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23-11-2007, 18:16
Well, I got my first offer today. Oh Joy!

Queen Mary University of London (for) Computer Science MSci.

Conditional: A minimum of 280 UCAS Tariff points from three A-Levels.


23-11-2007, 18:33
Yay thero.. :D

Ok i cant remember that far back when it comes to ucas points.. what grades is 280 equivalent to?

23-11-2007, 18:36
I have no idea man ?> I only know the grades lol...I think its BBB?

23-11-2007, 18:44
Ah okie..not too bad then.. tut you know you'll do better than that :D

I went to QM high school =) ..I has connections :p

23-11-2007, 18:52
ahh queen mary my bro went there!

23-11-2007, 18:53
Lol you did? Connections huh? Then get them to lower the offer. :D

23-11-2007, 18:59
Lol you did? Connections huh? Then get them to lower the offer. :D

I shall march you in there myshelf n make sure they take yooh! <)

Englaand di billo
23-11-2007, 19:03
every1 goes QM lol...good luck with gettin the grades 0!

im meanta be re-applying rnd about now, but im being a lazy shit nd no doubt by the time i do make a move itl be 2 l8! really cnt be arsed doin a personal statement again. gay :|

Spider Pig
23-11-2007, 19:04
man I didn't even do all that stuff lols, I went through clearing in august cos I wasn't guna go university at first n now im graduated :|

don't gowwww landannnnnnn go manc or leeds!!

23-11-2007, 19:09
I shall march you in there myshelf n make sure they take yooh! <)

LOL my bro did tht!!! he was meant 2 get a BBC 2 get into queen mary
but he got BBD
D in chemsity nothing realted 2 his accounting n finance degree!
n u no wht he went in as a joke n explained 2 dem.. chemistrys got nothing to do with wht his doing... and believe it or not.. they took him in!

and now he is a QM graduate :D

23-11-2007, 19:32
Lol you kidding Baz? University of London institutes are rated quite high for my course.

The only one Im heading out to is Southampton. (if they offer)

23-11-2007, 19:33
Aaw chiku, no seriously though..even when it comes to getting jobs n stuff.. people like to see your dedication, and that you know you can do something.. so yesh, nothing wrong with being a little upfront sometimes :)

Anyhoo, going off topic!! Where else have you applied Thero?

23-11-2007, 19:39
Aaw chiku, no seriously though..even when it comes to getting jobs n stuff.. people like to see your dedication, and that you know you can do something.. so yesh, nothing wrong with being a little upfront sometimes :)

Anyhoo, going off topic!! Where else have you applied Thero?

Imperial College London
Kings College London
University College London
(Queen Mary and Southampton of course)

23-11-2007, 20:09
My brudder went to King's :)

Very fine choices there Thero..where would you prefer to go?

23-11-2007, 20:10
Id prefer Imperial as first choice...the others I dont really mind. <)

23-11-2007, 20:30
Oh I shees... any particular reason?

Good lucken, I'm sure you'll get in ma fuzzy zebra =)

23-11-2007, 20:38
Yeh...its only 3rd in Uk for Computing. :rolleyes:

Fingers crossed!

23-11-2007, 20:39
i have no idea wut the pointz nd all tht mean... but congradz for gettin the offer!! i knw how exciting it can be lol ;)

23-11-2007, 20:48
i have no idea wut the pointz nd all tht mean... but congradz for gettin the offer!! i knw how exciting it can be lol ;)

Cheers! :d

23-11-2007, 20:55
I want points :(

23-11-2007, 20:57
^ Say wat? You want points? Elaborate. :oh

Spider Pig
23-11-2007, 21:01
ahhh rite if your going for reputation then yeh forget leeds n manc lool [no offence lubstarr lol] :p nah theres 2 in manc init.....

anyhooo yeh I was prolly thinkin of nightlife n stuff........ lol

23-11-2007, 21:01
Lol aaw I'm jush being shilleh.. I want ucash pointies... more of em.. hehe

And cookies :l

23-11-2007, 21:30
You greedy child enchy ;-p

Lol baz, nightlife will be okay down london, but a bit on the expensive side. :oh

23-11-2007, 21:35
Heh thero, I cannoo help it, ish the elefant in me ?>

23-11-2007, 21:36
Congrats Javsta =)

And good luck wit the others!

Baz shoosh there's no place betta than Manc.. U made a big mistake :P

Spider Pig
23-11-2007, 21:44
I know lubz, manc n leeds are amazing, im jelush of my fwends, I nearly went manc too :( then I nearly went leeds n ended up stayeen at teesside lol

23-11-2007, 22:08
Got my first offer 2 days ago i think....

Brunel - 300 points :D

24-11-2007, 00:38
^ Congrats bruvva! :D

24-11-2007, 00:43
^ Congrats bruvva! :D
You too man. :)

25-11-2007, 23:22
WEEEEEHY congratz javoopo (;!

03-12-2007, 21:32
Just got a letter saying that I had passed the first stage of admissions and they would like to interview me before they give me an offer...well, I guess thats fine with me. :oh

Oh noes...*grits teeth*

It was from UCL (University College London).

