum-bum. :rolleyes:

29-09-2007, 15:44
^ Lol no my butt would probly stick out too much. I aint got a flat bum-bum. :rolleyes:

lol.... haha that must mean ur bum is bigger then mine :o?>:Q

29-09-2007, 15:47
I would put money on it!

29-09-2007, 15:49
I would put money on it!

LOL haha....... so how do we know whos bums bigger? ?>:Q

lol i agree ud prbly win ?>

we got a male beyonce lol :Q

29-09-2007, 16:01
LoL @ u 2^^
My bum needs to b covered in when wearin skinnys...looks rather weird..

29-09-2007, 16:22
Yep, I've seen girls in summer wearing skinny jeans with vests/ strappy tops and a headscarf...It was very difficult not to slap them as they went past me :|

Dont think theyre a good idea..with churidar you're wearing a kameez over the top..so methinks it covers up some compared to wearing jeans with shorter top..

Meh..theres no need..

29-09-2007, 16:27
I agree.. my work is full of them! Ive seen so many girls with tight tops and right bottoms with headscarf.. they cant have both..

either they loose the headscarf and wear tight clothes or they wear the headscarf and wear loose clothes.. it has to be one... but the latter would be recommended ofcourse..

29-09-2007, 16:30
Theres this girl in my uni that showed up at an Islamic talk thing..n she was wearing three quarter length white trousers..a short top..n a headscarf that had holes in that you could put your fingers through..with her fringe sticking out...

What's the POINT?!!!

29-09-2007, 16:35
Maybe its a fashion statement?

Or else these girls are trying to get accustomed to the headscarf?

29-09-2007, 16:35
Fringes pokin outta headscarfs bugs me...its like the headscarf is jus an extra accessory..

29-09-2007, 16:40
Maybe its a fashion statement?

Or else these girls are trying to get accustomed to the headscarf?

Girls like that should get accustomed to the back of my hand :|

It's like, what are they trying to prove?! Ok I wont go off on one.. *breathes*

29-09-2007, 16:43
It aint no hijab thats for sure.

You said that what are they trying to prove.

But then to the muslim girls who dont wear the headscarf what are they trying to prove....

29-09-2007, 17:03
my style is gothic/rock chick,so i love mine,always wear em unless i got work!!!

29-09-2007, 17:04
i wear them (even though i shouldnt :rolleyes: ) nd all my friendz in saudi, who were muslim, wore them aswell...

29-09-2007, 17:05
It aint no hijab thats for sure.

You said that what are they trying to prove.

But then to the muslim girls who dont wear the headscarf what are they trying to prove....

I dunno *shrugs* my point was wear it or dont..whats with the half assed attempt?

I think we're going off topic...?

Anyhoo, no to skinny jeans :D

29-09-2007, 17:05
It aint no hijab thats for sure.

You said that what are they trying to prove.

But then to the muslim girls who dont wear the headscarf what are they trying to prove....
Good point you know....

29-09-2007, 17:09
Lol yeh, enchy was right....wear it or dont.

But we all know whats technically better :rolleyes:

29-09-2007, 17:15
You know something.. *blushes* i find hijabi's more attractive than ordinary girls! ?> i mean good hijabi's! Just thought i say since were talking about hijabi's! no offence to any non-hijabi's i still like you!

29-09-2007, 17:18
You know something.. *blushes* i find hijabi's more attractive than ordinary girls! ?> i mean good hijabi's! Just thought i say since were talking about hijabi's! no offence to any non-hijabi's i still like you!
i get that too....?>. Its like there personality shines out through there looks....:,

29-09-2007, 17:21
i get that too....?>. Its like there personality shines out through there looks....:,

You want somebody who will work with you together towards the heavens and above! Seriously man i look typical short haired guy typical western clothes.. hardly wear anything resembles our religion other than a tshirt maybe with a slogan.. but ive worked and met so many people and my mentality has been set on hijabi's from day one! thumbsup; good on ya man, you know what i mean ;)

29-09-2007, 17:37
You want somebody who will work with you together towards the heavens and above! Seriously man i look typical short haired guy typical western clothes.. hardly wear anything resembles our religion other than a tshirt maybe with a slogan.. but ive worked and met so many people and my mentality has been set on hijabi's from day one! thumbsup; good on ya man, you know what i mean ;)
Yeh i know exactly what you mean.......... but they are rare..

