View Full Version : Mayweather vs Hatton

27-11-2007, 23:26
who do you think will take it? - whats gonna happen?
11 days time people !

i say PBF - Unanimous Decision

Spider Pig
27-11-2007, 23:28
man I just can't wait I really hope hatton gives mayweather a run for his money if hatton is ok with the weight then he will take it to cards unless a cripling body shot destroys mayweather! wow!

mayweather is too slick to be caught but I duno hatton has the best chance of anybody I just hope he can keep in there and do british boxing proud!

27-11-2007, 23:31
yo where you watching it?
because imran gonna be in saudi - so i dunno where i gonna watch it yet, i need to make some plans. lol

man hatton had timeee for the weight. his previous fight at this weight he only had 5 weeks to prepare, which is why he struggled. he will be in tip top condition. but mayweather could live at anyweight. i was reading about him going to middleweight today - and i wouldn't argue with it. he would be small yes - but he is too slick.

27-11-2007, 23:34
The Hitman touched down in the Nevada desert overnight on Thursday to acclimatise for his showdown with Floyd Mayweather on December 8th.

Undefeated is still more than a fortnight away and this is the earliest he has crossed the Atlantic ahead of a bout.

But this will be his third stay in the fight capital of the world and Hatton is taking no chances ahead of the biggest fight of his life.

Having picked up a cold when staying in a hotel ahead of his Vegas debut against Juan Urango January, he is hiring a house along with brother Matthew and Phoenix Gym colleague Matthew Macklin.

he's on it bruv !

Spider Pig
27-11-2007, 23:35
lol at light middle against dlh he came in 4 lbs lighter than the limit! that was what he walked around at.

yeh hatton has time so should better this time, I duno where am watchin it yet, I think my mates are watchin it, some ppl are goin to bars n stuff but I dont wana be drinkin or going out somewhere to watch it.......

if you got somewhere then leme know I'll see wats happenin

27-11-2007, 23:35
they will screen the fight at vue cinemas..

il be watchin it at home.. lock and loaded with my shisha supply, plenty popcorn and chocolates at hand..

Spider Pig
27-11-2007, 23:39
I woulda put it at my house, I might still do it, but I wana watch it with mates n dont wana invite to mine tho cos I know if sumut happens we be shoutin then dad will end up knockin us out lol

27-11-2007, 23:41
lol i can try and get my bros house sorted and shit but i cant see it happening. i try and see whats happening.

Spider Pig
27-11-2007, 23:42
lols safe man, I don't mind where I watch it, as long as its someone else's house lol

Spider Pig
28-11-2007, 19:37
guna watch the hatton vs mayweather 24/7 on sky, I duno if its on every week or everyday :s I only remembered to see one episode

28-11-2007, 20:01
its on tv here but i cant watch it. subtitles are on, but i too far away, and always on calls :( tell me what its like.

28-11-2007, 20:04
cant wait but cant watch it goin pakistan on the same nite

28-11-2007, 20:10
whats he doing to his hands there?

28-11-2007, 20:13
mayweather >

Spider Pig
28-11-2007, 20:17
mayweathers had hand problems so hes gettin this crap put on them 3 times a week so they don't be fragile n stuff

yeh it's a good show, I liked the mayweather v de la hoya one too

28-11-2007, 20:21
man ima do them exercises with the weights on his neck

Spider Pig
28-11-2007, 20:22
lol they can be dangerous if you dont warm up proper or strain ya neck, thats why not too many ppl do em

28-11-2007, 20:26
yea of course.i wont be doin em with 20kg weights or nothin' put it that way. lol

29-11-2007, 23:44
hatoon will destroy him i think, even if it goes t points, hatton will hammer him

30-11-2007, 00:01
i can't see hatton getting close to him.
PBF will dance all night long, and pick him off.
pressure don't count for nothing when your gonna get countered constantly.

