View Full Version : Drinking Problems...

02-03-2008, 21:56
How would you deal with someone close to you having a drinking problem?

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02-03-2008, 22:09
"Stop helping the drinker. Don't make excuses for them if they are late. Don't call in sick for them at work. Don't buy them pain killers when they have a hangover. Don't clean up their messes, fix their mistakes, or try to smooth things over. They have the ability to do all these things on their own, and you helping them shows that they can continue to do it,"

Coincedently i was reading about it on the internet the other day. And to be honest that is something that really stuck out to me. A lot of the sites said people try to fill voids with alcohol so you shouldn't cut them off completely but then not support them in such issues. If there is a reason for them turning to drinking, then comfort them in that area even if they don't want to talk about it just ensure that u understand and that your there for them.

I know its not a lot of help but i don't know much. Haven't finished looking up on it.

02-03-2008, 22:12
Thanx for that missy, the bit you have quoted is so true!

"people try to fill voids with alcohol" <-- i think thats part of the reason...but its so difficult to try and comfort this person in that area

02-03-2008, 22:16
Thanx for that missy, the bit you have quoted is so true!

"people try to fill voids with alcohol" <-- i think thats part of the reason...but its so difficult to try and comfort this person in that area

Theres some situations that will be hard to fill the void of. But they need to understand that Alcohol is temporary and it won't make them feel good eventually it will lead to long term consequences. You don't necessarily need to comfort but support them

02-03-2008, 22:21
Theres some situations that will be hard to fill the void of. But they need to understand that Alcohol is temporary and it won't make them feel good eventually it will lead to long term consequences. You don't necessarily need to comfort but support them

i dont think the person themselves thinks they have a problem..."i like a drink" is what they seem to say.....
its not a full blown drinking problem, but i can see it'll turn into one..
maybe i'm jus bein a bit silly *shrugs*

02-03-2008, 22:53
I'm kinda going through the same thing too and it's been on my head for ages. I'm very close to this person but not emotionally (if that makes sense?)