View Full Version : Own Server?

25-02-2008, 18:12
Was thinking perhaps we could get our own Desi Clan server?

I know what your thinking, "But James you silly boy, it costs lots of Money"!

But I've had a look around and it's not as expensive as you think *)

I've been recommended http://www.gameservers.com/ you can get a 15 slot, 100 tic server for $29.95 or £15 a month.

So if we can get 15 or us, it's only £1 a month each.

What you all think?


25-02-2008, 19:28
i'd be very much up for the idea,i think Kayz was saying he wants to wait till he finishes uni though before he does it,but i've been involved with about 3 servers before, so i know the score here in there (this was with enemy territory though), but if it goes ahead, i'm in.

25-02-2008, 19:30
Yeh think I probably agree with Kayz, both at the same Uni lol

But keep your thoughts coming people.

Iroquois Pliskin
25-02-2008, 19:32
Depends if people going to chip in some money for the server. By the looks of it.. Desi Clan has grown quite a bit when it first started.

25-02-2008, 19:44
Riz, James, Kayz, T, Baz, VDK, Pliskin, Marnithat is if everybody is willing = £1.87 P/Mif 1 or 2 don't want to,it would only be around £2.50 P/M

25-02-2008, 19:46
sorry, the enter button at work doesn't put it to a new line for some reason.

Spider Pig
25-02-2008, 20:26
yeh I be up for it, we need to start some clan games man

Iroquois Pliskin
25-02-2008, 20:27
Yeah me too.

Playin in other servers just attracts random people and even though you try vote banning them more join!

26-02-2008, 13:01
Yep very soooon peepole very soon!

26-02-2008, 13:05
i cant afford 2.50/m ryt now!! so im out :D

26-02-2008, 13:13
i cant afford 2.50/m ryt now!! so im out :D

everyone's in dont worry about it.. os will take care of it im sure if we ask him nicely.

Iroquois Pliskin
26-02-2008, 17:50
everyone's in dont worry about it.. os will take care of it im sure if we ask him nicely.

what desperate measures you mods take? lol

26-02-2008, 18:38
lol, i wouldn't even mind paying something towards it even if O.S. says no, as i'd like to be part of it and stuff. but it should be cool.

26-02-2008, 19:20
Right I've been told 66 Tic is good enough which means its even cheaper!

For a 14 slot server it costs just $20.95 or in English £10.50!!!!!!! That's a bargain.

If we can get 14 of us its about 70p a month each. You can find 70p at the back of your sofa lol.

Spider Pig
26-02-2008, 19:32
by good enough does it mean there could be a possibility it will flop sometimes? lol

might as well get one that will have minimal lag, im sure everyone wouldn't mind coughin up a couple of quid a month for a good gamin experience.

but yeh im up for whatever the majority votes :d

26-02-2008, 19:36
Well im not really sure but they say 100 tic is better than 66 tic but on such a small server id be surprised if you saw the difference.

26-02-2008, 21:27
yea you may aswell pay that bit extra for better,
and to be honest, i can't see us finding 14,
but even with 7, as i said its only gonna be about £3 a month, which i don't think is too major is it?

DJ Popz
26-02-2008, 21:36
I think for those of us who don't know what tics are and how they affect a server it might be worthwile explaining it in detail a bit.

Iroquois Pliskin
26-02-2008, 21:37
who gives a damn.. just as long as its not lagging and its worth it.

Spider Pig
26-02-2008, 22:44
yeh I always wondered which ones were tics and which ones were tacs? especially when you get them in all white, someone explain lol :d

26-02-2008, 22:48

26-02-2008, 22:49
info on tickrates etc:


DJ Popz
27-02-2008, 01:14
Safe riz at least some one bothered show what ticks were

27-02-2008, 01:18
no prob. i think + rep is on the cards ;) lol

DJ Popz
27-02-2008, 01:22
no prob. i think + rep is on the cards ;) lol

Not so fast, I had to read the whole long ass page on that link for myself to find out what it was lol if you had explained it here yourself then I would have given it, abyone can put up links lol.

27-02-2008, 01:25
lol whats the difference between me copy and pasting what it says, or posting a link, apart from the fact you have to click the link? lol

i didn't even read it myself yet, i did it for your sake.

DJ Popz
27-02-2008, 01:27
lol whats the difference between me copy and pasting what it says, or posting a link, apart from the fact you have to click the link? lol

i didn't even read it myself yet, i did it for your sake.

No you did it for the rep sake Lol

27-02-2008, 01:30
LOL that only came into mind after

28-02-2008, 00:06
Right ive joined the Desi Clan steam community, add me as a friend if you like.

Iroquois Pliskin
28-02-2008, 00:10