Any ideas on what should be worn? Im crossed between either a shirt, tie and trousers...or a suit with a shirt, but no tie..

03-12-2007, 22:20
Just got a letter saying that I had passed the first stage of admissions and they would like to interview me before they give me an offer...well, I guess thats fine with me. :oh

Oh noes...*grits teeth*

It was from UCL (University College London).

Any ideas on what should be worn? Im crossed between either a shirt, tie and trousers...or a suit with a shirt, but no tie..UCL... wow.... good luck man. thumbsup;

03-12-2007, 22:24
^ Cheers dude...I aint nervous now...but on the day, it would probly get to me... :rolleyes:

04-12-2007, 12:15

PaKi PwInCeSs
04-12-2007, 12:33
Well Done Javy Baybeh...=)

04-12-2007, 12:35
Don't forget the specs..!

04-12-2007, 13:27
Well, I got my first offer today. Oh Joy!

Queen Mary University of London (for) Computer Science MSci.

Conditional: A minimum of 280 UCAS Tariff points from three A-Levels.


Well done fella im just seeing this now! Looks like we'll be seeing each other more often if you went QM! ;)

04-12-2007, 20:39
Just got a letter saying that I had passed the first stage of admissions and they would like to interview me before they give me an offer...well, I guess thats fine with me. :oh

Oh noes...*grits teeth*

It was from UCL (University College London).

Any ideas on what should be worn? Im crossed between either a shirt, tie and trousers...or a suit with a shirt, but no tie..

Methinks a noice suit would look good.

Noice dark grey one..or a black one.- a noice black decent or dark brown coat will also look purrty smart jav.(:
& AVOID WEARING WHITE SOCKS! and make sure ur shoes match n are polished!

04-12-2007, 20:46
Wear a pink lengha choli <3


Owkay, if you're gonna wear a suit, make it charcoal grey, tis yummen <)

But methinks just shirt n tie will suffice..

When's the intervoo?

04-12-2007, 22:09
Cheers for the advice shazuu...

Enchy: Its a week wednesday!

04-12-2007, 22:09
Don't forget the specs..!

LOL you remembered...~)

04-12-2007, 22:42
Ooh Thero not long to go now.. Good lucken.. Yooh nervous?

04-12-2007, 22:48
Ooh Thero not long to go now.. Good lucken.. Yooh nervous?

Not at the moment...butmonday I have a mock-intervooh with my careers advisor...so see how it goes! ?>

04-12-2007, 22:53
Of course.. *Cough* LOL sorreh.. But yeah good luck =)

04-12-2007, 22:58
Ah yesh @ mock interview, that will help a lotten, they'll giff yooh a lotta adbice =)

Decided wha' you're gonna wear yet? :D

04-12-2007, 22:59
University College London that's good

Best of luck Zero...thumbsup;

04-12-2007, 23:04
Cheers Mubz! ')

Yeh, Im wearing a brown suit...without a tie...and some brown shoes...got a nice shirt to go with it as well...a pale coloured so it aint much of an eyeful!

04-12-2007, 23:06
Ooey, berry nysh :D Yesh don't wear a tie if you're wearin a suit jackety too...

04-12-2007, 23:11
My dad tried be oldfashioned to me and sed I should wear a blue blazer with grey trousers...I was like noooooooooo way. :oh

I cringe at blue blazers...it looks so student-fied. :oh (unless its a suit)

04-12-2007, 23:18
lol @ blue blazer...

congrats man... good luck.....

05-12-2007, 17:15
My dad tried be oldfashioned to me and sed I should wear a blue blazer with grey trousers...I was like noooooooooo way. :oh

I cringe at blue blazers...it looks so student-fied. :oh (unless its a suit)

LoOoL-ness @ Blue blazer:lol:

G'd Luck dooodey

09-12-2007, 23:25

Conditional Offer @ Kings College London: ABB / AAC


09-12-2007, 23:26
Dude allow uni get married, i can feel your prime and heat from here:)

09-12-2007, 23:27

Conditional Offer @ Kings College London: ABB / AAC

Wow they really coming in lol. Good stuff.

N a в ι н a
10-12-2007, 01:27
My dad tried be oldfashioned to me and sed I should wear a blue blazer with grey trousers...I was like noooooooooo way. :oh

I cringe at blue blazers...it looks so student-fied. :oh (unless its a suit)

Hahahhaa.. Aww..

My uncle got out the die he wore on his wedding day, to give to his son on his wedding day. LOL.. Dad's really have no sense of fashion.

10-12-2007, 11:25
My dad tried be oldfashioned to me and sed I should wear a blue blazer with grey trousers...I was like noooooooooo way. :oh

I cringe at blue blazers...it looks so student-fied. :oh (unless its a suit)

Tru!! Too Outa Date :@

Ahh Brown Suit <3 Daym i love that colour.. Ive got couple of interview suits but i just love my brown suit..

I actually fink that guys look *fit* in Brown.. d-)

Good Luck x

10-12-2007, 17:30
Ucas=sorted.(even though it shudv got sent yonks agoo.. z))
Will be sent off either 2dy or tmrw insh'allah. ....
Anymore offers rollin' in?

12-12-2007, 23:51
ohh i wonder who Z'z interview went...?

