View Full Version : Voting

14-02-2008, 21:18
We got a by-election today cos the previous thing made homophobic comments and got kicked out so an emergency ones been called.

I am now 18 so will be voting for the first ever time. I feel good....,:

Im gonna vote Respect as they are always a party i've respected(lol) and there views tend to understand the plight of muslims and minorties.

The woman standing for Respect is none other than Carole Vincent (who i met today, wonderful woman) from Big Brother last year(the fat one with the glasses)..

So what was the party you voted for when you first got the chance?

Or did you not vote?

Or are you just lazy? lol

14-02-2008, 21:29
oi zubz where did u meet her? was she outside colg again?

14-02-2008, 21:53
Nah on my way home from mosque theres a school which was a polling station and she was outside there threatening people if people dont vote her she'll set George the Cat on us lol.

$xy $onz
14-02-2008, 21:55
lol jus realised ur younga den me i always thot ur olda

i was lazy i neva voted cudnt b askd

14-02-2008, 22:03
LMAO @ george the cat haha

14-02-2008, 22:17
Guji give us the reasons why u want to vote for Respect!!!

14-02-2008, 22:23
They did lots of anti-war things when all of it was happening.

George Galloway is a man i have a lot of respect for, he is outspoken, intelligent and doesnt give a damn what his saying and where he is saying it and you gotta have balls to do that.

Plus there promotional leaflet(yes i know its not much to by) was different and looked at very different points than the others. Looked at reasons WHY things are happening rather than ranting on about sorting them out. I loved that leaflet lol.

14-02-2008, 22:30
lol shahr... i no our mayors a laborie :p

but plz tell me u dnt support dem or him

14-02-2008, 22:47
well i dont support the tosser but i do support labour overall. The thing is I believe that Respect jumped on the war bandwagon too quick and made so many promises and have not delivered. Example Tower Hamlets. they preyed on the Bengali community those that were brain washed to think about the bigger picture and vote for any one else.

14-02-2008, 22:50
All the parties have a hidden agenda but look at it this year how is Voting for respect benefiting U?
I know it's selfish but you have to look after number 1 which is yourself. The Mp for Tower Hamlets was a lady called Oona King, She was really making a difference in Tower Hamlets but no one saw that. Yes Blair was wrong in attacking Iraq but if George Galloway was in the same boat what would he do?
They are all the same the Tories were really bad for this country although i did rate maggie thatcher as class but even she made mistakes.

14-02-2008, 22:52
All the parties have a hidden agenda but look at it this year how is Voting for respect benefiting U?
I know it's selfish but you have to look after number 1 which is yourself. The Mp for Tower Hamlets was a lady called Oona King, She was really making a difference in Tower Hamlets but no one saw that. Yes Blair was wrong in attacking Iraq but if George Galloway was in the same boat what would he do?
They are all the same the Tories were really bad for this country although i did rate maggie thatcher as class but even she made mistakes.Not attack Iraq?

14-02-2008, 22:55
Well Afghanistan Iraq, against the Talibans. it is a fight against Muslims I know. Saddam was a person i rated heavily. UK cant and wont do anything without America

14-02-2008, 22:55
But how do u know for sure u cant say galloway would not have attacked Iraq.

14-02-2008, 22:56
Where is that Political Activist Bring yourself in here

14-02-2008, 22:57
But how do u know for sure u cant say galloway would not have attacked Iraq.
i cant but thats just TOO hypothetical to be a question at all.

14-02-2008, 23:00
Nah man Trust me this country is a pawn for the USA and will always lick ass no matter who was in charge. It's not hypothetical as there are no Gurantees in life you just have to be a realist.

14-02-2008, 23:03
Another thing, what the hell was George Galloway thinking by coming on BB. What was all that about? You tell me?

14-02-2008, 23:05
LOL political activist at your service....

shar i see where ur coming frm.. it shld be abt looking after urself and stuff... but i mean thats where it all starts... if we just think about US and only us..

i mean... i no in sum ways its a vote that goes to waste... i mean respect aint gnna take over the country .. but then that is ONE vote less for labour.. one less person u no....

dunno if i made sense

14-02-2008, 23:06
that was to target the youth i no where he came from.. but it just went rong with his cat antics... i mean it happens his a human after all

14-02-2008, 23:09
Nah man Trust me this country is a pawn for the USA and will always lick ass no matter who was in charge. It's not hypothetical as there are no Gurantees in life you just have to be a realist.Then i seriously dont know. I dont think he would but like i said i think its too hypothetical.

Another thing, what the hell was George Galloway thinking by coming on BB. What was all that about? You tell me?
His a human, we all make mistakes.

You tell me. How many guys have the balls to stand up to Blair, Bus Israel on live TV?

14-02-2008, 23:09
Yeh true but do you think the majority of the youth of today give a toss about the elections, They Don't you know. You dont go on BB to target youths. Do you think he jumped on the bandwagon?