29-09-2007, 17:47
Yeh i know exactly what you mean.......... but they are rare..

Thats the good thing about it! Your after something rare which not everybody is after and not everbody can find so easily! ;)

sheff gal
29-09-2007, 19:48
Hmm..yeahh gt loadzzz ov thesee.itz the neww itt thng at coll lol
butt yeahh theirr kwll
ive seen alot ov asian girlieww wearin em..well alot ov em hu wear scarff.but were em wv short low cut dresses..i jsut dnt get tht :S ...

Iroquois Pliskin
29-09-2007, 19:50
What do you guys think of them? Anyone got a pair?

& Muslim girls, do you wear them? Or do you think their not Islamically appropriate.


bootcut jeans are cool.. http://slimages.macys.com/is/image/MCY/products/3/optimized/234223_fpx.tif?bgc=255,255,255&wid=273&qlt=90,0&layer=comp&op_sharpen=0&resMode=bicub&op_usm=0.7,1.0,0.5,0&fmt=jpeg

29-09-2007, 20:16
bootcut are shite!!!! skinnys are better

Iroquois Pliskin
29-09-2007, 20:18
bootcut are shite!!!! skinnys are better


talk to the hand!

29-09-2007, 20:24
lol^^^^i want a baby like that

Iroquois Pliskin
29-09-2007, 20:36
hmm hintin are we?

29-09-2007, 20:39
errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ;)

29-09-2007, 20:40
Everyone I know wears em.. Because they're in fashion. Personally I wouldn't wear em cos they're too tight/revealin kinda thing.. But yeah ma mates wear them, and almost every other gurl here ?:

I prefer asian but if I do wear jeans it's bootcut or if am in the mood my Killaaaaaaaah boy jeans ?>

Brown Sugar Baby
29-09-2007, 20:46
hmm.. used to wear em nearly everyday.. but
gone back to my low rise slouch jean

29-09-2007, 20:48
i went to buy a pair today, they looked as if they were painted on so i thought not. i hate it when gyals wear leggings :no:

Brown Sugar Baby
29-09-2007, 20:49
i went to buy a pair today, they looked as if they were painted on so i thought not. i hate it when gyals wear leggings :no:
there nasty....! lol have to agree

29-09-2007, 20:50
there nasty....! lol have to agree

lol soo true. they just look WRONG

Brown Sugar Baby
29-09-2007, 20:54
lol soo true. they just look WRONG
yeh tell me about it...
some old lady come into my work today with them on and a top just sitin at her thighs.. i cud see her sagging bum..

29-09-2007, 20:56
got one pair of them in black...only worn them once so far....
there okay but not sumtin that i would wear often

Lady Shyne
29-09-2007, 21:17
i gt a few pairs of skinnayy jeans..hmm i wear dem quite alot actually, its like i havnt worn bootcut in ages lol

N a в ι н a
29-09-2007, 21:19
i went to buy a pair today, they looked as if they were painted on so i thought not. i hate it when gyals wear leggings :no:
Arghh..that was going to be my next thread :|
Leggings just kill it.

29-09-2007, 21:22
Skinnys are tooo common...i look around and everyone is wearing them, i prefer to wear something that is different. why should everything be uniform-ed for? argh angers me

29-09-2007, 21:41
as lubz said eeryone wears them cos they're in fashion.
me i dont wear them, y? cos i dont wana wear what everyone wheres, i wear wot ever i wan wear cos its comfy and looks good on me!

02-10-2007, 14:05
i occasionally wear skinny jeans wore some last friday x :)

02-10-2007, 16:27
I got a pair now.

Wore them to college today.

Must say they didnt look too bad on me but I had to get a half-size up otherwise...?>

02-10-2007, 16:47
I luv skinny jeans...

But i also like baggy jeans now...dont look too bad!