02-12-2007, 19:53
Mayweather going to start easy hatton gonna be firing till round 4 then mayweather going to do him. Just for the sake of it think mayweather gonna push for a KO in 11th

Spider Pig
02-12-2007, 20:03
hatton has the tools, power and attributed to beat mayweather only problem is his lack of head movement, which against mayweather is a BIG problem lols.

Thing is hatton knows he has to put pressure on but not all in the first few rounds, as mayweather won't gas and usually wins the later rounds in his fights i.e. agaisnt judah and de la hoya, he started slow and made them think they were in control then took over. Hatton I don't think can tie him up, amazing body punch against castillo but mayweather is a lot faster and uses the ropes better than anyone to avoid punches.

02-12-2007, 20:06
hatton's fitness will be fantastic. no doubt about that. but this is a whole different story. mayweather has the best defence in boxing - period. thats what he works off. parry the jab and counter. lateral movement and then slip and slide. he is capable of making sure hatton does not land a punch all night, as in he will be chasing shadows. he won't know hatton out for sure, but i think a boxing lesson is on the cards.

Spider Pig
02-12-2007, 20:15
yup thats why its intriguin cos hatton aint faces anyone as slick as mayweather who is a great counter puncher but mayweather aint faced anyone who pressures you like hatton, I mean C'MONNN! lol kosta tszyu retired because he was that exhausted from hattons pressure and he's the one that ko'd judah and made him do that chicken dance because of his counter power.

I really hope hatton does the business man, hopefully if he manages to land some good body shots on mayweather it will bring the fight out in him and then hatton will have a chance

Spider Pig
02-12-2007, 20:15
btw whats the crack guna be, yu deffo wana book it n watch it?

02-12-2007, 20:16
man i'm on it. i'll get the UFC game for the ps2, i beat you at that. then we paly fight night, i beat you at that. we eat, watch the boxing, shout and scream as they will be nobody at home. my bro got like a big plasma tv on his wall so its fantastic, try hook up the surround sound ! bruv !

Spider Pig
02-12-2007, 20:19
lools you know you have no chance fight night, right? lol

the ufc game? the old ones? they mena be shit aint they lols

waheva man, I was thinkin of rentin pro 2008

02-12-2007, 20:26
lools you know you have no chance fight night, right? lol

the ufc game? the old ones? they mena be shit aint they lols

waheva man, I was thinkin of rentin pro 2008

yea the old one. but i wanna play it man...yea get pro innit, but a proe booking in so we have it. lol just let me know if you going to your mates or not. if not we go halves or somet on ppv?

Spider Pig
02-12-2007, 20:30
yeh safe, ermmm nah I wont go to ma mates cos even tho it be a laugh n that they guna be smokin n stuff man n also their rents be sleepin so cant really shout or nuttin lols

yeh i'll try n get a bookin out on it, so pro, boxin, pizza? sounds good lol

02-12-2007, 20:43
lol aye, very much sowhen is it? lol

02-12-2007, 20:46
mayweather looks like curtis jackson

Spider Pig
02-12-2007, 20:47
lols no way, but you know does? junior out of my wife n kids lools

02-12-2007, 20:54
chamillionaire does too lol

Spider Pig
02-12-2007, 20:57
yer I thought they were twins at one point lol

anyway goin off topic again!

Spider Pig
08-12-2007, 14:15

the way in from last night, they squared up

can't wait for tnite err well tmoro mornin lol

08-12-2007, 15:12
my bros watchin this at his mates house..

anyway can u catch this online? u no wiv 2day technoldy u can watch live stuff for free lol

doubt dads gnna let me buy the match for £15 on sky box office lol

08-12-2007, 15:23
i posted loads of links on chatbox yday i dunno where they have gone? :S

if you download TV Ants or PPSteam, you may be able to watch em' on there.

08-12-2007, 15:28
gonna see it at my m8s yard today...

08-12-2007, 15:33
post loads of the links ere please...

how many rounds if the fight???
btw wht time is it startin summin like 1am right?

