View Full Version : What is this WORLD comming to?

14-02-2006, 15:45

i havent made a thread for a long time based on Life, for the reason that i keep mentioning people from the net and personal lives and affects the asian place, but i have a serious problem.

i have noticed alot of my frends are being raped, and this has been very recent and old times, i have about 10 frends that have been raped at work and socially with frineds or on holidays,

i wanna know what has this world come to? i mean it, i cry everytime i see a rape in the newspaper, its not somehting i wanna see at all, as you see everyday people dying in third world countries, this isnt funny, nor is it a good thing to live through,

but the help i want is that how do u deal with a person that has been going through this ordeal, i know its hard to tlak about to others who have become victimes of this tragic (fucked up situation) situation, but as far as i know i dont know how to deal with these sort of situations,

i always gather all my feelings, and try to find the priks and kill them if its locally done, if that makes sence, i dont know anymore, what has this world come to.....most of the rapes are young kids aged 16-18 i mean 16!!!! co mon whats going on! i mean it,

are there any centres wich prevent these things, cuz its fucked up my life, i try to help other people that need help in any situation but this is becomming a growing issue!

does anyone have any issues relating to this? or any help they cud add to this, or anything that cud help me and other how to get through this ordeal! i understand no one wants to go through this, but what can they do to prevent these things from happening? what can they do if it does happen how can they get out of it,

im sorry if this touches any sencitive partsof ur lives, but it has touched my life in a very dramatic way, i dont know what to do, i want to help those that have have been through this, but i dont know how to go on about doing it, i have been told just leave them alone, but id that the way to do things?

i have read in articles that females, become afraid of the opposite sex because of this issue, they fear away of men, .....

im truely sorry if this is not a good issue to talk about, but it might help others, so if you have any points of views plz write them in, it would much appreciated!

thank you for you time.

14-02-2006, 15:51
of course women wud fear away from men.......i have great difficulty trustin men coz of sum of my past.....n wid rape or any sexual advances that are not welcome then it depends on the person as to what u can do to help, some just wonna forget it eva happened n neva talk bout it and others just wonna talk bout it to get help.

14-02-2006, 15:53
thats the thing, how does one help someone, especially when it comes to fear of being preggy, because one doesnt understand the risks?

14-02-2006, 15:54
wot :S? didnt understand that?

14-02-2006, 15:56
ok basically, if a person got raped, right, how do u help that person in the question that would she get pregnant, how do u say to that person there is a risk for that sort of thing, because iv known many people, brush off their shoulders and ignore the risks, then relise 3 months down the line with a unwanted baby in the belly's, im not lying,

14-02-2006, 15:58
i know....she has to be checked out obviously.....as a risk wid all sex widout protection, rape is not excluded!

14-02-2006, 16:00
i think that this is such a sensative issue.. where advice cant be shared over the internet... every person and every situation is different.. surelly if its messing your life up.. you should go to the doctor and get some councilling sorted out.

14-02-2006, 16:01
no i mean that person doesnt want to be checked out, she has fear of parents and such! and also, things like when a person gets raped they dont complain to the police they let them go free, iv noticed that alot, females in particular they dnt seem to investigate further to have their rapist in jail or what ever, to be honest, i dnt like that, if someone gets raped they sould be able to get that fucker behind bars,

14-02-2006, 16:02
I agree with Bananasuit, furthermore Guji your saying everyone YOU know seems to get raped how often does that happen come on be abit realistic, so your saying 10 people you know have been raped, that dont even happen in the movies

14-02-2006, 16:04
i think that this is such a sensative issue.. where advice cant be shared over the internet... every person and every situation is different.. surelly if its messing your life up.. you should go to the doctor and get some councilling sorted out.

oh man im not that bad dont worry, im just concerned for those who have been through this, and just want to identify that this issue is real and should be talked about, not hidden, because it could happen to you,

and i want to know how to minimise things like this what can i person do, to minimise these sort of tings, im not doing this for me, i want this to be for everyone!

but thanx for the consideration.

14-02-2006, 16:04
i dont mean 10 at once liney i ment, i known 10 people in my life that have been raped

14-02-2006, 16:04
man u know 10 ppl raped in ur life...that is a bit worrying!

14-02-2006, 16:04
maybe women dont go to the police becuase they have to face reliving the ordeal in the court room.... or even the back lash of the rapist family and friends... some ppl prefer to let whats done be put to rest.. and surely on judgement day.. they will serve their punishment.. ??