09-10-2007, 21:02
Yea thats annoying. You wear the headscarf to not attract guys and then these girls are wearing inches of make up and tight clothes where you can practically see the outline of there ass.....

yh, majority of the girls at college are like that.. but who are we to judge

i just find it weird how so many Muslim girls in college dress "liberally" yet some dude who thinks he's all that has the nerve to call me a slag when i was probably one of the very few that were covered up that day :|
same fool told me to wear a scarf the way one of my friends does.. as in the scarf covers your hair but is tied into a bun at the back so your whole neck is showing.. 8&

anyway, back to topic..

i dont have any skinny jeans atm, always wear dresses or longish tops anyway so even if i did wear em i wouldnt be revealing much.
never wear churidaar either

skinny jeans are too common atm anyway.. i like those baggy kickflares @)

09-10-2007, 21:08
well, scarf girls do me head in.... am muslim as well but why wear the scarf and wear silly clothes dont make sense.

i feel the scarf has become a fashion statement

09-10-2007, 21:09
yes i own a a black pair but there actually really loose... Anyhuz i tend 2 wear them with long tops or groovy dresses cuz my ass looks Mahoosive otherwise. ..which aint a purty sight.Also,They look so hawt with converse and pumps. meow.

09-10-2007, 21:22
i feel the scarf has become a fashion statement

it has

last wedding i went to, 4 sisters (they'd come to the age where their parents would prefer it if they wore scarves) had scarves wrapped around their heads genie style.. literally :oh

09-10-2007, 21:31
I got a pair now.

Wore them to college today.

Must say they didnt look too bad on me but I had to get a half-size up otherwise...?>


otherwise wht :Q

hehe bet they lookd good.. let see pics.. russle brand style lol

18-10-2007, 17:19
I own 3 pairs on skinnies.
One black, dark blue and the other another blue.
And... I wear them with boots, so it's all groovy.:D

29-01-2008, 06:01
Heart skinnys!!
Ive been wearing them long before they came into fashion Levi started doing them years back!
i love em! i adore my black and grey ones i wear them with pumps , plimsoles , converses, heels and boots ace!

oh and i love leggins! but u have to be able to wear them with the right outfit not just anything!

29-01-2008, 09:44
My skinnys dont fit anymore lol :oh

29-01-2008, 09:50
Bought another pair of skinnies last weekend.

Love em.

sheff gal
04-02-2008, 22:38
Bough 2 pairz todayy....H+M Rokzzz =)

04-02-2008, 22:40
urgh. Jav... dont wear skinny jeans. no no no no no no.

04-02-2008, 22:51
what i dont like about really skinny girls is when they wear a skirt or something and theres like a massive gap in between their legs and they dont have a meat on them whatsoever and it just looks sick like they havent been eating?

04-02-2008, 23:19
I need a new pair...

04-02-2008, 23:23
My skinnys dont fit anymore lol :oh


And u take the rip outta me:rolleyes:

04-02-2008, 23:24
No...this is something i wouldn't wear

04-02-2008, 23:32
They don't look good in size 24 :(

05-02-2008, 01:35
on a guy? nah! look naff..

on girls? if you have the figure then yes they look nice, but im not a huge fan of them!

05-02-2008, 01:40
voodoo im supprised! i thought you wore em!

05-02-2008, 01:42
voodoo im supprised! i thought you wore em!


05-02-2008, 01:42
omg i have a pair!!! hahaha ... i went to buy a pair of jeanz nd i was gonna get my typical streach straight leg... but then i saw these levis nd i was jus like omg letz try it on for shitz nd giggles, it wont fit! .. well it did! LOL .. but cuz im alone here i couldnt really ask anyone how it looked (cant go up to the sales guy nd be like, does thiz make my bum look humango jumbo? ) but in the end i jus bought it cuz i needed something to weari wiv my uggz... nd i feel good in them so itz all good! my first pair! :D

05-02-2008, 01:44
i wudnt mind a pair of ugg boots.. they look funky!

05-02-2008, 01:50
urgh. Jav... dont wear skinny jeans. no no no no no no.

Lol, it suits my personality. :rolleyes:


And u take the rip outta me:rolleyes:

LOL. Well I dont exactly go trekking in Afri..... :d

05-02-2008, 01:54
sum guys luk pretty hot in skinny jeans...if you got the whole rock indi thing goin on..

05-02-2008, 02:18
Dudes in skinnys the whole indie emo look is hot!

05-02-2008, 02:25
not if u got fat thighs like me lol

05-02-2008, 02:40
fat thighs on a guys are sexy!