13-12-2007, 00:00
Anymore offers rollin' in?

Which Uni are you looking to go to?

13-12-2007, 00:43
Interview went good today! ~)

I was asked to sketch a graph of SinX + 2 :| The admissions guy tried confuse me, but he had no chance lol.

Even though UCL is world class, I now think that, after the tour of the campus, its quite dry and dull. The Godless Institute as it is known. Not very keen on religious values. I still got my heart set on Imperial/Kings!

The guy sed the usual offer for UCL is AAB, so I'll see how it goes!

13-12-2007, 00:44
Good going man! Inshallah u get into Imperial.

13-12-2007, 00:46
Well Done...

What did you wear then?

Inshallah you'll get into imperial or kings.....

13-12-2007, 00:56
Thing is with imperial, its more competive than UCL to get into. Id need a lil bit o luck to actually get an interview with that lot. I just hope my grades and statement and reference is up to scratch by their standards.

13-12-2007, 00:57
Lol jus give em your charm and you'll be fine...

13-12-2007, 01:03
LOL Charm...I hope that charm doesnt turn into arrogance. Have to play the cards right. Im competing against 8 other applicants for one place lulz.

13-12-2007, 01:06
To all the Uni appliaying Student includin the maker of this thread

Just have Faith in yourself... Don't get carried away by imagning your life at the uni cuz shit doesnt happen

BUT all of u lot will be fine and inshallah u will all get into your 1st choices

13-12-2007, 01:10
I don't want to read punj paayja...haha. What you want to study again?

13-12-2007, 01:11
Comp Sci. / Software Engineering- 4years. @ Missy.

13-12-2007, 01:12
Comp Sci. / Software Engineering- 4years. @ Missy.

Missy not a uni ;) LOL im soo weird its just hilarious. GOOD luck

13-12-2007, 01:13
lulz...I didnt mean it that way you plum. ;p

Although I wouldnt mind studying you. :rolleyes:

Ok I think I need sleep.

13-12-2007, 01:16
lulz...I didnt mean it that way you plum. ;p

Although I wouldnt mind studying you. :rolleyes:

Ok I think I need sleep.

Your 19?

Beta soo jao. Subha school janaa theek hai?

I chat breeze lol. Im high on this thingy from earlier. Ignoreth me

13-12-2007, 01:17
Id prfer it to be called "college" or "educational institution". Heh.

Yes I am 19. Profile speaks no lies.

13-12-2007, 01:45
Lol @ sinx + 2 ..nice one Thero :p

13-12-2007, 19:43
Got my first offer 2 days ago i think....

Brunel - 300 points :D

what course u looking to do at brune?

13-12-2007, 19:57
Which Uni are you looking to go to?

Notzz,Birmingham,Manch...shef..or Leic.:D

13-12-2007, 22:37
what course u looking to do at brune?
Brunels my 2nd choice. Wanna do Psychology. :)

13-12-2007, 23:07
Brunels my 2nd choice. Wanna do Psychology. :)

thats good. my friend is doing that

14-12-2007, 23:17
Got the letter yesterday i can FINALLY check online!
im going cwazzzi.. i KEEP loggin on n thinkin that they'll reply.. it hasnt even been a whole day yet.
--Oh i hope i get the places : /

14-12-2007, 23:37
Finallyyyyyyyy lol.

Precisely this time next year, we will be first year undergrads, godwilling. ;)

14-12-2007, 23:40
wohoo wicked shaz...

lol im 1st year and we got told 2 join the ucas card sceme so gnna sign up 2 dat in a bit lol

15-12-2007, 00:14
Got the letter yesterday i can FINALLY check online!
im going cwazzzi.. i KEEP loggin on n thinkin that they'll reply.. it hasnt even been a whole day yet.
--Oh i hope i get the places : /
Lol you'll get an email tellin you the status has changed. You dont need to keep checking although you should make sure the email don't go into your junk box.

And yea Zero scary thought...

15-12-2007, 01:26
Lol Gujo yeh i know :/
Its becoming a habbit..tis sho sad. :/

*sings happy burddday 2 gujoo*

15-12-2007, 11:30
Lol Gujo yeh i know :/
Its becoming a habbit..tis sho sad. :/

*sings happy burddday 2 gujoo*
Lets jus hope its a happy year. Possibly the next year is hardest year so far....though this year was mega hard for me personally.

19-12-2007, 09:19

Interview at Southampton Uni in January! On the times online good university guide, Southampton comes after Imperial as 5th in UK for Comp. Sci. :o

I may have to rethink my second choice...hm..but I dunno bout moving all the way to the south coast for 4 years. :oh

19-12-2007, 11:59
stay in london!!!!!

19-12-2007, 13:29
Middlesex - BBC
Goldsmith - BBC

Had 4 offers, one left now.

19-12-2007, 17:30
stay in london!!!!!

Im still thinking of staying in london...cos I cant be assed moving out...

