View Full Version : Ritz Bumhole vs. Plissinder on CSS

09-11-2007, 02:50
As you can see I won the game, not by a big margin, but nonetheless, still a win :D


Iroquois Pliskin
09-11-2007, 02:54
Well fair play he won..

But he was moaning like a fruitcake when I was in the lead by 6-0, was saying wtf is goin on my screen is blank lmao..

09-11-2007, 02:56
Lol. You fucking dickweed. Just cos your admin on the gaming forum, you changed the name of the thread. What a loser :|

09-11-2007, 02:57
Well fair play he won..

But he was moaning like a fruitcake when I was in the lead by 6-0, was saying wtf is goin on my screen is blank lmao..

I never said my screen was blank, I said I couldn't see you cos of the background of the map. Had a hard time seeing you.

Iroquois Pliskin
09-11-2007, 03:00
I never said my screen was blank, I said I couldn't see you cos of the background of the map. Had a hard time seeing you.

coz of the elite suit.. :d