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10-02-2008, 22:08
When do you think maturity is reached? Is it determined by age, or something else?

I've seen teenagers who conduct themselves and behave with alot more maturity than those who are classed as adults.. There are those who seek attention and cause trouble by annoying others with childish behaviour.. Why do they do that? To 'fit in'? To be cool, or show off?

What does maturity/adulthood mean to you?

10-02-2008, 22:18
When do you think maturity is reached? Is it determined by age, or something else?
I've seen teenagers who conduct themselves and behave with alot more maturity than those who are classed as adults.. There are those who seek attention and cause trouble by annoying others with childish behaviour.. Why do they do that? To 'fit in'? To be cool, or show off?
What does maturity/adulthood mean to you?

Personally I think theres too much emphasis in being mature when your younger, I remember being in school around year 9-10 and all of a sudden the majority of Asian girls (because they were in a hurry to grow up, and do grown up stuff, like get screwed behind the bikesheds) decided to act like they had something stuck up their asses. And everything was unfunny, and IMMATURE.

Even the kinds who act mature, do it to be cool, act older, because they want to grow up quick, and be, yes as sad as this sounds, the coolio person who hangs around with the older year kids. Everyone does it for acceptance. It just varies on what social group you want to be part of. I.e the immature ones, always the troublemaker/ jokers in the class.

Theres nothing wrong with being immature. Life is way too short to be serious 24.7. Its ok to be silly. To be stupid. To be immature. But theres always a time and place for it. People are too caught up in living to others expectations that they themselves I doubt it ever live for themselves.

10-02-2008, 22:21
well funny tht then,that wen some of us who are older get told to act our age,as tho its a crime for us to have a childish tantrum!!

10-02-2008, 22:31
maturity is an emotion....which is what you should choose to be depending on the situation....

for me i will only behave maturely when its a serious situation...or when someone doesnt understand one of my jokes

10-02-2008, 22:40
Maturity is a undefinable metric.

Who says what maturity is and is my definition of maturity the same as yours?

I personally identify it as an ability to be compassionate to someone else's situation (empathy), aware of what is socially acceptable in all matters of interaction (i.e if you're invited to a Japanese restaurant by some Japanese friends, you don't complain about the food and what you like) and ability to control your emotions....

Otherwise you can call it a comming of age - hairy ball bag and armpit type situation.....

11-02-2008, 00:20
u cant put an age on sumthin like this

think its wot ppl go thru life, wot they seen n been thru that determines how quickly or slowly they mature

kno they say gals mature quicker than gals etc
but i kno loads of blokes younger than me that act more mature than me

maturity 4 me is 2 take things in n deal with it responabilly, 2 conduct urself with dignity

11-02-2008, 00:25
I had my wisdom tooth growing few weeks ago and my mom says to me "you are now becoming wise"

Anyways depends really...you can grow mature at any point in your life. I think it depends on situations and how people react and learn from them.

26-12-2008, 19:53
Hmm, I think it depends on a variety of factors such as a persons circumstances/life experiences as these have a huge influence on maturity. I also think a person's level of self awareness has a huge part to play. The more you are aware about yourself and the things around you, the greater your emotional intelligence.