14-02-2006, 16:06
this isint a joke im trying to put forward, im trying to be as serious as i can, its an ordeal no one wants to go through even for the parents or frends and family, so how cud we stop this, or any views from anyone, anything really,

14-02-2006, 16:08
who is laughing??? i dont think this is a joke either... and there is no way to stop it

14-02-2006, 16:09
also if the gal dnt wonna get checked out coz affraid of parents, then it will b worse if she finds out shes pregnant n cnt do anything bout it, her parents are gonna find out that way. she cud also have an STD. her best bet is to go to a doctor n get it sorted, her parents wont know coz the docz have to keep it confidential, and if she has an STD then it can b treated b4 it gets out of hand, and if shes pregnant atleast she has a decision.

14-02-2006, 16:09
I dont think anyone who i have come across thinks rape is a joke mate, furthermore in my whole life i have not really come across someone who has been raped i have family and friends in London/Luton/Slough and your saying 10 ?

14-02-2006, 16:10
i told you before, jsut take whoever it happend to, to a doc, get councilling and go to the police, etc etc, so then they can trace those people down in terms of dna, and help the person who it did happen to.

14-02-2006, 16:10
maybe women dont go to the police becuase they have to face reliving the ordeal in the court room.... or even the back lash of the rapist family and friends... some ppl prefer to let whats done be put to rest.. and surely on judgement day.. they will serve their punishment.. ??

that is true i must say, but leaving a rapist roam free to do other people i dnt see that as a good thing, i understand your opinion, but in my opinon thats not good enuf, i mean it, it cud happen to anyone one of us,

14-02-2006, 16:12
I dont think anyone who i have come across thinks rape is a joke mate, furthermore in my whole life i have not really come across someone who has been raped i have family and friends in London/Luton/Slough and your saying 10 ?

yes liney 10, but the thing is many of them left it, or cudnt handle the situation and just carried on with their lives or some, just cudnt handle life it self, and i dunno, lost in contact with some,

14-02-2006, 16:13
this is a neverending arguement.....seriously it is up to the ONE person that was raped......non of their friends, family or anyone else can do anything......that one person has to make the decision bout wot they want to do bout it.

14-02-2006, 16:13
i get the feeling, this thread i have made no one apprciates it, i mean like, if you have any solutions to this probelms please post it, it might not be for me, but for those with this problem and afraid to come out with it,

14-02-2006, 16:14
so if u know 10 ppl then dont u think u wuld hav at least learnt something or gained some experience to me it seems u hav most experience so u shuld be advising us...:)

14-02-2006, 16:14
so plz anything links what ever really any articles relating to this like self defence anything how does a women live in this world with the fear of men!

14-02-2006, 16:14
maybe the decision is not urs to make. ... and ur goin to lose friends if u start makin decisions for ppl... if u know a girl thats been raped and she doesnt wana go the polive let it be.. just support her ... dont push her.

14-02-2006, 16:15
Not matter of appreciation mate im just baffled everyone you know and around YOU seems to get raped trust me if you told someone else that they would be rather suspicious

14-02-2006, 16:16
so if u know 10 ppl then dont u think u wuld hav at least learnt something or gained some experience to me it seems u hav most experience so u shuld be advising us...:)

not really miz, some have become to much for me to comprehend, its just to much, sometimes i fink about the things they said to me i just brake down crying like i am now, i cant, its too much to think about these sick fools doing these sort of things, at this sort of age 16!!! - 18, mainly, i mean, what has this world come to honestly?

14-02-2006, 16:16
ive given my tip up there ^^

14-02-2006, 16:16
n liney wot u sayin bout london :plol....dnt scare me i mite b movin there soon! :p

14-02-2006, 16:18
a woman lives in this world with the fear of men .. she gets over it after time ... she just need men that she can trust in her life ... maybe family.. or a close friend. the last thing she needs is a 'man' trying to push her or put pressure on her to do things.... whats meant to happen will happen and the best thing you could do is go to the doctor with her and explain that she may need councilling... then u could go to the sessions with her for support.. you would learn about rape and how it affects a human brain and body.. and you could also over come your curiosity.

14-02-2006, 16:18
not really miz, some have become to much for me to comprehend, its just to much, sometimes i fink about the things they said to me i just brake down crying like i am now, i cant, its too much to think about these sick fools doing these sort of things, at this sort of age 16!!! - 18, mainly, i mean, what has this world come to honestly?

ok so how can i/we giv u advice i hav not come across one let alone 10...:)

14-02-2006, 16:18
liney i dont understand is it my fault to know people that have been through this, people only tell me things they go through if the trust me, if i have that much trust in people for them to tell me things, i dont see that as a weird thing to people, i see that as a good thing they dont have to have those feelings inside them to haunt them by them selves, someone cud try and do something about it, or participate to stop this, or direct them like self defence or soemthing, u know like i dunno mase, i think thats banned in this country i mean co mon i know you have ideas or such in you, all im asking bring them out!