Although it is tempting! ?>

19-12-2007, 17:40
please stay in london ?>

19-12-2007, 17:46
lol well my first choice is in London anyway, I was just thinking bout my second choice. <)

19-12-2007, 18:13
Hmm shoo 2day i got my first reply...well only a conditional offer.
Manchester want ABB!
No way im gonna get that....well i very much doubt it...
Shoo hm, I think thats off the list rwealli..lets just hope for some better offers. ( :

19-12-2007, 18:25
Hmm shoo 2day i got my first reply...well only a conditional offer.
Manchester want ABB!
No way im gonna get that....well i very much doubt it...
Shoo hm, I think thats off the list rwealli..lets just hope for some better offers. ( :Work hard and anythings possible!

I got ABB offer for City Uni which is my first choice and realistically i can get that but will involve loadsa hard work... which i don't do... ?: So yea work hard! :d

19-12-2007, 18:33
Yeh,hmm.. i dunoo im expecting B's and C's methinks.. but then again if i put my mind to it and stop being a lazy sh*t then like u said anything is possible.
Hmmm. insh'allah i'll do well..
Shoo wher have u applied doode?

19-12-2007, 18:35
Wooppee another offer! :D

19-12-2007, 18:37
^^ Woop Woop.
Where from JavO?

19-12-2007, 18:42
I was woopin for you! lol

19-12-2007, 18:43
Wo0p for urryone! :D Congrats Shazzy.. And don't be thinkin u can't do it.. As long as u put ur mind to it it IS possible =)

19-12-2007, 18:47
I was woopin for you! lol

It doesnt mean anything yet .
Till i actually fullfill the requirements but heyh Wooop.Woop.

19-12-2007, 18:47
Wo0p for urryone! :D Congrats Shazzy.. And don't be thinkin u can't do it.. As long as u put ur mind to it it IS possible =)


19-12-2007, 19:18
Yeh,hmm.. i dunoo im expecting B's and C's methinks.. but then again if i put my mind to it and stop being a lazy sh*t then like u said anything is possible.
Hmmm. insh'allah i'll do well..
Shoo wher have u applied doode?Where? All in Landan... City, Brunel, Westminster, Goldsmiths and Middlesex... :D

19-12-2007, 20:25
Woo I just got a letter from UCL!

I passed the interview! Beat all the other 8 students that wanted that place lol...ratio was approx. 8 candidates for 1 place.

Conditional AAB!

19-12-2007, 20:31
Yay Thero, congrats... methinks that suit added quite a few brownie points for ya :p Tee hee..

19-12-2007, 20:33
lulz...I think iot mustve...or I charmed the interviewer with my cheeky smile. :D

19-12-2007, 20:35
OOeh guji. Hope u all zee best then (:

19-12-2007, 20:37
Woo I just got a letter from UCL!

I passed the interview! Beat all the other 8 students that wanted that place lol...ratio was approx. 8 candidates for 1 place.

Conditional AAB!

Well done me lad.:D

19-12-2007, 20:45
Woo I just got a letter from UCL!

I passed the interview! Beat all the other 8 students that wanted that place lol...ratio was approx. 8 candidates for 1 place.

Conditional AAB!Well done! thumbsup;

OOeh guji. Hope u all zee best then (:Thank you..

You too.. thumbsup;

21-12-2007, 17:12
Uni of B'ghm: Conditional: BBB

21-12-2007, 17:16
^^Well done! :D

21-12-2007, 17:18
Thanks G.:D
Thats rweally made my day..started off pooey n now its not as pooey lol :/

21-12-2007, 17:21
Whaddya wanna shtudy at uni of bham?

Gorgeous ooni btw, you'll love it =)

21-12-2007, 17:25
Sociology Enchooco^ ( =
Ooerh, i haven sheen it yet...

21-12-2007, 17:26
Ooh I have a friend there studying sociology, final year.. You'll luff it Shazama, the campus is gorgeous :)

21-12-2007, 17:28
Ah thats good!.. How are the buildings??..modern..oldy-fied?...
I like buldings with shooome character 2 dem..
*sings Ohh im shoo wappy shoo wappyyyyyyy*

21-12-2007, 17:52
Well done bachi. :D

21-12-2007, 17:52
theres newer building for the sciences n stoof.. but the humanities building are so gorgeous.. old, red brick buidlings... with arches n stoof..


^the main hall
wow I've walked down there... seems weird to look at it now..heh :$

21-12-2007, 18:00
wohooo well done shaz..

and the offers good as well ull defo get a BBB
if not more!

21-12-2007, 18:04
theres newer building for the sciences n stoof.. but the humanities building are so gorgeous.. old, red brick buidlings... with arches n stoof..


^the main hall
wow I've walked down there... seems weird to look at it now..heh :$

Thanks J! And cheekuu...Yeh insh'allah. (:

OOOOerh tis looks Noice<).

21-12-2007, 18:06
Shouldve applied to a london Uni shaz! ?>

21-12-2007, 18:15
^ Lol,Wouldnt of been practical Doode.
Tis 2 Far + Costs..... Living in the midlands is berry good..cuz im surrounded by shoo many good Uni's but yehh being back in london wouldv been noice.

28-12-2007, 18:19
Still waiting patiently for shoome more replies *sighs*
u guys got any more offers then?

28-12-2007, 19:05
Still waiting patiently for shoome more replies *sighs*
u guys got any more offers then?

