View Full Version : *Theory*

sheff gal
19-02-2008, 22:12
Sooo.. Enyy ov usee. Dun the theoryy??
Like the new one.. 45 questions..

izitt hard??


19-02-2008, 22:13
get the cd, and do it.
it will be easy when you learn that.

$xy $onz
19-02-2008, 22:15
do practise ones on da net

sheff gal
19-02-2008, 22:34
Yeah got the c.d thats what im doing know. my test 2moroo!!!.x

N a в ι н a
19-02-2008, 22:51
^ Aww good luck!

Hows the driving going Alisha?

Let me know how it goes Chick =)

19-02-2008, 23:13
Cancel it!

19-02-2008, 23:36
^ Cancel it? lol

Good luck sweet.. x

19-02-2008, 23:40
She just told me she ain't ready for it!

20-02-2008, 01:28
Revise from the cd...best way. questions r virtually identical to real test...:)
Good luck..

sheff gal
22-02-2008, 23:42
Passed the hazard even thou i dint revisee itt.
An i failed the main thing by 2 markz :( .x

22-02-2008, 23:44
^ to make u feel betta i know sum1 who failed da theory test 4 times...but then again he was a propa dumb fuck.

22-02-2008, 23:45
You don't revise the hazard one.

Awww well there's always next time!

22-02-2008, 23:46
^ to make u feel betta i know sum1 who failed da theory test 4 times...but then again he was a propa dumb fuck.

Fucking hell! 4 times?! How thick can you get! I did mine twice and passed twice!

22-02-2008, 23:46
Awwwh dont worry love.. theres always next time? (=

sheff gal
22-02-2008, 23:57
Yeppp rebukedd. got plentyyy ov tym..
well 4 hazard..every1 woz likeee. go thru the disk. lyk the clips an tht..x

23-02-2008, 00:01
awww damn man.. 2 marks ouch

dnt worry just revise a bit more

im sure ull pass next time!

23-02-2008, 00:06
don't be disheartened chick...next time eh? 2 marks wasn't that bad a fail so chin up:)

23-02-2008, 00:08
Awww... so when u takin the next test?? and good luck x

sheff gal
24-03-2008, 20:10
Soooooo. Yeah. ive booked in again. thjought id revise todayy. butt
im getting this:
Sorry, you've not passed this time
Pass Mark: 43
You scored 35 out of a possible 50 (attempted 50).
Your results are displayed below:

Please note that if you click your browser back button, you receive a different set of questions.

24-03-2008, 20:14
^^^ aww dnt worry

just work at it..

man i need to start all this drivin shiznit... i took a theroy on the cd without revising .. lol i floped the theroy passed the hazerd... i need to start reading it 2 man...

i think imma start it all properly in the summer after the exams are done and dusted

wohoo i got to learn for anova exam LOL

24-03-2008, 20:16
i thought the theory test was all common sense anway.. must have been easier 2 years ago i guess

24-03-2008, 20:23
^^^ its 50 questions no

when i did it didnt get 2 bad of a score.. cuz most of it is common sense

but u still got 2 no all the shizz nit

24-03-2008, 22:36
so i had a crack at this new theory test on dsa site...40 out of 50...which is fail but not bad considering i've forgotten many things theory wise and just drive on instinct... to be honest though i don't see how most the questions have anything to do with actual driving... 15 extra questions of BS