14-02-2006, 16:20
self defence doesnt help at all ... ur wasting ur time ...

14-02-2006, 16:20
for some reason banansuit ur making me feel very bad about my self, i dont know why though...

am i a threat to this forum, or do my views do not count, or am i not liked by this forum, cuz i see pointed fingers at me? i dont know why i might be rong, cuz i just herd a rape near my area,

14-02-2006, 16:21
well tbh guji i dont think u shuld try to be charles bronson from deathwish and go all vigilante...knowing u, u will put ur own life in more danger then the girls..leave it to the authorities mate!:)

14-02-2006, 16:23
i dont know anymore, i just wanted to point out this issue is real and that if there was in any way of dealing with it plz post it keep it alive, its not just for you banansuit its for those who come into this forum, give them an insight that its real, some forget about it, plz, its not about me, its about everyone!

14-02-2006, 16:23
i make u feel bad??...... i dont know why.. other than u start topics about such sensitive things... and then u try to slush ur way in to everyones good books
z) .... i dont think u think things through enough before u post... maybe whilst ur cryin u should think about WHY your crying. .. and then think about how the girl feels ... selfish .

14-02-2006, 16:25
for some reason banansuit ur making me feel very bad about my self, i dont know why though...

am i a threat to this forum, or do my views do not count, or am i not liked by this forum, cuz i see pointed fingers at me? i dont know why i might be rong, cuz i just herd a rape near my area,

Ofcourse your views count, and whos pointing fingers at u ? you heard a rape near your area, your saying it as its a regular thing :o

14-02-2006, 16:25
remember what i said people! ;) keep the peace, this thread shouldnt of been here but i thort i'd let it live and see how it goes.

14-02-2006, 16:25
i agree bananasuit i think its the girls who we shuld be rally worried about and whatever decision they make we shuld be there as support!:)

14-02-2006, 16:26
Dont worry Kays im monitoring for any violent outbursts ;)

14-02-2006, 16:26
Sorry liney i wont do it again:p

14-02-2006, 16:27
a rape in ur area ... 10 raped friends.. wow ..... surely u must be the most knowledgable person to ask about this situation.... not us. :|

14-02-2006, 16:27
no im there for support u have caught the rong end of stick there, im not selfish i always put those infront of me, thats my nature i never think of my self as first, never have,

and kayz why shudnt this be talked about?

14-02-2006, 16:28
so if u know 10 ppl then dont u think u wuld hav at least learnt something or gained some experience to me it seems u hav most experience so u shuld be advising us...:)

yes banana thats what i thot too!:)

14-02-2006, 16:28
thing is every situation isint the same ok, im not that knowlegable in these sort of situation never have been but i want to change that,

i did say if this touched anyone in such a sencitive way i am truly sorry.

14-02-2006, 16:28
becuase this subject is a sticky one..... ppl get offended and upset by remarks ppl make.

14-02-2006, 16:29
like it said before.. maybe you should really REALLY think before you type.. unless you did really wana offend ppl .... which you have. go to the doctor.

14-02-2006, 16:32
plz i dont want this thread to be closed i really did think about this,

think about it really, why close it because of personal reasons, look, i want to help thse that have been through this maybe im a lone army but atlest i wont give up!

14-02-2006, 16:32
Also Guji ur title is sorta misleading, its almost like rape is a new phenomenon, maybe it feels that way since uv been involved in so many..but us lot we know it has always been here!

14-02-2006, 16:33
so stop preaching on the internet .. and get out there and kill some god damn rapists...

14-02-2006, 16:34
lol @ banana woah woah we shuld not go killin im usre we all hav felt like charles bronson from deatwish but goin vigilante aint the answer!

14-02-2006, 16:35
well where is the expert... and what is guji's plan of action :|

Englaand di billo
15-02-2006, 23:23
or mayb u shud jus leave the gurls alone 2 make there decisions themselves...like u sed SIXTEEN im sure there old enuff 2 knw whts best 4 them so i suggest u stop puttin up threads abt otha ppls private lives, stop stressin out bcoz U dnt knw hw tht person feelin or wht they went thru, mayb ur makin things difficult 4 others so do them a favour and stay the hell away 4m them othawise i swear 2 god i will fukking thump u 1..