Apparently, Administration office are on holiday and so is UCAS so you won't hear till January.

28-12-2007, 19:06
^Lol, while they get holiday, we get piles of revision. pfft.

28-12-2007, 19:32
Apparently, Administration office are on holiday and so is UCAS so you won't hear till January.

:|Ah kuteeh!..
That sucks.

10-01-2008, 18:52
Leicster BBB Woop.
Just 2 more replies now...

10-01-2008, 22:53
Well done shaz! Got one more left....

11-01-2008, 19:02
Wooop. Thanks :D
Ooerh where from?..good luck.

11-01-2008, 21:32
Westminster left.... thanks..

12-01-2008, 16:55
Awesomeee (:^

15-01-2008, 20:20
Had interview with southampton today.

Went pretty well, had a russian admissions tutor. His accent cracked my up lol. :$

Impressed him so much he offered me a conditional on the spot :oh

ABBb (that small b is a B in an As level)

Southampton is such a good place to live and study as well...and apparently the nightlife is well good!

Im seriously debating leaving London...again. 8S

15-01-2008, 20:25

go what what you feel is right.... maybe you need a change of scene of summin but den again 3/4 years is a long time ... u might get home sick

how many interviews have you had so far?

15-01-2008, 20:26
^ Yaa but I could always visit home on the South Western trains...or by car!

Ive had 3 so far...2 official, 1 unofficial.

15-01-2008, 20:32
ahh i seee

and i swear you have family near southampton .... or was that bormouth so if ur ever really sick just pay them a visit...

which unis the best for your course thou??? but den again its always good to look into other factors as well rather then its the top... cuz u got 2 enjoy the student life also!

15-01-2008, 20:35
^ Yaa but I could always visit home on the South Western trains...or by car!

Ive had 3 so far...2 official, 1 unofficial.

South Western Trains RULE

Oh yes, congratulations. I remember me last year, was really excited. Shame. LOL

15-01-2008, 20:39
Well CP southampton comes 4th in UK for Comp. Sci. Better than all london ones aprt from imperial.

And missy, lol. South Western is the shizzle. First Class train carriage is sooo pampered for commuters! :o

15-01-2008, 20:41
well there you go ...... 4th best in the UK.. thats really good...
u still got quite a bit of time... and well if u want to get out for a bit ..diffrent scenery etc.. i'll say go for it..

good luck in whteva u do!

15-01-2008, 21:09
Good work man. Good luck with it.

15-01-2008, 21:18
Had interview with southampton today.

Went pretty well, had a russian admissions tutor. His accent cracked my up lol. :$

Impressed him so much he offered me a conditional on the spot :oh

ABBb (that small b is a B in an As level)

Southampton is such a good place to live and study as well...and apparently the nightlife is well good!

Im seriously debating leaving London...again. 8S

Weeehy Woop Woop..right onnnnn dude.<)

15-01-2008, 22:44
Congrats Javstar u done bery well..

17-01-2008, 22:25
Thankoo you guys!

4 down...one to go...:oh

26-01-2008, 15:15
Sociology & Social policy
Uni of Sheffield: Conditional
B in Soc and B & C in the rest

26-01-2008, 16:01

Well done mannnnn. Is that a firm or insurance?

Imperial College still taking the {P}. :|

26-01-2008, 16:07
Sociology & Social policy
Uni of Sheffield: Conditional
B in Soc and B & C in the rest
Well done!

27-01-2008, 04:26
fanx youuuuuuu
Just 1 more 2 goooo now

21-03-2008, 14:55
Current status: Still waiting for 1 more reply from Nottingham.
[RAWH], its takin zee pee..

I wana put down my first and second preferences...and till i dont get them all i cant do jak all.

21-03-2008, 15:35
Same here Shaz. Wanna fill out grant form but i feel stupid doing it without gettin all my replies.

Im gonna fone them soon..i think.

21-03-2008, 15:48
Shyt a was in that pos b4.. buh its all good 4 me nw.. chose ma preferences 2..

21-03-2008, 16:20
Same here Shaz. Wanna fill out grant form but i feel stupid doing it without gettin all my replies.

Im gonna fone them soon..i think.

Yeah, i got the grant form last Monday..man i wonder how long its going 2 take?<:

21-03-2008, 16:27
Rejected by Imperial. Old news, however I thought Id update this lol.

21-03-2008, 16:30
Rejected by Imperial. Old news, however I thought Id update this lol.

Dude, u got all replies then huh?

21-03-2008, 16:33
Yeh, I have. Need to make final choice by 6th May! :oh

21-03-2008, 16:37
Yeh, I have. Need to make final choice by 6th May! :oh

Good luck chap.
So whats your 1st & 2nd choice then mister?

21-03-2008, 18:30
Good luck chap.
So whats your 1st & 2nd choice then mister?

Looks liek its going to be UCL as first choice, contrary to what I felt about the place originally lol.

Kings is insurance.

I still got until may to decide tho!

Pac Man
22-03-2008, 20:51
got my 1st rejection:(

22-03-2008, 20:54
Looks liek its going to be UCL as first choice, contrary to what I felt about the place originally lol.

Kings is insurance.

I still got until may to decide tho!