Spider Pig
08-12-2007, 15:41
nah cheekah yu shud be sleepin then pshhh!!

it depends, the earliest it will start is 3am but its likely it'll be between 3.30-4am

08-12-2007, 15:52
^^^^ Ahh u no i would say but its a saturday... but ive got a trip 2mrw so ave 2 wake up at 8 :(

ill catch the repeat i guess but its not as exciting...

08-12-2007, 16:12
i dont even know anything about boxing and im excited for some reason lol.

Wont be able to watch it live tho...

08-12-2007, 16:45
watchin this round ma mates yard tonight, bout 20 of us nd majority are mayweather fans lol im just hoping its not a anti climax, the build up has been great jus needs a class finish

08-12-2007, 17:08
recorded the last installment of 24/7 also !

Spider Pig
08-12-2007, 17:13
lols I seen last nights, they repeat the same one for a week, the last one is tnight b4 the fight init

09-12-2007, 06:50
hatton had him 1st 2 rounds, hatton wasnt controlled, he just wanted to get the fight done with, he played into the hands of mayweather, mayweather was diffrent class, got all the punches when needed and the knockout was sweet....

09-12-2007, 07:20
dissapointed with hattons performance.. just wasnt composed enuf...

09-12-2007, 09:40
Just read teletax abt the fight....

hatton trew punches at the begnnin so he goit tired ouq quickly...damn mayweathers won...

ahh i wanted hatton 2 win!!!!

09-12-2007, 11:03
i knew mayweather would win and i wanted him to won...he's just the better fighter....but so is hatton...like pbf said at the end of the match...he has a heart of a lion....absolutely great fighter....u can tell pbf had a difficult time in that ring...hatton didn't disappoint the country by losing...he gained more respect in the US for putting on such a great fight....

lol...i jus got back from my m8s yard....was watchin the fight with out eyes glued to the telly....

it was so dramatic....the way they were going blow for blow....or maybe that was the enhanced feature of the a hd tv :p

09-12-2007, 12:13
ooooo watch how he got knocked out...

00:36 onwards

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

09-12-2007, 12:19
Haven't seen the match but from that clip Hatton looked tired and worn out and from what i've read he focused his energy too much in the early rounds.

09-12-2007, 12:35
exactly what mayweather was waiting for...he knows that hatton is good at hitting powerful punches...and putting power into ur punches takes a lot of energy...he was probably playing with him....and pbf has a powerfull punches too ..except unlike hatton he knows the right time to do "sonic boom" of a punch....until round 10 he was just jabbin him...

09-12-2007, 12:35
hatton went for the early knockout and he couldnt cope with mayweathers handspeed, after round 3, mayweather dominated, mayweather didnt even have a scratch on his face, no real swelling, he was a class apart, trust mayweather was a diffrent class...

09-12-2007, 16:09
too good, too fast, too strong, too natural < Mayweather.
Hatton never stood a chance. i knew that all along, but like everyone else, i got involved in the 'Hatton Hype'.

09-12-2007, 17:16
too good my fucking arse i hate what mayweather done, fair enough it won him the fight, he was ducking below the waistline, using hi elbows to push hattons head out the road, granted his punching accuracy is the bmb, but hatton woulda had him he wasnt fighting the ref at teh same time, that was unbelievably bais, but gotta give ti to money mke, he done what he had to do to win, knock out punch was the bomb tho check hook lol!!!

09-12-2007, 17:20

you have lost the plot.

N a в ι н a
09-12-2007, 17:21
I fell asleep :(

09-12-2007, 17:21
i kno i kno, im majorly pissed offf that i woke up at quater to 5 and only got to see a fight that i coulda watched at my old boxing club.