15-02-2006, 23:32
hey do u know these other ppl8)

15-02-2006, 23:36
yeh go get da rapist..eye 4 eye..prick him back! :)

15-02-2006, 23:52
I don't know if this thread is true or not, but yeh it is worrying that 10 of ur friends have gotten raped. Let the cops deal with it.. and u say these people are kids, so u have kid friends? 10 of which have got raped? Well wot kinda circles do they hang around in? Why are people prone to raping them? Are they provoking it or asking for trouble themselves? Just find it difficult to fathom. good luck to ya.

16-02-2006, 00:46
Guji...go get sum counsellin...no1 on ere gona b able 2 help ya...

U sayin da rapist belongs behind barz? N da girl shud do everyfin in her power 2 make it happen? Well u obviously aint understandin da girl very well coz she clearly duznt want it 2 happen...u dont kno till u've been in her position urself..n u havnt so leave it at dat...
By the way Guji u DO kno dat gropin girlz iz sexual harassment? Same wit makin ne sexual comment 2wardz a girl agenst her ease? Or bein pushy? Usin vulgar lingo wen referrin 2 women/girls? Dey all fall unda da same category 'sexual harassment'...jus fort i'd enlighten ya...

Hayley u got sum gud points der...

U cryin ova rape? Y aint u cryin ova paedophilia? Murders? Innocent livez bein lost? I duno but i sense serious issuez...sort em out...

Marni u proved u truely r an insensitive, immature gay prick...mockin da situation...if u aint got owt betta 2 stay den shut da fuk up?

U kno wha...2 put it bluntly bare ppl on dis site chat shit...need shootin...fukin hell...wooosaah...

16-02-2006, 07:26
well guji....10 girls raped! and you typin as if u havin an emotionalbreak down!

no1-yes my heart duz bleed 4 em but it aint end of da wrld.

i see people die in front of me, wid ma bare handz i bury em, cousins shot at point blank by robbers, have 2 read letters of an orphan we sponsor about his family and killingz around him and more other shit!-dass life.

consider n also tell ya gal mates dey lucky 2 be alive, whereas somehave left and no longer with us.

be brave n carry on, life throws evry type of shit at ya, juss dodge em!!

few fukkaz still callin me insensitive thinkin dey know me fully(chat shit/gay/jokes etc) n dnt know ma serious side of my life!!!! talk about narrow minded dipstiks.

(breathe deeepp)!

16-02-2006, 11:25
dnt watch dat i came to my sences, close this thread! plz kayz!

16-02-2006, 15:54
why start a thread and then ask for it to be closed?? ... elaborate on the senses you've inherited ... enlighten us all ...z)

16-02-2006, 16:58
is dat ur final decision guji?

16-02-2006, 17:44
i think im lucky enough to not know someone who has been raped so i dunno what i would do if one of my lassie friends were to be.

16-02-2006, 19:02
well i know bananasuit doesnt like me very and is insulting my in the background unfortunatly only i can see it so yeh i want it closed

16-02-2006, 21:25
Yeh Marni i called u insensitive...but da only 'fukker' ere iz u...so dont start...don't need 2 kno ya 2 say u were a prik 4 d comment u made...

N u say ur heart bleedz 4 dem but dne u contradict wit such a cold comment az 'dass life'...and 'it aint end of da world'...how do u kno? 4 them it may truely seem the end? 2 u a 'minor'...2 them sumfin so unbearable they may even consider endin their lives? U say they shud fink of those whose livez hav gon...well wot if dey wish der livez were ova? In dat case dey wudnt really giv a shit 4 ppl who left da world coz deep inside dey believe itz a better place 2 b than the shit we liv in 2day...

16-02-2006, 21:26
Calm down ppl....lets stop the war and make love!

16-02-2006, 21:29
Calm down ppl....lets stop the war and make love!

