View Full Version : Handbag Thieves :(

29-01-2008, 09:57
I haven't been on AP for a while, and I thought I would share what is going on in my tiny world at the moment.

Its sh*t.

Absolute sh*t.

It has been the worst start to the new year...Ever. Total sh*t.

I went clubbin' on Friday 18th January 2008, got my bag nicked; which had my car keys, house keys, digital camera, bank card, driving licence, phone and other crap.

Had to wait that night till 6am to get my car towed back from the club and got home at 7.30am Saturday morning.

Then had to get my car locks changed - £270 :| And my house locks changed - £150 :|

Then I thought everything had stopped.

But I was SO wrong.

I cancelled my debit card...but the f*ckers are still using it as the sort code and account number do not change, so they have been using my card & my ID in phones 4 u in Chiswick to get contracts out and buying the most expensive handset and on top of that getting out insurance.

Ive cancelled all the phone accounts and the insurance and now in order to close my account completely have to go into the bank with two forms of identity to do so.

The police aren't doing anything, they've said I've got a crime ref and thats all they can do - w*nkers.

So my plans for this weekend?

Going to Chiswick, going to get a receipt of transactions and CCTV and try and find out who the theiving b*stards are.

Thats me done.

Hope you lot are living a better life than me right now.

What else can I do? Help :(

29-01-2008, 12:08
Now the police have just told me that I'm not the victim at this point but phones 4u are because they are the ones who have been decieved!


Iroquois Pliskin
29-01-2008, 12:19
Damn headshot. :oh

Sorry to hear that Mizz C.

Bastards. <:

Lady Shyne
29-01-2008, 12:36
ahh dts sad, jus cos sum1 does a eedyat move..u got soo many things to deal with now. Fukin pricks. ur da victim ere fuk wah the police say lol.

29-01-2008, 12:46
Damn headshot. :oh

Sorry to hear that Mizz C.

Bastards. <:

I know. Hope they get shot.

29-01-2008, 12:47
ahh dts sad, jus cos sum1 does a eedyat move..u got soo many things to deal with now. Fukin pricks. ur da victim ere fuk wah the police say lol.

Police are sh*t.

Their lazy b*stards who dont really give a f*ck

29-01-2008, 12:57
So my plans for this weekend?

Going to Chiswick, going to get a receipt of transactions and CCTV and try and find out who the theiving b*stards are.

Isn't that the police's job?

29-01-2008, 13:01
Isn't that the police's job?

Yeah. Well its supposed to be, I told them too - they said I have to - then get a copy and send it to them for them to investigate 8&

29-01-2008, 13:36
Goodness me....i've lost my handbags b4...never had the identity thing to deal with...
I hope u get it sorted & soon...I hate theives..they annoy the frik outta me...!!!

Im a clutz & i'm always loosing things since the last time i lost my purse/handbag i now keep my cards in a metal card holder thingy and my cash in a purse...Depending on where i go i leave stuff at home...just coz i know how crappy i am at looking after stuff..

29-01-2008, 13:40
Some insurance policy woman just rang me and said they are investigating.

If that person goes back to that shop and use the card the manager will confiscate the cards and the person will be retained until the police get there.

I cant wait for that f*cker to be arrested :D

29-01-2008, 13:43
That's good news...:)
I do hope they get caught soon....

29-01-2008, 13:45
awww hun! *hugs* .. i hope you find tht son of a gun nd give him a nice slap across the face!

29-01-2008, 13:47
^ Lol yeah.

29-01-2008, 14:23
What the fuck, fucking bastards (I'm talking about the po-po here)

29-01-2008, 14:28
aww Miss C sorry to hear that man.... damn thats a lot of trouble.... well hopefully ud be able to get the money back they have spent using ur stuff etc...

aww hugs

what more u can do? 2 be honest i really dnt no.... police should be doing a better job thou!

29-01-2008, 15:20
the police are a bunch of idiots, its their job to be running around gettin CCTV and all of that not yours
hope everything gets sorted

29-01-2008, 16:00
Like I said previously - their lazy b*stards

29-01-2008, 16:00
oh man that must suck!

the police are a bunch of wanks!!

29-01-2008, 16:08
Ah mannn thats major, i feel for you.

I had someone do that to my account but it was with bloody airtime vouchers, luckily my bank refunded the money because those wankers got it through some security breach.

Police are the laziest fucks on this planet, they never do shit unless its a bomb. Hopefully those bastads will get whats coming to them!

29-01-2008, 16:11
Ah mannn thats major, i feel for you.

I had someone do that to my account but it was with bloody airtime vouchers, luckily my bank refunded the money because those wankers got it through some security breach.

Police are the laziest fucks on this planet, they never do shit unless its a bomb. Hopefully those bastads will get whats coming to them!

True, and even with that they'll probably take action slowly.