View Full Version : smokers..

16-02-2008, 04:18
Who smokes here?
what do you smoke?
want to quit , trying to quit?
smoking ban help?

16-02-2008, 04:31
used to smoke!!

quit just over 2 yrs ago.. i smoke on a social level sumtimes.. and i smoke sheesha too!

16-02-2008, 10:07
i smoke sheesha socially nd thtz it... i find ciggz gross.. i dont fink i'll every try one... i dont mind being around people who smoke, jus as long as they are not blowing it in my face...

16-02-2008, 13:21
smoking is the most sickening thing in the whole world ever. end of.

16-02-2008, 13:28
I smoke B&H Silver, only have about 2 a day though and sometimes not even that on a weekend so no I ain't really trying to quit

16-02-2008, 15:01
smoke only wen im really really really drunk... b n h gold
stop n start weneva
smokin ban didnt do much.... u just go out n have a smoke

16-02-2008, 16:22
Dont smoke. i dont even know what a cigarette is.

16-02-2008, 16:34
Dont smoke. i dont even know what a cigarette is.


And nope don't smoke...cigarettes are disgustin...

Smoked sheesha here and there but it's nuffin special and makes me asthmatic lol

16-02-2008, 16:52
i smoke when drinking and the odd one here and there

16-02-2008, 17:00
why do people smoke when they drink?

16-02-2008, 17:07
ermm wel i find i enjoy it more when im drinking

16-02-2008, 17:11

16-02-2008, 17:13
smoking weed whilst drunk - not a good mix!!

16-02-2008, 17:21
nah....u inhale it first...take a sip of whatever u drinkin...and then blow the smoke out....this dude i know tried it and collapsed on the floor....we were gonna call the ambulance...but we were too busy examining our hands...luckily he was alright...

16-02-2008, 18:06
so he collaspsed because he inhaled the smoke , thats what you do isnt it? i ment smoking weed when your drunk , it completly zones you out.

16-02-2008, 18:10
no dummmy....he collapsed bcos of what i said he did....goshhh lol

16-02-2008, 19:24
oh right .

16-02-2008, 19:44
Smoke sheesha occasionally. Sometimes inhale second hand weed smoke from friends, because they smoke that shiT, but thats about it.

$xy $onz
16-02-2008, 20:20
im a shisha smoker only

16-02-2008, 22:59
Yea weed and alcohol ain't a good mix at all. I think I made a thread on it once!

17-02-2008, 21:49
only smoke shisha

17-02-2008, 23:20
Yea smoke weed and hash and dat ya know....

Only kidding....its a discusting habit!

17-02-2008, 23:24
why do people smoke when they drink?

cos alcohol and nicotine have addictive qualities
they go well 2getha
wen ur drunk ur body wants sumthin else
ur inhabitians are lowered

18-02-2008, 00:13
smoke like a chimney

i was readin in the newspaper that they r thinkin of bringing out a license to smoke in order to stop ppl frm smokin less by fillin out forms sendin applications and paying a fee then when u wanna buy cigs u have to show them ur id and u can get asked for id by police if they c u smokin outside

18-02-2008, 00:19
smoke like a chimney

i was readin in the newspaper that they r thinkin of bringing out a license to smoke in order to stop ppl frm smokin less by fillin out forms sendin applications and paying a fee then when u wanna buy cigs u have to show them ur id and u can get asked for id by police if they c u smokin outside

noway! lol

18-02-2008, 00:20
yep its a fukin outrage...jus anova money making scheme....ders ppl out there who dnt wanna give up...y should they b forced to...if they wnt ppl to stop then ban all cigs but no ders too much money cummin frm cigs...fukin cunts

18-02-2008, 00:33
sheesha is banned right?

18-02-2008, 00:35
yep its a fukin outrage...jus anova money making scheme....ders ppl out there who dnt wanna give up...y should they b forced to...if they wnt ppl to stop then ban all cigs but no ders too much money cummin frm cigs...fukin cunts
Yea how much VAT do the government make from cigs... must be crazy amounts.

18-02-2008, 01:10
dont see the point of smokin fags
now sheesha is the craze
i can smoke dat shlt day n night

18-02-2008, 03:30
Smoke B & H Gold. Very heavy smoker unfortunately. I did give up one time for about 6 months, then started again.

Don't smoke sheesha though, hate that crap.

18-02-2008, 03:39
yeah sheesha is shit , i get nothing from it!

Iroquois Pliskin
18-02-2008, 04:34
never smoked cigs.. smoked sheesha and i tasted coal than the flavour.. blurgh.. left it.

18-02-2008, 13:38
i think shisha is the shittest thing u can ever smoke....

it duz nuffin

u cnt walk around

it leaves u with a headache (amazing how sum ppl think they r high though :S)

and u smoke a hell alot more tabacco in one shisha compared to one cig....

18-02-2008, 14:22
Yea coz sheesa is pure tobacco, it's like smoking a roll up, which by the way stinks and tastes even worse than a cigarette!

18-02-2008, 14:27
Who smokes here?
what do you smoke?
want to quit , trying to quit?
smoking ban help?

I smoke
Smoke B&H Silver
I'm not trying to quit yet but just cut down
Smoking ban doesnt bother me; I just go outside.

18-02-2008, 14:28
^^^ Yea same here

18-02-2008, 14:33
Bav; how long have you been smoking for?

18-02-2008, 14:34
I think about 7 years now. When I first started when I was 16, it was more like an on and off thing.

18-02-2008, 14:36
Yeah same with me too :D

18-02-2008, 17:07
man im dyin for a cig now after readin all this lol

18-02-2008, 17:22
^ Just had 1 :p

18-02-2008, 17:24
:( nxt time let me no in advance and ill join u :P

18-02-2008, 17:26
Me no smoke.
Tis not my kindav thing and plus it stinks!

18-02-2008, 19:39
yeah i dont get it when people say they get a buzz of sheesha hahah

20-02-2008, 15:24
:( nxt time let me no in advance and ill join u :P

I'm going for a ciggie now. Where are you? ;(

20-02-2008, 15:25
:( nxt time let me no in advance and ill join u :P

Im going for a ciggie now. Where are u? ;(

20-02-2008, 20:38
^^ jus had one :P

20-02-2008, 20:41
weed for 12 yrs or so n fags for 17 yrs , smoke b+h gold trying to quit but cant, n no ban dint help

20-02-2008, 22:08
i smoke sheesha!