Awwh acha lol

got my 1st rejection:(

Ah noerh (btw welcome 2 Ap (: ) What unis have u applied 2 dude?

Pac Man
22-03-2008, 22:13
erm applied mostly all in scotland. i applied to leeds for dentistry... got ripped to shreds for 25mins in the interview tho haha so im expectin a rejection from them. wanted to apply manchestr but herd they dont like scottish ppl:( lol wat about urself? congrats on ur sheffield offer

Spider Pig
22-03-2008, 22:21
lol man you applied to the 2 best uni's around, leeds and manchester, well for partying and enjoying ya time there that is :d

can you hook a brother up with a free dentist? lol

22-03-2008, 22:21
erm applied mostly all in scotland. i applied to leeds for dentistry... got ripped to shreds for 25mins in the interview tho haha so im expectin a rejection from them. wanted to apply manchestr but herd they dont like scottish ppl:( lol wat about urself? congrats on ur sheffield offer

Awwrh nooerh, blesh ya.
Im lucky cuz havent been asked for an interview for any of the Unis yet,
Blesh dont worry.. (=

Leeds.Hmm ,i was going 2 apply there toerh. Twas between sheff and leeds but i went with Sheff.
Heyh thanks<). Btw Scottish accents are hawt<3
Ooerh Manchester...yesh ive applied there tooerh and have recived an conditional offer. WOOP.
Ive also applied 2 Uni of Nottingham,B'ghm and Leicster...just awaiitng for one more now.:rolleyes:

Pac Man
23-03-2008, 00:50
Awwrh nooerh, blesh ya.
Im lucky cuz havent been asked for an interview for any of the Unis yet,
Blesh dont worry.. (=

Leeds.Hmm ,i was going 2 apply there toerh. Twas between sheff and leeds but i went with Sheff.
Heyh thanks<). Btw Scottish accents are hawt<3
Ooerh Manchester...yesh ive applied there tooerh and have recived an conditional offer. WOOP.
Ive also applied 2 Uni of Nottingham,B'ghm and Leicster...just awaiitng for one more now.:rolleyes:

lnooerh = no worries yh?8S lol lucky u. i had my interview at leeds on valentines day..n i brought a flower i had made out of wires n gav it to the interviewer haha she was chuffed but that still didnt save me lol alot of ppl tok about sheff... "tis" a good uni
ahaha erm thanks?>. i guess me n sean connery got sumfin in common lol;) id say da same about sum accents down south (not the geordie one tho lol)

look at u lappin up all the offers. guess the unis reely like u eh lol ur pretty much sorted. wats ur 1st choice uni?

27-03-2008, 20:09
lnooerh = no worries yh?8S lol lucky u. i had my interview at leeds on valentines day..n i brought a flower i had made out of wires n gav it to the interviewer haha she was chuffed but that still didnt save me lol alot of ppl tok about sheff... "tis" a good uni
ahaha erm thanks?>. i guess me n sean connery got sumfin in common lol;) id say da same about sum accents down south (not the geordie one tho lol)

look at u lappin up all the offers. guess the unis reely like u eh lol ur pretty much sorted. wats ur 1st choice uni?

LOL haha awwrh thats sweet..didnt do the trick though huh?.
People these days...so inconsiderate. Pshtz)

Uh-huh. *straightens up her collar* Lol.
Noerh, its all down to the final choice that im worried about.
I'd hate 2 go through clearing ....8S

Well i havent yet put down first choice, cuz im still awaiting for 1 more freakin' offer:i but i think im going 2 go for Birmingham as my first.

27-03-2008, 20:26
man im gnna be going thru this.. this time next year

im going 2 the ucas fair @ earls court thou next weds...

loads of unis gnna be there so can gather loads of info :D

Pac Man
27-03-2008, 20:40
LOL haha awwrh thats sweet..didnt do the trick though huh?.

People these days...so inconsiderate. Pshtz)

Uh-huh. *straightens up her collar* Lol.
Noerh, its all down to the final choice that im worried about.
I'd hate 2 go through clearing ....8S

Well i havent yet put down first choice, cuz im still awaiting for 1 more freakin' offer:i but i think im going 2 go for Birmingham as my first.

nah it took like 5 secs for da woman to register why i was givn her flowers lol da other interviewers didnt look amused. maybe i shud hav given the flower to the man n said happy valentines!<3 lol but
it did work in my glasgow interview coz i jus found out 2day i got a conditional offer:D:D so yh im chuffed. punched my head of yr in the nose by accident wen i jumped up to celebrate haha
same i havnt put down a first choice yet. still waiting for leeds to replyz) birmigham hung up on me wen i asked if they wud consider me LOL u gona be living in halls?

man im gnna be going thru this.. this time next year

im going 2 the ucas fair @ earls court thou next weds...

loads of unis gnna be there so can gather loads of info :D

lmake sure u start ur personal statement inda summer coz it is a pain in the arse!!! hardest thing iv had to write lol
remember to pick up a glasgow uni prospectus;)

27-03-2008, 20:47
lmake sure u start ur personal statement inda summer coz it is a pain in the arse!!! hardest thing iv had to write lol
remember to pick up a glasgow uni prospectus;)

LOL yeah man... i do a lot of stuff outside college anyways so i got a lot of shit to write on it.. but yeh i hope to start writing in summer and just doing all these researching and stuff...

lol... glasgow eh? i wonder why :rolleyes:
anyways ide be out of place with my east london accent lol

oh yeh... if the dubai business trip doesnt happen then one week in the summer for free im hoping to go cambridge and its a tester week... where imma do politics... :D u stay for free, travle is free... and free activties...
so if dubai dnt happen.. then me going to this :D

28-03-2008, 22:13
Got my last offer...