I aint in da mood 4 lovin...i found da perfect guy 2day...[ok no1z perfect but cumon if am sayin he perfect he gota b goood coz am fussy!8) ]...n i lost him 2...:( so dont talk bout lovin Mizzy...abhi mood nai...sadangel

16-02-2006, 21:33
awww (hug) well if it helps im still on the market:p , ehrm so how come he was perfect and how did the sneaky bugger get away! (he dont know what he missin out onhttp://www.theasianplace.net/forum/images/icons/icon12.gif)

16-02-2006, 21:41
awww (hug) well if it helps im still on the market:p , ehrm so how come he was perfect and how did the sneaky bugger get away! (he dont know what he missin out onhttp://www.theasianplace.net/forum/images/icons/icon12.gif)

Tel ya sum utha time..i need sum food...8)

Mr Sandman
17-02-2006, 00:54
I seriously read the first two lines of the thread...
Then realised 10 of guji's friends have been raped, followed by him crying if he reads such things in the papers. I know i shouldnt laugh, but im finding this thread hilarious, mainly because of the replies and not because of the topic :)
I'll agree with most people though, its upto the victim on what action to take.
Theres no way of preventing such things Guji, its just a part of life that everyone doesnt like.
Guji says it can happen to any one of us...Well im sincerely hoping mines a good looking female.

17-02-2006, 10:40
:| sandman, thats sick man! u know that really sick, anyways i wantedthis topic closed obviously no one likes to lisen thatswhy i made millions of threadsto redeem my self,

17-02-2006, 10:42
making millions of useless threads 'like the banana mario' is called spam, u could end up gettin banned:)

17-02-2006, 10:44
excuse me spam? howin the hell is it spam?

17-02-2006, 10:46
Cos ur using endless threads to make ur post count go up as well as wasting everyones time, ie ur zombie thread, bananaskin thread, its been mentioned by a few ppl that they find it irritating, in fact if u dont see it as a spam, il make a poll we can find out!<)

17-02-2006, 10:49
well if it has been menioned b4 close it, andim not even thinkin aboutpost count u retard!

17-02-2006, 10:51
did u jus call me retard??? or would u like to apologise? :)

17-02-2006, 11:03
well i know bananasuit doesnt like me very and is insulting my in the background unfortunatly only i can see it so yeh i want it closed

understatement of the year.. but the fact that i hate ur guts and the sight of u makes me feel physically sick.. the fact that i replied in this thread has nothing to do with that... stop sobbing.

17-02-2006, 23:29
goodness guji wat mess hav u got urself into this time? :rolleyes:

21-02-2006, 15:15
goodness guji wat mess hav u got urself into this time? :rolleyes:

doesnt seem like any of us are suprised to say the least.... wonder if hes murdered any rapist yet ... :|

21-02-2006, 17:46
doesnt seem like any of us are suprised to say the least.... wonder if hes murdered any rapist yet ... :|

throw him a scoooooby snack bananadanc

21-02-2006, 17:47
doesnt seem like any of us are suprised to say the least.... wonder if hes murdered any rapist yet ... :|

hey we dont encourage suicide ok! :)

21-02-2006, 17:50
hahaha OMFG !!!! u made me almost fall off my chair... whats with all this guji hate ?? this is long awaited ;) ....

21-02-2006, 18:46
sum1 has got to fill me in on what this guy is all about! he must be bad!!

21-02-2006, 23:30
someone please call channel four and get this guy on tv!

22-02-2006, 11:46
all i can say is a revelution is comeing maybe next year or tomarrow or 20 years it comeing and it has been prophozized in the quraan

25-02-2006, 23:44
funny how this thread got made shortly after i told him bout a rape...

yeh mine...almost got raped

im gna b honest...i was helpin my m8 to tidy up n he blurts out how hes always liked me etc....n starts to do stuff to me...i managed to slap him off.....but not b4 he had me..if u get what i mean

guji...how dare you put this thread up.......i didnt want to tell any1... (yeh ok i jus told u..oops) and u go make a thread about it?

sick!!! ;(

mods take this thread off PLEASE!!!!!! <:

26-02-2006, 11:10
funny how this thread got made shortly after i told him bout a rape...

yeh mine...almost got raped

im gna b honest...i was helpin my m8 to tidy up n he blurts out how hes always liked me etc....n starts to do stuff to me...i managed to slap him off.....but not b4 he had me..if u get what i mean

guji...how dare you put this thread up.......i didnt want to tell any1... (yeh ok i jus told u..oops) and u go make a thread about it?

sick!!! ;(

mods take this thread off PLEASE!!!!!! <:

:| did you go to the police?

Englaand di billo
26-02-2006, 12:08
Hummy babe...i dnt think the thread was refferin 2 u...;( read it prply.. she was a 16 yr old ;( ...dnt feel upset plz..i jus want u 2 knw tht it was ment 2 hurt or offend u in anyway...im sorry abt wht happned huni, hope ur ok.x

26-02-2006, 14:53
closed i forgot to close it for some reason.