View Full Version : nature or nuture?

01-03-2008, 17:33
which one?

To me nuture comes 1st,why?

coz loving a child,raising a child,educating that child are more imporatant than just giving birth.

Ok,fair enough that a child did grow inside the person who gave birth to that child,but wat about afterwards?

Do you really have the right to be labelled a 'mother' just coz u can give birth to a child??

Why cant a woman whos raised a child with love and spent sleepless nights also cant be given the status of a mother too?

To me,just coz she never breast fed that baby,doesnt mean she cant equally be a mother!!

Theres some women out there who can just hand their children over,such as these surrogate mothers,theres some women who dont even bond with their baby properly,does that mean that they can still be called a mother?

So wat do guys think?

Nature or Nurture?

01-03-2008, 18:55
Erm... bit of both.

Giving birth is no easy task and any woman that does has to have gone through a lot so yea she should be respected for that.

However as you said the nurture bit is more important.

DJ Popz
01-03-2008, 19:02
What about nature?

You have not mentioned anything about nature in comparison to why would choose nurture over nature.

01-03-2008, 19:36
thiz iz like english class all over again...

i fink itz nuture...

01-03-2008, 19:42
What about nature?
You have not mentioned anything about nature in comparison to why would choose nurture over nature.

i have,already sed tht by just being able to give birth doesnt mean that you are a 'mother'.

Theres many a birth mother who hasnt bonded with her child,doesnt even know her own babys likes and dislikes,never has bothered spending time with that baby.

Then theres those 'mothers' who hand there babys over,known as surrogate mothers,see how the term mother still applies? Even tho really she isnt a mother,she just gave birth.

To me,gettng to know a baby,spendng sleepless nights,walkng those 1st steps with a baby,seeing them grow up,teachng them right from wrong is wat makes a woman a mother,not just poppng one out.

01-03-2008, 19:44
Erm... bit of both.

Giving birth is no easy task and any woman that does has to have gone through a lot so yea she should be respected for that.

However as you said the nurture bit is more important.

Of course,and i agree too,but then after all that pain,those 9 months of that life in you,and yet you dont feel nothng for that baby,no love,or you cant/dont want to bond.wat about that?

01-03-2008, 19:45
thiz iz like english class all over again...

i fink itz nuture...


why do u think that?

state ur reasons pls.

01-03-2008, 20:42
Of course,and i agree too,but then after all that pain,those 9 months of that life in you,and yet you dont feel nothng for that baby,no love,or you cant/dont want to bond.wat about that?
They still mothers.

01-03-2008, 20:44
u people make weird ass threads

Iroquois Pliskin
01-03-2008, 20:45
Least they're threads. lol.

01-03-2008, 21:22
They still mothers.

how so?

just coz one woman can give birth and another cant doesnt mean she has the automatic right to be called a mother.

A mother is different from a woman who can just give birth.

A woman who just pops out a kid and doesnt look after that child,or loves that child has no right to be labelled a 'mother'. At no point has she done the dutys of a mother.

01-03-2008, 21:23
u people make weird ass threads

how are they weird? :oh

01-03-2008, 22:20
how so?

just coz one woman can give birth and another cant doesnt mean she has the automatic right to be called a mother.

A mother is different from a woman who can just give birth.

A woman who just pops out a kid and doesnt look after that child,or loves that child has no right to be labelled a 'mother'. At no point has she done the dutys of a mother.
Very true. i agree.

I guess im speaking from a bilogical perspective and your talking morally.