Westminster - BBB

Now i need to chooooooooooooooooooooooose.......

29-03-2008, 15:39
Got my last offer...

Westminster - BBB

Now i need to chooooooooooooooooooooooose.......

Well done G<)

29-03-2008, 16:15
Well done G<)

Thanks youu.... this choosing business is harder than i thought...

Pac Man
30-03-2008, 14:44
Got my last offer...

Westminster - BBB

Now i need to chooooooooooooooooooooooose.......

well done mate. wats the courses uv applied to?

30-03-2008, 16:36
well done mate. wats the courses uv applied to?
Psychology....... :D

11-04-2008, 19:28
[quote=Pac Man;578508]nah it took like 5 secs for da woman to register why i was givn her flowers lol da other interviewers didnt look amused. maybe i shud hav given the flower to the man n said happy valentines!<3 lol but
it did work in my glasgow interview coz i jus found out 2day i got a conditional offer:D:D so yh im chuffed. punched my head of yr in the nose by accident wen i jumped up to celebrate haha
same i havnt put down a first choice yet. still waiting for leeds to replyz) birmigham hung up on me wen i asked if they wud consider me LOL u gona be living in halls?

Lol. Haha yeh im sure he wouldv been more appreciative then her.

Awrrh well done<) (know its abit late now lol)
Hahah dayum did it bleed after? :oh
Nottingham continues 2 take zee pisshhz)

Haww really? haahah :lol:
THATS abit harsh! O_O probz was a yes then? lol

Im still thinking :S might do first year..what about you?

11-04-2008, 20:42
Now we got to choose but im baffed.

I wasnt gonna chose westminster as my insurance but they offered me a scholarship of £2000-£4000... if i got that id be gettin paid to go UNI! 8o

22-04-2008, 14:56
All day ive been thinking about my ucas status and cuz i havent checked it in a while thought id go on today. It just came through like 3 minutes ago.
Freaky stuff.


Grades ABC

Now ive gotta decide
*Gulp* :S

sheff gal
22-04-2008, 16:31
I need 280points tht mmd.

22-04-2008, 21:06
All day ive been thinking about my ucas status and cuz i havent checked it in a while thought id go on today. It just came through like 3 minutes ago.
Freaky stuff.


Grades ABC

Now ive gotta decide
*Gulp* :S

Yep.... i still aint chosen... knowing me il leave it late..

06-05-2008, 08:32
6pm today is the deadline PEOPLEEEE!


06-05-2008, 15:33
:O u being serioussssssssssssss? :O:O:O foooooooook
but on ucas it says something like weve got til june???????

06-05-2008, 15:38
'DON'T FORGET.. to reply to your offers. You must reply by Thu, 5 Jun 2008'.

6 May 2008

Outstanding replies from applicants declined by default where the last decision from universities and colleges was received by 31 March (except those living outside the EU, those governed by the Route B timetable or Extra).

my last reply was on the 21-Apr-2008
:S:S:S:S HELP So does that apply 2 me or not?

Pac Man
06-05-2008, 18:01
it tells u on ur ucas when u have to reply by. mines was june but iv already replied. depends on when u heard ur last offer i think

06-05-2008, 18:04
hmm maybe its different for u shaz?

gujis and and i fink even Javs was in may

phone them?

06-05-2008, 18:27
Ah phew. its ok.. yeh ive got till june the 5TH


06-05-2008, 22:50
Why was mine today? :(


07-05-2008, 18:38
Depends on your last reply^^^

16-01-2009, 21:39

For the year 2009

So the BA global and media degree i applied for at SOAS.. the course i delayed my application for till mid december as it was not finalized... has been canceled.... and they won't be offering what they said they would.. i checked the email today.. and i've missed the deadline ysday to change that option so now i need to wait till ucas extra opens and change it....

However Middlesex offered me a conditional offer

A minimum of 260 UCAS Tariff points
from 2 or 3 GCE A levels or AVCEs

^^ easy to get that not scared..

the course i applied for there was.... Advertising, Public Relations and Media

3 more to go.... Goldsmiths, LCC and Westminster...

and my 5th whatever i decide to change

18-01-2009, 02:24
not that anyone cares...

Interview with westminster for BA Honours Public Relations

28 January 2009 at 16:15

I'm pissed of!!!! its the same day that i got tickets for Britain's got talents auditions....

I'm gnna see and then reply to the email..

arnt i good enough for them that they have to interview me?

I'm actually scared now :(

18-01-2009, 02:30
not that anyone cares...

Interview with westminster for BA Honours Public Relations

28 January 2009 at 16:15

I'm pissed of!!!! its the same day that i got tickets for Britain's got talents auditions....