05-02-2008, 02:45
fat thighs on a guys are sexy!

u can handle mine anytime then <3?>')

05-02-2008, 03:09
hmmm ok

07-02-2008, 19:30
i wear skinny jeans got quite a few pairs dnt c anything wrong with em

10-02-2008, 15:24
Skinnys are hawt. But too many fat girls wear them. And it looks stupid. Why wear something that makes your legs look like drumsticks. Meh.

I lowe baggies.

Plus whats skinnys got to do with muslim girls and appropriatenessnessness?

21-08-2008, 23:35
What do you guys think of them? Anyone got a pair?

& Muslim girls, do you wear them? Or do you think their not Islamically appropriate.


YAYA b u got d perfect pair finally n dey look fiittt :D
i have a fu pairs, dey loook gud but sumtyms ma mum dus tell me off sayin dey look 2 tyt - especally when i used 2 wear ma size 6's, really dont fit in 2 dem ne more ha

21-08-2008, 23:56
I hate skinny jeans... espicially on guys.... Guys should not be thinner than the woman he's dating... I have very large thighs.... All muscle mind you... *Shows off the six pack on my thigh*... But I also have an overly round butt =(
My nick name since secondary school was... "Bubble butt" for the longest time, because the trousers I wore made my butt seem like... a black womans butt... =(
And skinny jeans... Urgh.... women... i don't mind too much... guys... please... no! only the japanese pull it off well... all you Gai-jin stay away from those things!!!

22-08-2008, 00:02

Bubble butt :p

i have one pair.... a black pair.. i only wear it with long tops thou

22-08-2008, 00:04
I hate skinny jeans... espicially on guys.... Guys should not be thinner than the woman he's dating... I have very large thighs.... All muscle mind you... *Shows off the six pack on my thigh*... But I also have an overly round butt =(
My nick name since secondary school was... "Bubble butt" for the longest time, because the trousers I wore made my butt seem like... a black womans butt... =(
And skinny jeans... Urgh.... women... i don't mind too much... guys... please... no! only the japanese pull it off well... all you Gai-jin stay away from those things!!!

I see you baby...shakin' that arse...;)
I like skinny jeans...but gimme kick flare any day...i <3 my kick flares!

22-08-2008, 00:08
I see you baby...shakin' that arse...;)
I like skinny jeans...but gimme kick flare any day...i <3 my kick flares!

OHHH yh totally i so wear them! at least there comfy and stuff

22-08-2008, 00:11
I don't know what that is =( Kick flare

22-08-2008, 00:13
I don't know what that is =( Kick flare

Tight at the bum...and damn flared at the bottom...:)

22-08-2008, 00:23
lolllll.... 60's style?

22-08-2008, 00:24
lolllll.... 60's style?

60's inspired i'd say...
Shh u...they suit me better than skinnys...

22-08-2008, 00:28
I'd suit you better than skinny's... pick me!!! Oh oh.... *Raises hand*
I hate when I see freshies wearing those tight flare jeans thingys... I wanna beat them all down... put 'em in a box and send 'em to france! But then I think to myself... Whom will I rip on? =|

22-08-2008, 00:30
I'd suit you better than skinny's... pick me!!! Oh oh.... *Raises hand*
I hate when I see freshies wearing those tight flare jeans thingys... I wanna beat them all down... put 'em in a box and send 'em to france! But then I think to myself... Whom will I rip on? =|

Baby, u think so?
yey, let's experiment....;)
U rip on me...and i'll beat you down!

22-08-2008, 00:34
skinny jeans dont really suit all guys (unless you are the gay :) looks kewl)
looks better on girls.
although have to admit I have seen some guys pull it off (without looking gay)
and they look guuuuuuuuuuud :)

but not every one can pull it off :)

its like guys wearing pink. doesnt suit all guys :oh

22-08-2008, 00:56
I love skinny jeans :D

22-08-2008, 07:19
I have a few pairs of jeans because they are so versatile - bootcut, straight leg and skinny jeans.

22-08-2008, 08:05
I have a few pairs of jeans because they are so versatile - bootcut, straight leg and skinny jeans.

Same with me... depends on what top I'm wearing. Got a fair few pair of skinny jeans... I find them pretty comfy. Oh and they come in quite handy when wearing knee length boots.