Spider Pig
09-12-2007, 17:40
lol nah riz, hatton is GREAT light welterweight but an AVERAGE welterweight, mayweather tho was too big, too strong and too accurate, hatton used all his energy in 6 rounds, when he used the pressure carefully he was having a good time but there was no way he was guna beat mayweather, in all his fights mayweather wins the later rounds, he's the master at reserving energy and using it in explosive counter attacks.

if they were to have a re-match in england at light welterweight I can see it going to the distance and hatton actually hittin mayweather.

mayweathers one of the greats, he's never lookin for an oponent his explosive straight punches are underrated as he catches the oponent coming in like hatton last night.

hatton got too excited, didn't use head movement and mayweathers too quick, he didn't stick to a game plan but it's too late for that now he was big enough at the weight to outmuscle mayweather either.

also I was very nervous for some reason lool but that meant I was wide awake for the fight, especially as my eyes started to get tired after the borin lacy fight.

Spider Pig
09-12-2007, 17:42
yeh the ref was proper shit tho!! and mayweather was real clever in tying hatton up which meant he cudn't get any momentum, clever from his behalf and hatton said he wudn've done the same if he could've got away with it, proper crap point decision tho.

thing is they were all saying even with the point off hatton might've only been a point or sumut behind mayweather, altho he was running outa steam and mayweather wouldn've won the last 2 rounds anyway, hatton just didn't show any of his usual style and you can't walk thru punches at a higher weight.

09-12-2007, 17:52
yea this is true, he even said it him self, that he shoulda learnt fromthe las welter weight fight, but atleast he came out his comfort zone, but mayweather did do the dirty on him, see the average boxing fan and anybody who ever done boxing seen what he done, and that did piss me off, i dont expect that from a top earner like mayweather, but suppose it was the only real way to stop hatton, if mayweather let hatton get on top of him he was done for.

09-12-2007, 18:05
at the end of the day its a fight. nobody is gonna be a pussy and say 'can you please stop using ur forearms against me please' - the guys want to win, it aint some lil' fairy sport. your gonna do what you can to stop getting hit. i box, and if i'm up against the ropes with a guy breathing down my neck, i'm gonna do what i can to defend myself, simple as.

hatton could have pressed ALL night long, and it would have been the same result. as billy graham said, the problem wasnt getting on close to mayweather, it was what to do when he was actually there. and with a guy whose defence is as good as PBF, there isn't really much you can do. he will counter punch all night long and throw the unexpected. relentless pressure for 36 minutes is just not going to happen.

mayweather fought his game plan to a T - was extremly impress. as he says, he can talk the talk, but wow, does he walk the walk !

09-12-2007, 18:08
im not sayin he shouldnt of done it, its just fucking annoying, to see that, turning ur back and ducking below the waistline thats not right, ida actually walked out the ring, i have done it before, id do it again, im not wanna fight someone who keeps turning there back cause theyn u clock them ont he head and then thats it, what the fuck is the point.

09-12-2007, 18:11
lol you would walk out the ring because somebody turns there back? lol boy you got issues.
using the referee to your advantage is a big thing, if you can do it, then do it. remember, there are world titles on the line right now, you take ANY advantage you can.

that was the turning point of the fight in a way. hatton gets a point deducted, knows he was 2 rounds behind already, and now has to press on harder and even more eager. then we all know what happened after that. its being smart. dirty, but smart.

09-12-2007, 18:17
yes i do have issues, man thats like football and divers everytime u touch somebody they dive, now tell me tat dont get on nobodys tits, for me turning ur back and makin it out like the other fighter is hittin on the back of the head that gets on my nipples!, ah well we cud go bacwards and forwards adn side to side, but we aint never gonna get anywhere with this discussion lol!

Spider Pig
09-12-2007, 18:17
yeh I think the ref's had tw 10-8 rounds, the point deduction then the dominant one before gettin ko'd, I don't know if they include the final round in the score cards? that would've ben 3 10-8 rounds then lol

The judges' scores at the time of the stoppage were: 88-82, 89-81, 89-81.

basically hatton did well first 3 rounds, but he got too eager, he didn't use controlled pressure like he said he was guna, he was too amped. also he didn't step back a lil to give himself space to land a few punches and no head movement while he was closin in, he can learn from this.

he should fight witter, but I can see witter givin him problems now, cos witter is a poor mans mayweather.

yeh he lost his head a lot more after the ref took a point off, he didn't even warn mayweather for his antics! also he went over to hattons corner n said he was guna stop the fight even though after mayweathers flurry in that round it was hatton that finished it by being aggressive and punching mayweather, the ref was ON IT!! wasn't the reason hatton lost at all, but it certainly played a little part.