I'm gnna see and then reply to the email..

arnt i good enough for them that they have to interview me?

I'm actually scared now :(

You auditioning? What you going to do?

18-01-2009, 02:35
You auditioning? What you going to do?

LOL haha i wish

no i got tickets to be in the audience.....

18-01-2009, 02:41
LOL haha i wish

no i got tickets to be in the audience.....

Ohh more boring than I thought - paying to watch a load of talent-less losers! :Q

Anyway good luck with the interview. Been a long time since I did all my UCAS stuff for uni entries but I thought it was standard having an open day/interview for most courses etc. It's not just one-way either loads of chances for you to ask stuff too - relax and you will be fine.

18-01-2009, 02:56
Ohh more boring than I thought - paying to watch a load of talent-less losers! :Q

Anyway good luck with the interview. Been a long time since I did all my UCAS stuff for uni entries but I thought it was standard having an open day/interview for most courses etc. It's not just one-way either loads of chances for you to ask stuff too - relax and you will be fine.

I didn't pay so i don't mind :Q

but looks like i aint going to it now damn :(

ahh thanks i dunno i guess I'm just worried as i've never really done interviews as such... i dunno cuz i mean some unis just offer u a place without seeing u and sum wanna meet u.. meh guess they wanna meet me.... hopefully i'd go ok....

Pac Man
18-01-2009, 15:44
not that anyone cares...

Interview with westminster for BA Honours Public Relations

28 January 2009 at 16:15

I'm pissed of!!!! its the same day that i got tickets for Britain's got talents auditions....

I'm gnna see and then reply to the email..

arnt i good enough for them that they have to interview me?

I'm actually scared now :(

well done. u got offers and interviews alreadythumbsup;
will be a piece of cake. i got to see britains got talent last year wen they came glasgow:D it was alright. glasgow doesn't really have much talent lol

18-01-2009, 19:29
well done. u got offers and interviews alreadythumbsup;
will be a piece of cake. i got to see britains got talent last year wen they came glasgow:D it was alright. glasgow doesn't really have much talent lol

lol awww thanks...

meh i have been waiting since mid December.. so meh... i hope so.... I'm not really scared by it.. just its a hassle now lol..

ahh did you? was it fun? im just annoyed now i can't go cuz of stupid uni interview :(

Pac Man
18-01-2009, 19:53
lol awww thanks...

meh i have been waiting since mid December.. so meh... i hope so.... I'm not really scared by it.. just its a hassle now lol..

ahh did you? was it fun? im just annoyed now i can't go cuz of stupid uni interview :(

no probsthumbsup;

yeh it was packed though, first come first served basis so alot of people got turned back eventually. just alot of idiots who thought they were "talented" when they actually had as much talent as a wooden spoon.

ask to change the date of your interview. i did that for my leeds one although my excuse was i had an exam lol duno wat urs will be. just make sure ur interview isn't on valentines day like mines was haha you see sum funny weird stuff:oh

18-01-2009, 20:13
no probsthumbsup;

yeh it was packed though, first come first served basis so alot of people got turned back eventually. just alot of idiots who thought they were "talented" when they actually had as much talent as a wooden spoon.

ask to change the date of your interview. i did that for my leeds one although my excuse was i had an exam lol duno wat urs will be. just make sure ur interview isn't on valentines day like mines was haha you see sum funny weird stuff:oh

yh the 1st come 1st serve basis sucks... got tickets for the quarter finals of britains got talent last time and we got turned away cuz it got fulled up..

lol aww i can imagine...

yeah i might just do need to speak to bro about it and if he says yes we are going to go to it then i'll rearrange if not then whatever i guess
lol @ v-day... oh gosh that must suck.. esp in a uni environment i can't take it at college!

21-01-2009, 22:31
Goldsmiths: Media and Communication.... the uni i want to go to...

conditional ABB

Oh gosh i better make sure i get that A then......

27-01-2009, 11:27
I've got conditional offers at all my unis...just waiting on 1 last one.

27-01-2009, 16:38
Well done guys.. and cheeko you CAN! :) XX

27-01-2009, 21:08
Meh interview tomorow!!!

I better take out my shirt and smart trousers

and the worse... The shoes

EKKK lol

27-01-2009, 21:18
Good Luck...I'm sending you some postive vibes...=)

27-01-2009, 21:24
Good Luck Cheekyy..

27-01-2009, 21:41
^ thanks guys :)

27-01-2009, 23:51
Good luck once again Huniw :) Show em' what u got! xxxxxxxxxxxx

28-01-2009, 21:41
meh went kinda crapish

group interview..

we got asked why we choose PR? ideal first job? if we had to do PR for a tabaco company and the pay was good would we do it? Would we still take the job if we had to persuade kids in developing countries to take up smokeing? would we screw over a mate to get a job?

it was intresting but i felt i didnt do all that.. nerve kicked in and i started stammring but meh i think my answers were a bit different from the rest but i guess we'll see

30-01-2009, 20:05
Obtain grades BBB at A-Level

Westminster Public Relations

wohoo they accepted me :D

I have one left to go and thats from LCC
and another one when i get round to changing my option due to SOAS canceling the course....