14-02-2008, 23:12
and by seeing that we start voting for Galloway and Respect. All of them have hidden agendas. He has his agenda. Under labour up until recently the country has been economically stable. Yeh some might say cos they nicked oil and that but stability came through trade and i dont rate Gordon Brown He was a good Chancellor but prime minister never

14-02-2008, 23:13
Dont worry about live tv. Saddam stood up to the US for ages until they got him in his weakest moments.

14-02-2008, 23:15
I dont see the point u tryna make..

14-02-2008, 23:19
You say no one has stood up to Blair but many have Even Saddam did.

14-02-2008, 23:20
You say no one has stood up to Blair but many have Even Saddam did.
I didnt mean big world leaders, jus normal people from Britain. I mean who has the balls to say 'if blair was assasainated it wouldnt be a tragedy' or something like that.

14-02-2008, 23:21
guji should go into politics....change this world man..

14-02-2008, 23:21
guji should go into politics....change this world man..
Meh id love to but itd corrupt me too lol.

14-02-2008, 23:28
Nah it's all about will power. If u wanna be led astray u will. If it's something u really wanna do go for it. Seriously Guji if you wanna vote Respect you do that , we have different opinions but I just dont like them jumping on the bandwagon and acting like theyd have not gone to war with Muslims.

14-02-2008, 23:37

Yo Cheeky This one is for you, Ur Man

14-02-2008, 23:39
Nah it's all about will power. If u wanna be led astray u will. If it's something u really wanna do go for it. Seriously Guji if you wanna vote Respect you do that , we have different opinions but I just dont like them jumping on the bandwagon and acting like theyd have not gone to war with Muslims.
Yeah i get what you mean but they seem best bet for me personally.

14-02-2008, 23:43
LOOOOOOOOL shahr thats gnna give me nightmares now :o

i wanna do politics but im just so annoyed i didnt pick it as an as...

i will do nxt year

but wont ave that a level GRRRR

14-02-2008, 23:47
U love him really U know u do. lol Posing in pics with him besharam.
U should do politics if thats wat u really like.

14-02-2008, 23:53
LOL haha man thats a couple

but thats the way business goes... u got to pose with the "big people" to get the message across ?>

yeh man im seriously considering it.. i mean i wanted to do media as well but i dunno wht :S so confused

14-02-2008, 23:56
Media is very good, I did GCSE media, Alevel media, A level Film Studies and studied Communications and Audio Visual Productions at Uni. I have always had a passion for media and communications. when I was at Uni got my first job as a news reporter but then lost my way a lil.

15-02-2008, 00:03
Media is very good, I did GCSE media, Alevel media, A level Film Studies and studied Communications and Audio Visual Productions at Uni. I have always had a passion for media and communications. when I was at Uni got my first job as a news reporter but then lost my way a lil.

im doin a level media...

i dunno still got a year 2 decide

or maybe i shld do sum crazy ass degree media and politics

15-02-2008, 00:05
Media and Politics is a good combo

15-02-2008, 00:10
Man, I remember the days of John Major. He had real leader potential, but he never exploited it.

15-02-2008, 00:12
However now, I dont like conservative very much because their leader is a bit of a pansy.

15-02-2008, 00:12
John Major flopped cos Maggie Tahtcher was a huge act to follow.

15-02-2008, 00:12
John Major flopped cos Maggie Thatcher was a huge act to follow.

15-02-2008, 00:20
george galloway is top dog. great guy.

15-02-2008, 00:22
John Major did not flop in a sense compared to Tony Blair. Iraq & Afghanistan are two good examples.

Fair enough New Labour did well for the UK. The economy has boosted a lot since 1997, from when they first got their majority, but they still had to ruin it for everyone in the end.

Labour's future looks bleak to me

15-02-2008, 00:24
Yeh true but do you think the majority of the youth of today give a toss about the elections, They Don't you know. You dont go on BB to target youths. Do you think he jumped on the bandwagon?

exactly. they dont vote enough. they dont give a toss.
so you go on there to educate them, and to tell them about it,
its int he public figure,
its what they are watching. you get in their line of sight.
no point talking on sky news, or the bbc at 1pm on news, because they are not going to watch that. you have to get involved in what they are interested in to spread the message.

15-02-2008, 00:24
It does look bleak but do u see a ready made replacement, Cameron is a Proper Pansy and Liberals will not come into power. Too much infighting

15-02-2008, 00:26
But rather than get his message across galloway made a total prat of himself

15-02-2008, 00:30
Yeh, galloway shoudlve never gone to BB.

Lib Dems are ALWAYS fighting lol. They Social Democrats shoudve never merged in '88. It woudlve been better.

So you think Labour is going to be in power?

My borough is camden. Apparently, for DECADES, theyve been a Labour stronghold. Now its conservative. I wonder why. Times are changing.

15-02-2008, 00:37
Yeh times are changing and I sure wouldnt like to see the Tories in power, It willl be this tax that tax.