AP News Reporter
09-12-2007, 19:19
For people who missed the match here are the updates:

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

09-12-2007, 19:30
the amount of punches hatton was throwing nd he hardly connected, only in rounds 1-3, after that he was throwing punches and not connecting. mayweather knew hatton was going to go for him in the first 5 rounds, but did well to control him, fair play ref played a part. but once mayweather got past round 4, he was throwing less punches but they were connecting most of the time. hatton didnt use his head, he just went for the kill but when that didt work he didnt have no back up plan. mayweather was too quick nd too good, allow the excuses, hatton wanted this fight, so u cant argue he gone from light welter to welter etc, coz maywether has been through 5 diffrent divisions.

honest truth is, hatton got done by the much better boxer, diffrent class.

Spider Pig
09-12-2007, 19:36
hatton wanted the fight and that's testiment to him, he will never be a class welterweight, he didn't look comfortable there in his last outing against an average boxer, at light welter he is totally different, but the occasion got to him, I think he would've lost on points regardless as floyd always waits till his oponents tire then have bursts of sharp punching to take the later rounds, he's done it for many many years, he always starts "slow" as he's finding his range and tiring his oponent.

I'd love to see a hatton vs cotto fight, that would be brutal!! two fighters who don't move back, altho it's gota happen at welterweight and cotto would ko him as he's a natural at the weight now. at light welter I could see hatton stopping him, as neither fighter uses much head movement and walk through punches.

mayweather says hes always wanted to fight in england but I can't see him fighting there unless its a re-match and the result will be the same unless he drops a weight but that won't happen.

mayweather also might fight cotto next and I can see cotto maybe catching him, but I think mayweathers chin is underrated, he hardly ever has a mark on his face but if he does get caught the rare occassion he takes it well and comes back harder with crisp punches, I see him winning on points.

09-12-2007, 19:40
lol im quite shocked, hes been in all those fights and his face looks untouched - either that or plastic surgery does the trick

09-12-2007, 20:10
he is up for sports personallity of the year

09-12-2007, 20:14
lol which british sports athlete/team has done anything good this year? apart from calzaghe?

09-12-2007, 20:16
just made a thread about it.

Spider Pig
09-12-2007, 20:59
yup, well thats what mayweathers about, making the oponent come forward, if they don't come forward then he jabs and throws straight right hands and moves away, can be boring if the oponent doesn't put pressure on, but still it takes talent to be like unmarked going through 5 divisions lool

Spider Pig
09-12-2007, 21:13
skysports news say some cards had hatton leading until the point was deducted, so he was doin well without even bein n form but mayweather would always be better in the last 4/5 rounds cos of the way he fights.

09-12-2007, 21:53



09-12-2007, 22:04

Spider Pig
09-12-2007, 22:05
lol but thing is he got up from that :|

09-12-2007, 22:06
barely ..... lol

he was gone. man i can't lie, seeing his head come of the corner like that made me think yea', hes done for.

Spider Pig
09-12-2007, 22:15
same here man, I nearly ended up swingin at you outa reactions like wtf!!! lool, but as we were sayin he was walkin into them all night, at light welter he can get away with em but not against a bigger man.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

but the first couple rounds we were buzzin, heart at like 120bmp lol cos hatton was doin decent.

09-12-2007, 22:21
lol when mayweather stumbled we went mad. haha
i had to stand up and watch it !

then hatton got caught n i sat back down. lol

Spider Pig
09-12-2007, 22:29
lol which was in the space of what 5 seconds? lools

09-12-2007, 22:42
i stood up and thought ... what am i doing? lol

10-12-2007, 00:29
watched this wiv all d boys at sheesha, was hectic
dissapointed hatton lost tho